The dream diary

Last night i managed to get lucid dream.
It was pretty cool dream.

I was at front of my grandparents house.
I knew i was in a dream because i was able to jump really high.
-"Hmmmm, maybe i can fly if i believe i can." Those words i thinked and i started to fly. It was fun to fly all over the place. Then i tried to create objects but i failed. Then i just flied around and watched around to find somebody, but there wasn`t a single person. Just when i landed at top of a building, the dream ended. I wish i could see another lucid dream another time because this dream was pretty dull. I want to do something really cool at my next lucid dream, if i ever see one again...:sly:
two days ago I had a seriously WTF dream.

I dreamt about interracial dry-humping. :odd:

Do we even want to know? :yuck:

Anyway, I had a Gran Turismo dream that GT6 came out, and instead of getting rid of the pixellation problems with the smoke and dirt, etc. They just made EVERYTHING pixellated to make the problem not so bad. It was a graphical failure and in the end it turned out everything else was absolutely perfect. Critics were saying if it had better graphics it would have been a 10/10. :lol:
I had a dream a few days ago where I was raped by my ex girlfriend. Yes, raped. It wasn't nice. :scared:
Cool thread, is actually quite interesting because as some people here I too have suffered from Sleep paralysis, very frequently I must say and is really awful, I can recall a time when I stood dreaming in that state for an hour, it was a very painful torture.

And then there is another dream, I cant remember or I don't dream that much, but I always have this dream/memory very often: When I was a little kid(about 6) I was in the park as any other kid, suddenly there was this huge fight in which kids from opposite sides of the park threw rocks at each other, some kids(including me) try to find cover at the nearby park furniture(benches, slides, all kinds of stuff). At one point I decided to get out of there but there was this rock I traced flying across the sky, and I was running from it but it hit me on the head and shoot me down, I didn't feel pain or anything but I was crying(obviously). Then I head home(being an apartment block I head to what I used to be my home, located on a third floor), but while I was heading there I felt a lot of liquid pouring out from my head, I looked to my hand and it was covered in blood, then I look to my clothes and they were washed in blood, and when I looked back I was leaving a trace of blood, people were indeed there but they only looked, no one help or anything, I just kept walking with my hand on the head wound feeling the blood pouring from my head until I eventually reached the stairs and there is where the dream ends.

That happened for real, the rock almost perforated my Temple(it hit the vein or artery that was located there) and they had to infuse blood, they also did xray and all sorts of checks to determinate if there was something wrong, fortunately not a single thing was wrong.

I have that dream/memory every two or three moths, perhaps is a trauma or something IDK, I stop caring after I was 18 or 19, I simply got used to it, like a lot of things I got used to lately.
Just today I dreamed about my school gymnasium having a spike trap centered in the center of the floor. The students were sitting around it, while our coach is next to a cabinet that situates a laptop and some DJ gear. But the main focus was how frightening the spikes were. I imagined them being sharp as a razor, but they were not long at all. But for some reason I found them to be apprehensive, and considering there was a darkish gap between the trap and the actual floor. It was the oddest thing. And before I could make a story I dream ended.

The one before that was pretty strange as well. I was in some sort of abandoned shack, and ran away as fast as I can from it. I passed many homes that were the exact same thing, from run-down Chevy's to the road being stone bricks. But soon I got to a railroad track, and met up with people who were running away as well from their shacks. We grouped together and followed the train tracks, before an actual train greeted us from behind. However it is slow-moving, so we jumped off the tracks and rolled down into an abandoned shack. Then we got all scared and what-not, and just blasted the heck out of there. Finally we got to my middle school, and the dream ends there.
I had a dream a few days ago where I was raped by my ex girlfriend. Yes, raped. It wasn't nice. :scared:

I see nothing wrong with that. :scared:

I mean shes a girl and you're a guy..... Never mind....


I've realized i can control my dreams, meaning if something incredibly disturbing is happening I just tell myself "Stop" and I wake up, completely chill. Also I love having bad dreams because I wake up and I realize non of it happened, and I'm so glad. I hate having good dreams because when I wake up I'm pissed because non of it was reality.
I think the last dream I had was a bit like SOPA coming into effect - but in real life. How it worked was, if you owned anything with copyright on it, the police would find you and order you to do whatever. Basically, imagine a nearly completely locked world and you've got it. A world that would be impossible to effectively use. :nervous:

There was one plus side to my dream though. Inbetween it all, I got a kiss from one of my crushes for no reason :lol: :embarrassed:
SOPA all the things? If I had a dream like that, I'd kill myself. Well, in the dream at least. And then I wake up!
Dreamt that Margret Thatcher came into work and I spent the entire time slagging her and her policies off.
Dreamt that Margret Thatcher came into work and I spent the entire time slagging her and her policies off.

