• Thread starter bjl23
Game time over :guilty:
Started with the CHIC.
I only had 1 go, a lot of improvement to come as I messed up 4 laps. Fastest lap was a 1:03.

Next I moved onto the NO-TUNE, I've never driven this car before. Not bad of a car, I only did 10 laps and I made it harder them seem harder then it needed to be.
I did notice it doesn't like hitting the rumble strips to hard.

6000 points in my sights.
The real reason why I change to exterior view is my eyes when I use roof cam view, my eyes got sore after a while and it got really annoying. With exterior view now I have no issues with sore eyes after an hour playing GT6, so your very good lap time is safe for now ;).

I can see that. Seems like eyes are less engaged on exterior cam, but I didn't use it since GT4. When GT4 came out I did like 200 laps of Ring in normal S2000 to learn it properly. Good times. Haven't used controller or exterior cam since than.
I might try it this learn to try drift event, but I'm really bad at drifting and also my controller is broken.
I can see that. Seems like eyes are less engaged on exterior cam, but I didn't use it since GT4. When GT4 came out I did like 200 laps of Ring in normal S2000 to learn it properly. Good times. Haven't used controller or exterior cam since than.
I might try it this learn to try drift event, but I'm really bad at drifting and also my controller is broken.
I am hopeless at Drifting using my G29 wheel, but I am a lot better Drifting using a DS4 in GT6.
I am hopeless at Drifting using my G29 wheel, but I am a lot better Drifting using a DS4 in GT6.

Yes, for me is difficult with a wheel.. That Madrid drift challenge in GT6 to get 100% with DFGT was more difficult than Vettel challenges in GT5 :lol:
Combined it took me like 3 hours to beat all X2010 challenges in GT5 and I think 3 drift challenges in GT6 at least the same or even more :lol:
But it's probably also because I was never really into drifting. Closest thing I'm good at is correcting big oversteers in race:boggled:
Yes, for me is difficult with a wheel.. That Madrid drift challenge in GT6 to get 100% with DFGT was more difficult than Vettel challenges in GT5 :lol:
Combined it took me like 3 hours to beat all X2010 challenges in GT5 and I think 3 drift challenges in GT6 at least the same or even more :lol:
But it's probably also because I was never really into drifting. Closest thing I'm good at is correcting big oversteers in race:boggled:
In GT5 I got all Silver and Bronze in that game and when I got a G27 in early 2013, I got all Gold but still Silver in the X2010 challenges in GT5.
First of all feels nice that everybody is well and healthy and have time for experiments as Sniper did.
At no tune we have 3 players at a the same tenth of a second !!! :scared:
@bjl23 i start the same with the Audi but free run show me the way to get better and its the way @skeagracing use , go " slow " and win the race .
Deffinetly you're in better position from me with less weight penalty and that for works better with a bit early brakes since weight added .
What work for me was only the free run where i find my marks and then at race just try to be first as soon as possible and take advantage of free air to copy my laps without pushing , one error is enough to start from the beginning. Of course i don't know if you have the luxury to do it that way but it will be a " shame " to loose from a " drug dealer " which his car bottoming from weight :D.

@nostradavor2 you need someone for a bit of spanking :lol: but youre lucky cause @paddycars1 is not there yet and Boogeyman don't have much time i guess.

@lfm58 nice to heare you mate and i whish from my heart soon to put a brake in the disaster that hit your country ,all the best mate ,all the best.

A special mention to @Racin510s which finally " hit the road" and prove that our prays for him took place when needed.
Babis cmon.. I didn't even do 59 :P
Something came up and I probably couldn't play for couple of days so here's something just for laugh-

