• Thread starter bjl23
I do that same thing that I used to do on race weekend. I hide myself 100% until the green flag drops. I would fall a sleep and a crew guy from my team would wake me up when the pace car would go to the ready line so we could line up behind the pace car. For me GT6 is "100% real road racing it is not a game"!!

I do the same but I couldn't do it now because I'm an idiot. One of girls I hang out is a nurse and she has huge Cane Corso that people are afraid of and she'll probably got mobilized to work in improvised hospitals and kbows only I can take car of that dog so I had to accept if it happens so. was to pissed off anyways to finish the race.

They are closing everything here. will kill thousands of families with their decisions long term politically and economically.. way worse than virus can. and than again virus is natural selection, destroying families by politicians is another. When hordes of migrants entered Europe we "couldn't" close boarders.. bow virus is here so. we can lock and destroy everything. I'm really pissed with this so better if I shut up about this things on GTP so I can continue to race with you guys.
I do the same but I couldn't do it now because I'm an idiot. One of girls I hang out is a nurse and she has huge Cane Corso that people are afraid of and she'll probably got mobilized to work in improvised hospitals and kbows only I can take car of that dog so I had to accept if it happens so. was to pissed off anyways to finish the race.

They are closing everything here. will kill thousands of families with their decisions long term politically and economically.. way worse than virus can. and than again virus is natural selection, destroying families by politicians is another. When hordes of migrants entered Europe we "couldn't" close boarders.. bow virus is here so. we can lock and destroy everything. I'm really pissed with this so better if I shut up about this things on GTP so I can continue to race with you guys.
Amen good buddy!!
Of topic ? Might say so but i think everyone will have to deal with it sooner or later.
Its about this new virus story.
First of all i don't know if it is from animals or from some lab,if is part of a " plan" from some high elit of people or whatever and basically i don't give a damn faq about it .... Perhaps the truth about it will be revealed a long time after i pass away to more green area :D

Deffinetly what will follow this ,is a financial crisis through the global stock markets and what comes under these circumstances.
By the way for me its just " air " money ,air coming ,air goes away but that's irrelevant to the case.

Here we take measures , one of them is to limit any transportation with out a serious cause,they close almost all stores keeping open what has to deal mostly with food and supplies ,gas stations, drug stores , food delivery , transportation of goods ,car garage for repairs etc.
The problem is just ONE and is damn serious .
The Collapse of the health system in each country .
Since virus has very high spread character ,that means he can affect a very high amount of people including also those who work at the health system.
A Collapsed health system means for example : you have an acident with your bike , you must do a sergury for something that occurs suddenly ( like i did ) ,your kid is seek with high fever ,you need to do some tests for something that bothers you , or you need to put out a faqen tooth that kills you in pain and all this common things that happens every day ........ And you realise that you can't do Nothing for what till yesterday seems natural and common.
Nodoby will treat you , everything is full and unfortunately they have to choose who's gonna live or die , who's worth to live or die and that has nothing to do with the virus itself.
Also this situation includes a tired to death people which works in health system without exceptions in every area .
Thats The big problem and not how many they will die from the virus and keep in mind that these type of viruses are " transforming " and might turn to more dangerous, lethal or whatever and they don't expect anybody's permission to do so.
No need to panic , just use common sense but definitely we live surrounded from people that they have permanently take " divorce " from common sense and thats what they try with all this extreme measures to prevent .
China was under war with the civilians and treat them worst than wild animals in many cases and for sure ,we will find out at the future what brutalitys happen there.
But it worked for them or at least it seems so.
A health problem certainly " move " out someone from many activities that was common in his life and he feels bad about it and S.H.I.T. happens ,yes ,but not in the majority of the people .
Thats all from me and report from our small Greece .

