The Childfree Thread.

  • Thread starter Carbonox
Goal of the Illuminati;

Make life so expensive, it's almost impossible to raise children. Less people on mother earth is less people to control.

@Carbonox Every word in the OP is to the letter what my opinion is on the subject. I read it and it was seriously like somebody was reading my own thoughts back to me. On top of all that you mentioned, my girlfriend and I are both musicians with a very uncertain career ahead of us (Steady pay? Don't take that for granted...) so not only would we not be able to bring in the income necessary to raise even one child, we simply would not have the time (and I refuse to just ship my kid off to a daycare 24/7). As it is while in college as a music major I don't even have time for me (and often her); having a child is out of the question entirely. The question has been raised if we wanted to have kids later in life but I always come back to the exact points made in the OP as well as unless one of us lands a job in a prestigious orchestra, we still will not have the time or the funds.

I am also innately very selfish (aren't we all?). I try all the time to be humble and kind to others and putting them before myself in day to day life (and I usually succeed), but when I think of giving 18 years of my life entirely to someone else, taking care of them constantly, never being able to spend the money that I earned on me, etc... I am incapable of any reaction but complete and immediate rejection. I have many thoughts, opinions and theories that many would describe as crackpot but if you spend the first 20-25 years of your life toiling in a craft to make a career for yourself only to have to drop all of your life plans to raise a kid (in which case after he leaves you're just accumulating funds for retirement), what's the point? While a happy life is a good life, and all parents I know of that wanted children receive immense joy from raising their children, I would not consider my life worthwhile if I was born, went to school, had a kid(s), prepared for retirement, retired, and died. However, if you heard my theories regarding the end of the world you would know not to listen to/read anything I say/type so it's all null. :P
I'm 15 going on 16 and don't really want kids when I'm older because of responsibility and money. I'll probably end up having one though, if I have any I don't want more than one. The only good thing about having a child is when they grow up to my age, they might share some of my hobbies which would be nice.

I'm also not getting married because in my opinion it's a waste of money, if you're already with someone what does it prove to be married? I just see it as it costs more money to divorce than separate from a girlfriend when not married. All that happens in marriage is you have more arguments a stupid wedding a ring and some stupid vowels.
Question: What is the meaning of life? Answer: Reproduction.

One might not agree with it as it does not stroke with his personal views or lifestyle, but if you look at every living thing around us on planet earth (plants, animals, humans), it's the only possible answer to this question.

I felt the biological need to become a family man quite strongly in the past years, and thanks to god i met the right girl and now my daughter just turned 1 year old :)

I think in modern day society people just like to put the complete focus on themselves, and tend to forget that like this you indeed have more time and money for yourself, but later on in life you might feel a bit alone, and whilst you grow older and a bit more irrelevant society wise, there isn't that home (or nest) you created that you can turn to.

I know things might also turn wrong and it stays a risk (kids running away or bad relationships etcetera), but i know that when i die i will have left something of me behind on this earth testicle.
If that is the case, then my life has no meaning. :D
Well basically none of our lives have true meaning, we get born eat 🤬 and die without having a real significance to this planet apart from keeping the species alive.

Doesn't mean we can't enjoy the time that we are here tough ;)
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Good! just in case you already had your head halfway in the oven :cheers:
No, no, no. Life is (almost always) too beautiful to do something as stupid as that.

I still have a few goals I want to accomplish:

* find a girlfriend

* see if I can withstand the childwish of this girlfriend

* get 10,000 on GTP

* stay healthy as long as possible

* lose weight and gain a little bit of muscle tissue

* don't create life and stay childfree

* get of the meds

* buy a Porsche

* become friends with everybody on GTP :D

* meet a few GTP members

You should have kids together.

There's a rosy future for those children. :P My parents insist I'd make a great parent, but I just don't see it.

I'm also not getting married because in my opinion it's a waste of money, if you're already with someone what does it prove to be married? I just see it as it costs more money to divorce than separate from a girlfriend when not married. All that happens in marriage is you have more arguments a stupid wedding a ring and some stupid vowels.

Legal benefits.
No, no, no. Life is (almost always) too beautiful to do something as stupid as that.

I still have a few goals I want to accomplish:

* see if I can withstand the childwish of this girlfriend

* buy a Porsche

Give her a dog! :D

And I couldn't agree more 👍
I'm sixteen and my views on kids will probably change, but right now, I don't plan on having anything to do with them. I've always found them too loud, which is a big problem for me, thanks to the migraines I get literally every day. I certainly wouldn't want any kid to feel to pain I deal with all the time from my migraines, and I couldn't live with myself knowing I was the cause of such pain felt by a child. Almost every smaller child I've been around, which is a lot, was annoyed my to some end. An example, yesterday, I had to go to my dad's girlfriend's belated Christmas party, and while playing basketball, some little kid took what is my only nice jacket and covered it in dirt in mud. I think little kids can be charming, (Just look at that drawing a page back!) but they just wouldn't work with how I want to live my life.

I'd also be a terrible parent, I'm too irresponsible and would probably do something like Roger the Horse would.