The Easiest Ways to Make Money in Gran Turismo 7

  • Thread starter Famine
@Famine, having read everything you have written on this post I have a few questions. If you think the game is such a steaming pile of crap why bother with writing help guides? Hell, why brag about how much time you are spending writing them? The only point you are really getting across is how much the games sucks and that we should all be disappointed in how mishandled the game is. If that’s not the impression you want anyone to have then maybe you should start reconsidering how you are presenting yourself. Your completely negative attitude about GT7 is NOT something I was expecting from an admin of this site.
Going off the humorous logic here... soooo an admin must never criticize the game because that would constitute him being "unprofessional" or "out of line"?, cynics/critics should be banned even if they're admins? According to what exactly you're saying here.. "The admins must lovingly kiss the ass of the game developers, regardless of the state of the game." There's no room whatsoever to be critical nor give constructive feedback because it's deemed simply "too negative" by you to read? An admin is not a person and can never have nor voice his own honest opinion? Riiiiight, that's a rather interesting conclusion you've come to my friend...
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I'm hooked on that Fisherman's Ranch(been a weird name since GTS). Have 1000kms on my Gr.4 Supra(my favorite car and I'm driving it to have the highest mileage by the next GT ;) ) and this Audi S1 is creeping at 300kms. I want to keep doing the High Speed Ring, but at 6m30s, I get twice the Cr. at the ranch.
“Fernando is faster than you!”


Did a 3:17:xx twice already as well and still improving. I decided to farm this a bit because I want that Ford Mark IV badly and I think today is the last day it’s available. At 3.5 mill Cr. now… still a little bit more.

If people need some help with this, take note on your traction control. I have it at 1 but switch it off (via the in-race HUD menu) even before turn 1 and then leave it off for the rest of the race.

Even if the lap isn’t clean or even if you finish second place, i think this is till better than the other options (judging from the topic post). Also I’m not sure what PD means with a clean lap, supposedly you can hit track walls, the AI driver can hit you but you can’t hit them. The system is still very generous IMO, I just crash landed on the AI after that big jump and it was still clean. 😅
I get the criticism, the game does have its faults. Overall it’s been a far more enjoyable experience than GT Sport ever was for me. Is it grindy, well sure it is, but having spent 650 hours playing Elite Dangerous the grind in this game isn’t even close to the same level.
If you've got the time and patience to sink 650 hours into the perpetual grind simulator that is E:D, any GT game grind is going to feel like a walk in the park for you. It's fair to say that while you may enjoy it, you're not representative of the typical gamer; it's all good - everyone has their own thing - but you do need to recognise how you differ on that front to the average joe.

As a point of comparison, E:D players know just how bad of a job the devs did there - some 8 years after release the game still has practically no worthwhile depth or content. Anyone who has played with a lego set as a kid knows just how much promise there was there at the start, and how little FDev ultimately achieved - and continues to achieve with the recent cancellation of the console version of its Odyssey expansion, a year after it was supposed to release. Dumb design decisions that were never addressed - or worse doubled-down on; microtransactions and an in-game currency no-one asked for in a full-price title; the developer at odds with the fanbase over what the game is supposed to be or how people are supposed to enjoy it...

We're seeing a similar situation play out with GT7 now. GT has the advantage of brand recognition and a substantially bigger fanbase so isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but people are being turned away by the direction the series is taking. Moreso now than ever, it's less about the racing and more about jumping through arbitrary hoops - with a reward structure tuned by algorithm and balanced to abuse human psychology, in order to maximise engagement time and potential exposure to the MT shop.

The game just isn't designed to be fun anymore. The only barrier to buying anything is how long you're willing to grind away at the same limited races or how much extra money you're willing to throw at PD through microtransactions, and the former has been made significantly worse in order to push the latter. If PD wants to venture into F2P 'Games as a Service', they should release the game as F2P rather than double-dip as they are now.
GT7 has 97 tracks and 424 cars, with oodles of mods and upgrades, and livery editor and all sorts of stuff. It also has 94 races - not even one per track (although there's also 10 championships, with 28 races in them in total) - and the longest of them is 15 minutes The shortest is under two minutes (and there's another that just about cracks the two-minute mark).

