The Crew Motorfest - General Discussion

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I quite enjoy the beta so far. Handling was fine, a lot better than TC2. Graphics are beautiful too. I'll buy it when it's on a big sale like most Ubisoft games though.
There is just too much to do for a Beta! Haven't even touched the challenges. Did a few Grand races and oh boy, racing against 27 other players sure is thought. But it's also a lot of fun. Getting a little bit better at driving too. Done a simple livery and will just cruise around for the remaining time.
We know tons of stuff will be added in years to come and the game already offers hundreds of hours of gameplay as a Beta alone. Definitely going to buy it. But it's still a Crew game. They took ideas from others and implemented them without altering the core. And I like that a lot.
Where can I watch and walk around my own cars like in TC2?
I guess I can't place my cars in the big stage, right?
And about the mainstage, the presentation trailer showed the cars nicely in some outside area. But that doesn't exits for us to walk around, or does it?
My Saturday morning noon musings:

After doing the 3 playlists required to open the stage (Japan, Hawaii Expedition, Porsche), I'm reluctant to do more to avoid spoiling me the game for later. I guess our progression in the Beta will be carried to the game.

I tried the resolution graphic mode and I currently prefer it because the framerate is more stable than performance. I hope it gets further optimization for launch. I have only had one botched launch, so stability has been quite good.

For any newcomers, I would recommend doing the Hawaii Expedition first since it has the more varied styles of racing and gets you your land/boat/plane vehicles to start. Flying that
F4U Corsair around the island
is just WOW.

If you feel the Xbox's controller vibration lacking, you can adjust it (default value is 70, I bumped it to 85).

While my TC2 garage carried, my parts didn't, so it is a new start, and it makes sense because progression is not the same. It seems that money, XP and parts are easier to get with less grind.
About free roam collisions: I think that other racers (computer or human) are ghosted, whereas traffic cars are not.

This may be what is confusing.
Variable. The menus remain 4k in both modes, but it's hard to tell when driving how far it downscales in either mode. I doubt either of them holds 4k permanently though... Especially not during the beta. (I'd be happy to be proven wrong - maybe Digital Foundry will do an analysis)
I guess our progression in the Beta will be carried to the game.
No worries it won't carry. You will start a new game. It was always the case. Since the first game.
It seems that money, XP and parts are easier to get with less grind.
It may look that way since it's a new game but the grind for money and parts is the same. Not sure about xp because that is not working for me or I just can figure out how to get "icon" 1 that requires 200k xp while I got 600k xp from "hobbies"?
About free roam collisions: I think that other racers (computer or human) are ghosted, whereas traffic cars are not.
Active players are not ghosted. Saw a guy pushing other players back to the main stage after spawning. Yes you can do that.
It seems that money, XP and parts are easier to get with less grind.
Same or grindier.
It may look that way since it's a new game but the grind for money and parts is the same. Not sure about xp because that is not working for me or I just can figure out how to get "icon" 1 that requires 200k xp while I got 600k xp from "hobbies"?
You need to complete category (gain lvl4) before exp tied to this category will go to Mainstage exp bar.

1-2=50.4k, 2-3=151.2k, 3-4=252
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On Xbox série x, in résolution mode I have lot of frames drop, in performance the game run perfectly smooth, is it the same on PS5 ?

So far the game feels great, handling has improved, graphics also they is a lot to do, but it is not as "serious" as a horizon game

I look forward to order it
Yeah, the control and handling just feels better than TC2. And you have a lot of options now to change assists which I don't recall being in TC2 at all.

I did back to back comparisons on my Series X of Motorfest in performance mode, TC2 in resolution mode and FH5 in performance mode. Graphically Microsoft's 1st party game developer (FH5) is clearly ahead, it just looks a lot crisper and clearer somehow, along with offering denser ground cover and better LOD on things like rock formations in the distance. I wonder how much further Motorfest can be tuned there for the Series X.

But it's not a huge deal. Motorfest is decent to look at, although I stand by my comment that it feels more tiring to view somehow, maybe due to the trackside stuff added, or maybe due to it running at lower resolution and being fuzzier? Not sure.

All that said, I do wonder about Motorfest longevity. It's not a huge map, after all. The cities which are there look way nicer than TC2, as do the countryside areas, but there are simply less roads to drive around which limits the variety of races. I wonder how the finished game will be in that respect.
I'm afraid if the ridiculous cash grind is the same as TC2, I refuse to pay for microtransactions, so I'll be waiting until this is £10 or less. Which is a shame as I really want to drive round Oahu again (even more so having been there in 2012)
What they STILL don't understand or don't care about is that they would get MORE money from me if the grind was more reasonable (and I can't be the only one?)
Presumably they hope the money they got from whales will outweigh the lost sales at full price.
It's so frustrating :(
Well, that's unfortunate. It does make me take a step back from purchasing what seems to be, otherwise, a great title. I'd actually prefer the AI were the ones not ghosted because, at least, the AI just does its thing and won't go around following you and hitting you.

