- 38,974
- Application hell
- MP-Omnis
Well, I know why people open bike shops and mobile bike mechanic businesses. By the time you do any kind of service on your fun little hobby, you've spent $200 and just wind up with every tool imaginable to fix ALL the bikes.I would have nope'd out and taken it to a bike shop much, much earlier. I commend your resilience.
I love tinkering with stuff, but I like to approach things like an engineer. Show me the documentation, specs, and method, and I'll have fun with it like grown-up lego. I don't like doing things like a cuban mechanic, using whatever is at hand to shove a round peg through a square hole. Thank god for videos and resources from SRAM, Park Tool, and Performance Bicycle. Couldn't imagine doing any of this stuff from having to search randomly on the rest of the web. The problem with bike people is that more than half of them are dumber than a box of rocks. The ones smart enough to go online usually don't know what they're talking about despite their insistence otherwise. Most of the people with actually useful information or experience are too smart to bother with sharing their knowledge online. The rest are too busy having a circle jerk to Hambini videos. Combine this with all kinds of poorly named standards, a rat's nest of fitment compatibility and tooling interfaces, and it's no wonder that people have a hard time. The cheapest bike shops here charge $85/hour and some have several days of turnaround. Yeah, no thanks.
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