Also I had no time to run Noel's school again so I had to record run from yesterday where I didn't make myself easy choosing running 100% stock car on SS against grid where first cars were FXX, Huayra, Huayra 11, Mclaren 1, Enzo, Mclaren 2. I don't think Noel will like my driving after seeing this one anymore because my Torro Red Aston was wrecked in the race.. but I promised.. this vid is uploading currently to enter this round's @skeagracing school.
Babis cmon.. I didn't even do 59 :P
Something came up and I probably couldn't play for couple of days so here's something just for laugh-
View attachment 901098
Also I had no time to run Noel's school again so I had to record run from yesterday where I didn't make myself easy choosing running 100% stock car on SS against grid where first cars were FXX, Huayra, Huayra 11, Mclaren 1, Enzo, Mclaren 2. I don't think Noel will like my driving after seeing this one anymore because my Torro Red Aston was wrecked in the race.. but I promised.. this vid is uploading currently to enter this round's @skeagracing school.
I was the same, I sucked at drifting but one day just clicked and I was able to do it but I'm still no expert.
The 1 thing i have learnt about this drift is you need to sacrifice some points at the end of the 2nd sector in order to help set up the car heading into the 3rd sector. If you go into the 3rd sector with not much speed you miss out on points in the first right hand corner.
Sorry for off topic but I was reading some people are concerned because they have micro tears in their hand because of washing them too much.. Meanwhile I did some military type training and my hands look like this lol

this also means even if Ill have time, my times and everything for this round is done :P Since other hand is bleeding I'll probably won't fancy racing again :P
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Damn ,trying to enter for last couple of hours to gt planet seems quite difficult .
This virus is not threating only health and economy but also and the internet since people are stay home .

With longer gearing this time and a bit of luck i brake the 7000 barrier at the father of drift.
Without been able to gather my best scores in one run or at least a few of them it ends like this.

Usualy the scores are like @Thematic said and seems like this
Sorry for off topic but I was reading some people are concerned because they have micro tears in their hand because of washing them too much.. Meanwhile I did some military type training and my hands look like this lol
View attachment 901256

this also means even if Ill have time, my times and everything for this round is done :P Since other hand is bleeding I'll probably won't fancy racing again :P
That picture remind me of my hands when I am cleaning up weeds with a shovel and a rake, and now I always wear gloves to protect my hands.
Perhaps next time you do military type training, wear some good gloves 👍.
on top of everything we got massive earthquake this morning.. atmosphere here is worse than in zombie movies

Unfortunately am aware of that ,early in the morning and yesterday we had one here .
Its like God making " humour " ( kind of ) .

I really don't know how things will go from now on , i just know that the world as we use to know it's at his end and a new - unknown- era is starting .
Deffinetly whats going on now looks like a world war 3 just without guns .

We use to say here : God looking at the peoples " plans" and laughing.
Am just wishing ,courage and strength for those who works at the health system of every country ,and hope never meet any of them soon.
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I feel your pain, it just got announced that as of midday tomorrow our pubs and clubs will be closed :(

Sorry to say that ,but you ain't see nothing yet .
I know you have still summer there but i don't know what's your information about what's happening realy in some countries like Italy .
We are neighborhood ,we have lot of Creek people live there , students , doctors that we see every day in our TVs .
The virus is just the top of the iceberg , what follows is thousands of tragic stories and am not talking about deaths etc. Am talking about what simple people had to deal with .
Anyway , hope to be all well ,calm and ........ whatever need to be.
Sorry to say that ,but you ain't see nothing yet .
I know you have still summer there but i don't know what's your information about what's happening realy in some countries like Italy .
We are neighborhood ,we have lot of Creek people live there , students , doctors that we see every day in our TVs .
The virus is just the top of the iceberg , what follows is thousands of tragic stories and am not talking about deaths etc. Am talking about what simple people had to deal with .
Anyway , hope to be all well ,calm and ........ whatever need to be.
We hear a lot about what is happening all around the world in Australia, and I know that we are nothing like other countries so far.
I hope we don't get like that to.
Sorry to say that ,but you ain't see nothing yet .
I know you have still summer there but i don't know what's your information about what's happening realy in some countries like Italy .
We are neighborhood ,we have lot of Creek people live there , students , doctors that we see every day in our TVs .
The virus is just the top of the iceberg , what follows is thousands of tragic stories and am not talking about deaths etc. Am talking about what simple people had to deal with .
Anyway , hope to be all well ,calm and ........ whatever need to be.

Well before I was told that I talk too much but now many people see that virus itself is not that great threat but everything else will collapse. Bryce I really hope nothing similar happens to you in Australia.. specially because you have family.. TBH I was little bit sad not having family by now but atm am happy that I don't have kids.(as far as I know of haha)

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