Don't know if you are aware from an expression many people use : if we all do it ,things might change but am not gonna start alone.
Guys believe it or not that time is here ......and it will be in our lifes and nowhere near to a theatre next to you.
Happy racing time lovely mates !!!!! ( That to be on topic :lol: )

Time to grab the Audi
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I agree with you Babis on everything except there's not 1 but 3 problems. Collapse of health system is definitely currently most worrying(specially I do understand you guys with kids are in not great position) but also financial crisis that will struck us and also migrants are big ones too. We forgot to defend our Europe and I don't know if is too late, people are tired or idiots.
I agree with you Babis on everything except there's not 1 but 3 problems. Collapse of health system is definitely currently most worrying(specially I do understand you guys with kids are in not great position) but also financial crisis that will struck us and also migrants are big ones too. We forgot to defend our Europe and I don't know if is too late, people are tired or idiots.

Deffinetly i agree with you and as i wrote other " collapses " will follow .
For the first we can do things about it ,for the others will follow we just can't , simple as it sounds .
After all except the virus ,both the other two hit my country :lol:
So am very aware of that , just want to live longer and have my lovely persons around me as long as it takes.
And who knows ? Maybe through this people will realise that They got the power and not the rich one's or high standing politicians etc.
I have a philosophy in my life : how you can kill the most dangerous and unbeatable enemy in the world ?
Let it starve to death ,and if you is his food ,avoid to put you in his menu !!!

Think about it and then answer me how the damn can i ride the Audi ultra with 200 kilos penalty ?:lol:

In Italy they happens every day small stories that is beyond any imagination ,.
People affected by the virus and are about to say goodbye to this world they can't breathe , worst they're Alone with no-one next to them ,they realise that are close to the end and Doctors try to connect them with their people just to say the last goodbye ........... This crisis will reveal many heros too trust me on that.
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As i said above sorry for the double post ..... Oh man i didn't say that :banghead: i said about the Audi
Well here is my entry but definitely can afford some improvement since after couple of races i went to free run to chase my luck .

Next follows the free run lap

Don't be surprised from the vid title :lol: the car feels like some criminal loaded with stuff and is in a rush to deliver the goods :lol:
Just check the up and down bumping in some places .
The lap is 2.01.134

I check and the no tune for some laps a bit yesterday and today and am very close to @CozmicDragon

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My take on all this is I have 6000 rounds of ammunition and 4 guns that will carry me through all this in case there is an insurrection.

You could loan some of it to our army. It's so "strong" that I wouldn't be surprised if I saw them with wooden sticks.
I can see insurrection happening in Europe, don't think it'll happen in States. Anyways you are by far coolest guy here :D
I'd buy myself few guns if it was legal here too :indiff:

Babis I was expecting your time to be close to mine not dragons, you are avoiding your promotion to div1 :lol::P

I hope I'll have time to race tomorrow or maybe even today but after that am also afraid that will have too much time since there probably won't be any jobs to do for some time :banghead:

Also Noel one question.. Do we have to run RS tyres or we can try push our luck on some worse rubber?

And Bryce, you got info about Ibuprofen here before WHO announced it so can I get some trophy? :lol:

I just saw invitational event is drifting:irked: Im so good at it that I might try get more than 1 point.. That's my goal :lol:
I will never promote to dv1 but you can use ps pad and promote you at div 2 :lol: Tinkerbell.
The only gain i see at no tune is to be at 1.01 high .

Of the record .............. I love you guys , be cool , safe and avoid crowd and " risky" business .
I hope @lfm58 to be ok and i understand totally his fears and everything that comes from the disaster that hit his country .

Time to go for some drift today to see if i can surpass @bjl23 at the end of this round.
You could loan some of it to our army. It's so "strong" that I wouldn't be surprised if I saw them with wooden sticks.
I can see insurrection happening in Europe, don't think it'll happen in States. Anyways you are by far coolest guy here :D
I'd buy myself few guns if it was legal here too :indiff:

Babis I was expecting your time to be close to mine not dragons, you are avoiding your promotion to div1 :lol::P

I hope I'll have time to race tomorrow or maybe even today but after that am also afraid that will have too much time since there probably won't be any jobs to do for some time :banghead:

Also Noel one question.. Do we have to run RS tyres or we can try push our luck on some worse rubber?