If you don't mind me asking as well, how many players per free-roam lobby?

Interesting thing though, I found this video on the closed beta. At 7:44, there appears to be a player getting ghosted. I say it's a player because his arrow appears on the mini-map, the AI don't.
Let me try to clear this up.

Are you asking about free roam or during races?
You need to complete category (gain lvl4) before exp tied to this category will go to Mainstage exp bar.
It's a Beta and probably didn't counted for some reason. I went from nobody with 15k exp to icon 3 and 622k exp. It's not called icon but it's the same.
Hearing this is close and how you can import your tc2 garage made me jump to that game for the first time and really digging it.

Gonna pick this up when it comes out.
Cash grind don't seem as bad as TC2 when there are plenty of playlist to run through, repeating races for money can be quite slow but I think the "Revisit" progress bar has some cash reward in it and the custom mode do make it a lot more fun to repeat races than repeating race in TC2.

I still haven't try Grand Race, somehow I tried joining it but almost no one register for it. It is always 2/28 players and the countdown never starts.

Is there a dedicated PvP mode in Motorfest? Can't seem to find it.
Been having a quick try on pc i always played the crew'S on PS before it seems to run well and the wheel feels ok :nervous: maybe it does feel better on pc over PS either way it's playable and ran smoothly on my rig. I didn't port my cars over from ps4 to pc i think it can be done but the load times from hundreds of cars in the garage used to do my nut in maybe that was a PS thing ? I will definitely get it but isn't the new forza out around the same time:confused:
I will definitely get it but isn't the new forza out around the same time:confused:
Yes Motorsport is coming a month later. But FM still need to get back at being a great sim(cade) it used to be. That's what many say. I'm super excited for the next Forza but many are still doubtful. Beside Turn10 changed release time delaying the game. What should others do?
Frankly I think Ivory don't even care. The Crew 2 came out two months before FH4.
Frankly I think Ivory don't even care. The Crew 2 came out two months before FH4.
PlayStation is sales driver for series. Yet, Horizon 4 was big kick in nuts for tC2.

Motorfest would be big success, IMO. Release window was chosen perfectly.
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Yes Motorsport is coming a month later. But FM still need to get back at being a great sim(cade) it used to be. That's what many say. I'm super excited for the next Forza but many are still doubtful. Beside Turn10 changed release time delaying the game. What should others do?
Frankly I think Ivory don't even care. The Crew 2 came out two months before FH4.
FM and TCM are two very different games
I doubt this release window would have any effect on either’s sales
It’d be like releasing a Call of Duty game on the same day as Destiny 3, they’re for completely different audiences
FM and TCM are two very different games
I doubt this release window would have any effect on either’s sales
It’d be like releasing a Call of Duty game on the same day as Destiny 3, they’re for completely different audiences
For dedicated audience - yes. For casual players its contenders. Good thing is that FM available in Gamepass
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The game's grind does indeed feel like The Crew 2. It was the reason I hated that game and stopped playing it as soon as beat the story.

It's also releasing with a season pass. What year is this? I prefer a battle pass over a season pass. If you're gonna drip feed content, do it over a battle pass ffs.

It's going to be hard to choose between playing this and Ride 5.
I was asking about free roam. But don't worry about it, someone else already verified it for me. Thank you for your help anyway.
Uhh if it's the same guy you responded to in my quote, he's wrong. During free roam you can hit traffic, but not players. At least in my game.


I was wrong. The ghosting is only AI racers. Not sure why those exist in the game.
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It's also releasing with a season pass. What year is this? I prefer a battle pass over a season pass. If you're gonna drip feed content, do it over a battle pass ffs.
Its same idea, as in tC2 - timed exclusive SP vehicles, than you could buy it with in-game cash.
I enjoy my time with the beta, will preorder it, but will not buy forza motorsport at launch i am just more excited for crew motorfest to be honest, this have much better map than any of horizon games, stopped playing forza horizon 5 a year ago, i think the map is when really killing the horizon games for me, their is barely any cities witch to me is an important element to an open world arcade racing game, crew motorfest feels more fun to play for me than fh5 ever did,
Jdm and german cars needs to be updated through

Did some reading online the full game will include more cars and content than find in the beta
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