You've been looking at the cover of Sanctuary for far too long..
Actually I'd been watching PMQ before going to bed and spent the rest of the morning mulling over the differences between the Tories of the 1980s and the Tories of the 2010s before going to sleep.

She didn't take kindly to my words.
Two days ago, I dreamed about driving/steering a shopping trolley/kart. It was in a shopping mall, and I drove it like a madman. I was avoiding shelves and other customers, driving real fast. I didn't know what the trolley was powered by but it was really fast, like a mitsubishi EVO. Probably electric powered because of the quick acceleration. The tires were also really good. It had incredible grip for a shopping trolley and every time I cornered, it felt like the trolley was at it's limits. I can feel the tires on the inside of the turn slightly lifting up off the ground. I wonder how many G's was it pulling.

That was like the most incredible dream I ever had. Driving a shopping trolley. 👍

And for today's dream, I dreamed about getting some racing stripes for my laptop. :odd: I don't know why myself.
I've been having lots of dreams lately but I can't seem to remember what they're about. A few were about school and some were about cars. I remember there was this one dream I had here I actually realized that I was dreaming and it was a zombie invasion yet everybody was completely calm and cool and I was sitting by my window with my brother and some stranger and my dad was reading a Road & Track magazine in bed as usual and a zombie got in and killed the stranger because my gun (which was an airsoft gun) wasn't loaded and I was trying to load it as fast as I could and I was yelling and nobody did anything. I realized I was dreaming because I said to me dad how I could kill the zombies with an airsoft gun because it's a dream.

A few months ago I had an even weirder dream where me and all these people from school and different countries were in an arena and it was like a commercial showing everybody in the dream and later I was in the arena and some guy was going to each one of us and shooting us and I spun around after getting shot and my eyes were fluttering and I woke up and my eyes were fluttering. Was weird.
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I realized I was dreaming because I said to me dad how I could kill the zombies with an airsoft gun because it's a dream.
So it wasn't the fact that there were ZOMBIES in your dream, but it was that you were using an airsoft gun to kill them with that made you realize that it was a dream? Are zombies a common occurrence in Pennsylvania? Are you used to them? Because if it was me, I would know that it's a dream because there were zombies in it.
So it wasn't the fact that there were ZOMBIES in your dream, but it was that you were using an airsoft gun to kill them with that made you realize that it was a dream? Are zombies a common occurrence in Pennsylvania? Are you used to them? Because if it was me, I would know that it's a dream because there were zombies in it.

Yup, I dunno why the fact that zombies were up and about didn't trigger an alarm but blowing a zombies head off with an airsoft gun I guess is also a redflag. It seems like half the people in PA are zombies though...
Yup, I dunno why the fact that zombies were up and about didn't trigger an alarm but blowing a zombies head off with an airsoft gun I guess is also a redflag. It seems like half the people in PA are zombies...
Blowing their heads off with an AIRSOFT GUN??? I want one of whatever gun you had. :lol:
Try it out, but he careful where you point it. If it actually IS as powerful as it was in your dream then it may be shooting a whole lot more than just your eye out if it ricochets. :lol:
Dream today: I was watching a weird movie about hercules and gladiators. Then a v.s. screen came up and it was hercules v.s. some warrior chick. Then the background music starts playing and I recognize the music from Lady Gaga's Marry The Night. It wasn't her song playing but it was another version by somebody else. Since the movie that I was watching was quite old the song was obviously old too. From the style of the music I can predict that it was probably from the 80's. I made the conclusion that Lady Gaga's version was a cover of this 80's hit. When I woke up, I straight away got top the computer and searched youtube for this original version but no luck.
Very few will understand this unless you've played the Halo series. Otherwise you might struggle to understand what things like Sangheili, Spartans, and Insurrectionists are. I've linked a couple of pages to help. I had this as a more, series of dreams. Often times I'll have one dream that seems a part of a story end, only to have it continue in a week or so. This dream spanned about a week, with intervals of days in between. I adapted them to fit a script, and planned to make it into a Halo Reach Machinima, but unfortunately I couldn't get enough people. I plan to try again, possibly with the release of Halo 4, though that is uncertain. Anyways, here is the dream. I'll type it up in more of a story manner, as that way it'll be more descriptive, and entertaining, rather than me saying what happened.