And Bryce, you got info about Ibuprofen here before WHO announced it so can I get some trophy? :lol:

I just saw invitational event is drifting:irked: Im so good at it that I might try get more than 1 point.. That's my goal :lol:
You will run the school using the tires that I selected which are the racing soft or RS tires. The rain tires in the game were never developed and you will have a much harder time with any of those rain tires. Want to keep it all the same. Next school we will go with a different tire let me know what tire you want to use for the next school?
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You will run the school using the tires that I selected which are the racing soft or RS tires. The rain tires in the game were never developed and you will have a much harder time with any of those rain tires.

i didn't mean to run it on rain tyres but on sh or ss.. I actually had one race today and won with stock car (no. oil change even) on ss so I don't want to overkill the grid..
Disappointed from drift , can't even pass the 4000 mark .
So i grab the Audi for a ride with the first grid that came up and start from where i was yesterday.
Here is my lapping times with the first one at 2.07 .
Very easy to make a mistake and end with a spin or cruising through the gravel and that leads me to multiple restarts especially at first lap when i was searching to fill every available hole and pass the front runners.


No cuting at penultimate turn ( Veedol chicane ) .
I'll do my best :P what I noticed as someone who never really drove rain races in GT is how good physics actually are regarding sliding under breaking etc. but as rookie, I'd say 100% wet in GT is more like 30-40% in real life IMO.. maybe even less.. still fun..
I think all the career races have the same surface setting. In Arcade races you can set grip reduction to real. Then if the bots all have sports tyres and there's a lot of water, you'll win with anything if it has comfort tyres.
No-Tune. This is my first attempt at this event below using Exterior View. I use to do Roof Cam view all the time in GT6 & GTS using my wheel, and I am getting better at Exterior view because I found I have more control, on what the car is doing out on the track.

Hey @nostradavor2 if I was using Roof Cam view I should be around the 1 minute lap time, so please don't get :nervous: as I am not going to use Roof Cam any more.
My Great Capture Screenshot 2020-03-19 13-34-58.png

My Great Capture Screenshot 2020-03-19 13-35-38.png
No-Tune. This is my first attempt at this event below using Exterior View. I use to do Roof Cam view all the time in GT6 & GTS using my wheel, and I am getting better at Exterior view because I found I have more control, on what the car is doing out on the track.

Hey @nostradavor2 if I was using Roof Cam view I should be around the 1 minute lap time, so please don't get :nervous: as I am not going to use Roof Cam any more.
View attachment 901009
View attachment 901010
I was wondering when you where going to post a time, nicely done mate.
I have had zero time so far, hopefully I get time soon.
I think all the career races have the same surface setting. In Arcade races you can set grip reduction to real. Then if the bots all have sports tyres and there's a lot of water, you'll win with anything if it has comfort tyres.

yes. but no. try to win this race with stock car (no oil change too) on sport tyres (bots are using racing ones) without touching anyone.
Thanks :cheers:. I need more driving practice in Exterior View mode that is why I never posted a time in the last round, and being a father it is hard sometimes to get the time you want to play mate.

When you get used to that cam, you can hit apex better. but for me it's s not fun. I use it in Grid Autosport.. I use bumper cam, actually if I was any good wit exterior it would help me get 59 because I missed the corner after the tunnel many times.
When you get used to that cam, you can hit apex better. but for me it's s not fun. I use it in Grid Autosport.. I use bumper cam, actually if I was any good wit exterior it would help me get 59 because I missed the corner after the tunnel many times.
The real reason why I change to exterior view is my eyes when I use roof cam view, my eyes got sore after a while and it got really annoying. With exterior view now I have no issues with sore eyes after an hour playing GT6, so your very good lap time is safe for now ;).
I will never promote to dv1 but you can use ps pad and promote you at div 2 :lol: Tinkerbell.
The only gain i see at no tune is to be at 1.01 high .

Of the record .............. I love you guys , be cool , safe and avoid crowd and " risky" business .
I hope @lfm58 to be ok and i understand totally his fears and everything that comes from the disaster that hit his country .

Time to go for some drift today to see if i can surpass @bjl23 at the end of this round.

I'm fine, thanks.
No fear for myself now as all doctors predicted in 2008 for Luciano just 1 years alive so...
Fear for all the world for sure.
Here is a very tought situation and we must be focus on basic needs and very prudent for everything...
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