That's 17ish hours of different stuff to do in GT7. Maybe we can add a couple each for Missions and Licenses, but the raw game you're looking at less than 24 hours of driving to finish everything once. In a series which quite literally had 24 hour races previously (in a list of over 300 different races) - and I actually think it would take less time to finish everything once in GT7 than GTS currently.
My take is that GT 7 doesn't offer 'value' in game for the content it has. The single player outside of the Cafe just comes across as failing to even hit minimum viable effort.

In that regard a better take is what CM did with GRID Legends, the Story mode served as basically a long tutorial, and once completed served as an intro to the much larger career mode, completion of which will give you enough to own pretty much all the cars.
How it's implemented is key. PD can offer up "Arcade" mode as way for everyone to experience all the cars on all the tracks.

Other perfectly viable options include test drives, which RaceRoom (which is F2P) even does for DLC cars allowing you to try before you buy, or loaner cars in GRID Legends (and other titles) which let you 'borrow' a car for an event but reduce your earnings for the event, again effectively allowing you to try before you buy.
@breyzipp I'm also using the ford focus, for better lap times you need the turbo upgrade, all assist off and a bit of tuning, my best was 2:58 but normally 3:02-03.
Ok I’ll have to do that then next time. My best ended up 3:15 now with the stock Focus but on the final runs I got a bit exhausted I think, it was back towards 3:30-ish and more dirty laps.

Indeed upgrading and tuning it should be highly recommended then, if not only to get a bit ahead of the AI driver so that you can pass him on turn 1 and forget about him.

I also noticed the Peugeot 205 Turbo AI driver has a slow start from the line and the easiest one to pass on the inside of turn 1. So that’s probably the best opponent to go against, especially with a stock Focus then.
Errata corrige: for the High Speed Ring Gr.4 race they suggest the Supra you get with all gold I-B License. You get it with all bronze I-B.

Just match the maximum PP, use stability control, TCS 1, PP -3 (or whatever you like)'s pretty easy to win those 97.500 cr if you race clean that first lap you have to overtake cars. The rest is a piece of cake (very rarely some cars like the M4 or Vantage try to overtake you....just block their way)
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My go to race for making money is American fr championship in Daytona as you don't need to brake and my got to car for this race is the c7 corvette heavily modified
@breyzipp Yes, the 205 n Genesis Gr.b are slow for some reason.

@Ande3200 once finished gt7 these cards with good rewards disappear, then you only get the 2 star card daily..
I've won the championships again and you don't get the cards.

Edit: 3 stars daily card? I'll try to get one of those.
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The fastest way to earn credits in Gt 6 was Quick Match (when the servers were still active), and by a great margin. ;)

Yes. Quick matches in Gt6 was very good. Quick fun online races with big payouts even if you lost the race. In Gt7, Sport payouts are abysmal and Lobbies dont pay at all.
Yes. Quick matches in Gt6 was very good. Quick fun online races with big payouts even if you lost the race. In Gt7, Sport payouts are abysmal and Lobbies dont pay at all.
I noticed the lobby's do payout now since the last update. Not much though, couple thousand at most i believe.
So far the best I've managed is a 3.00.8xx at Fisherman's Ranch. With the more forgiving jump physics I'm now consistently sub-3:05 and a sub-3 feels close.

I haven't put any time into a tune yet, but am currently running the Audi Quattro with a mid-rpm turbo kit (for less lag coming out of the hairpins), max front and rear downforce and torque set to 40front:60rear.