I lay prone on a small, rocky platform overlooking the Insurrection operations base. It was truly quite an amazing piece of work, considering it was built in three days. It featured UNSC grade ops station, a shooting range, three VTOL Pads for Falcons and Pelicans, as well as three Shiva Nuclear Missile Silo's. This base had enough firepower to take down a Light Frigate. No time to focus on the base though, there was a mission at stake. The target was SPARTAN R-12, Russell. He served alongside me during the Fall of Madrigal, attacking Covenant troops at a bloody last stand at Silvia Station that left 28 out of the 30 Spartan Commandos dead. Or so I thought. Apparently Russell had survived the Plasma damage, and was taken in by the 'Innies' to be conscripted into their own Spartan Program. Using his MJOLNIR Powered Armor as prototypes to develop a very similar package. This made winning the war nearly impossible. I scoped in on the base and cycled a bullet into the chamber. One .50 Caliber Sabot round would be all it takes to down one Spartan. One shot was all he would need. This would take all the other Insurrection at the base by surprise so Jordan J-72 could clean the rest of them up. He spotted Russell, walking up and down a row of soldiers ready for the battle. I steadied my breath, taking three deep ones until holding, sighting where the target would be when the bullet would make it's 700 meter dash across solid land. No need to compensate for gravity, the Sabot round deploys fins right after exit to provide enough lift for a mile long shot. I aimed a foot in front of my former comrade, and pulled the trigger. The crack was immense, reverbrating throughout my bones and echoing across the canyon. The bullet streamed toward the victim, leading a vapor trail in it's wake, followed by a loud smack of the impact. The bullet made it's way clear through Russell's head, exiting cleanly out the other side, hitting another soldiers kneecap, and then the sand. The soldier collapsed, his leg nearly taken straight off at the knee, screaming in pain. I then saw Jordan pop out from a rock, whip out his DMR, and take one shot at the downed opponent. The bullet smacked into his visor, kicking back the now dead body. Another soldier pulled out an Assault Rifle and aimed it at Jordan. He got off five rounds, all hitting Jordan's shields and ricocheting off. Jordan looked, aimed, and fired. Two shots placed with the precision only matched by fellow Spartans. I had enough. I ditched the empty Sniper Rifle, picked up my DMR, and hopped down the 30 Meter cliff. As soon as I hit the ground I took off at a full barreled sprint. 32 Kph was hit, taking the beachhead in less than ten seconds. By this time the fake Spartans were running, making them easy targets for the real deal. I raised my DMR, so did Jordan, and fired. In a matter of seconds the resistance was wiped clean off the face of the Earth. We never paused, taking off for one of the many entrances and exits of the base. The two of us entered, only to be showered by turret fire. We both took cover.
"Status Report!", I shouted over the incredibly loud gunfire.
"Looks to be a Warthog gunner opening fire, sir!", Jordan was still trying to get used to addressing a CO, after all, I was the first person to out rank him since Madrigal.
"Listen, I've got two Frag Grenades, you cause a distraction while I lob them over cover."
"Aye, Chris you better not get me killed!"
Jordan jumped out from cover, this time yielding a SMG, raining fire downrange. I jumped up, throwing one of my grenades at the Warthog, and another at a group of enemies preparing to flank us. Both the grenades detonated with a skull shattering thud.
"That's the most shields I've lost in days!", Jordan explained.
Before I could open my mouth Plasma fire erupted my helmet. My shields were obliterated just before I could duck in cover. An alarm sounded in my armor. Elites. Now it was confirmed that the Sangheili were working with the Insurrection here, at least until Amsel payed off whatever he had to. Then the Covenant would execute everyone here just as they did on the Rubble. Amsel wasn't my main target. We had to take him in alive per UNSC order, the Sangheili Shipmaster was mine though. He took my one love away from me during Madrigal. Most likely killed her as well, leaving a hole in my heart, unrepairable. Though it could be eased by seeing the look of pain in my enemies face, the cold, dying life bleed away behind they're eyes, a last chance beg for mercy. A hatred coursed through me, similar to the adrenaline rushes I got back on Earth. My shields started to recharge, I found a new fire in my body, a new passion to empty a clip in anyone who stood in my path for vengeance, a want to find her, Gabby, G-07, to know what really happened, to know the truth. A new me took over, powering my leg muscles to push my body up. I spotted Amsel and the Shipmaster of Retributions Fate, he starred back at me, unleashing an Energy Sword. I aimed, but not at him, but at the Zealots, unleashing fire down upon us. Every life the Covenant claimed coursed through me, giving me power. I felt the lives of a million people will me to pull the trigger, to sacrifice my own life in order to save many more. I felt her, or what it seemed like it, will me on. I fired. Emptying my bullets, the clang of spent rounds striking the floor, a blast of unrelenting plasma unleashed upon my body. The Sangheili were killed. I was still alive. Alive to see the shocked faces of my foes dart away.
"We follow", I said. I didn't wait for the reply back. My legs sprung into action. It was time to end this fight.

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