I've never given the rallies much time in GT games so it's a nice change of pace. A few things that improved my times personally were:
  • Switching from my G29 to my PS4 controller (unfortunately this made a huge difference; it's like the pad has a bunch of hidden assists to keep the car going in the right direction, like it seems to with drifting)
  • Getting in front off the line is key to a quick run, so if you're struggling, try launching in 2nd against one of the slower AI cars (e.g. the Peugeot 205)
  • Prioritise being as tight as possible at the hairpins over carrying speed through them.
  • Let off over bigger jumps, brake down to ~100mph/160kph for the jump through the fast left-right
  • If you use it, turn TC off. I haven't tried with it on, but you definitely don't need it here.
Somebody has good Ford Focus Group B setup for this Fishermansranch race? I am really struggling to get it with clean race bonus?
Getting lucky and winning a 1/40th of the value of a single highest value car isn't 'earning decent' money, well not in my eyes..
We still don’t now how many 20 mil cars their will be if their is even going to be any, we will all have different ways to see it, i like some grinding too keep up a goal, i just don’t like the way forza does it, for me its to easy there, and i also think its not needed to get a legendary 5-20 mil car the first week of playing, i am just playing the game, last 3 days i earned 2 mil without even much grinding, but i can see that more races with high payout can be good ro not do the same races over and over
I could never spend real money to buy in game cars. And I want all the cars for sure, so no micro transactions for me. And I'm resistant to the idea of rubberbanding my controller and cutting a car lose on its own to run around the track on the wall for laundromat money. No disrespect, everyone runs their own game. I just want to race, mission, license and earn all my credits in the game to buy all the cars. I guess I'm just weird like that. Grindlord/Sweatlord, whatever. I have 10 races to go in GTs and I'll have all golds in campaign mode that can be had. But I still won't get the coveted Platinum trophy and I'll still have to grind/sweat my face off to acquire all the legendery cars in the game. I'll be doing the same in GT7.
The easiest way to make money for me on GT Sport was to wait for Brooks to win the FIA seasons. I wonder if that continues? :)
@breyzipp Yes, the 205 n Genesis Gr.b are slow for some reason.

@Ande3200 once finished gt7 these cards with good rewards disappear, then you only get the 2 star card daily..
I've won the championships again and you don't get the cards.

Edit: 3 stars daily card? I'll try to get one of those.
I got the 500k from 3 star card that i got from daily workout, but i might be rare to get those 500k, i am at book 35, they should make it possible to earn roulettes other ways in future update
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To be honest... This Fishermans rally is a nightmare, i hate those offroad physics, and it isn't too easy (you cant tune Group B car too much...) i am starting to think that Group4 High Speed Ring is actually better for earning money.
Do the Sardegna Windmills offroad track. You can get to 1.2 million an hour and the challenge is only 1 pepper instead of 3. I don't like the offroad physics, but I can bear this one for 1-2 hours max, before I go back on tarmac. ;) Fishermans Ranch I don't like the track itself, where Sardegna is more full power and powersliding. Only before the finish there is a small ridge that can send you flying, beware there. :)
I came expecting a sticky of various races, times and payouts.

I got 6 pages or arguing over game economy 😂
Go to the first post. Click on the link. Full article AND video.

This is the discussion thread, and discussion happened on it. Plus a little arguing, but that appears to only have been about whether I'm allowed an opinion or not as the admin of this site (of which I'm still not quite sure of the relevance).

Has the Sardegna Windmills Dirt Champions been added then? It wasn't in the article and it can get you 1.2 million an hour with clean race bonus.
Lol no.

It's objectively inferior to the Fishermans Ranch race while still pretty much requiring the same car and unlocks at the same time. All the other less-good options have a variety of different cars throughout the levels, and while they may be inferior to FR they can be excellent alternatives if you don't fancy dealing with the awful rally modes.

At the point at which FR unlocks, it becomes the fastest and easiest way of making money. All the others are either faster or easier than alternatives up to that point. With the possible exception of Alsace, which I put in simply because it's fun watching Gr.B cars race on a track.
I noticed the lobby's do payout now since the last update. Not much though, couple thousand at most i believe.
Well someone needs to try 12 hour Afk race. If it only gives couple hundreds, its worthless.
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To be honest... This Fishermans rally is a nightmare, i hate those offroad physics, and it isn't too easy (you cant tune Group B car too much...) i am starting to think that Group4 High Speed Ring is actually better for earning money.

You can lose every single race at Fisherman's ranch, and still make more money than GR4 at HSR.

Clean 2nd place = 58,500
Let's say it takes you 3:30
That's 17 times an hour
17*58,500 = 994,500

Another method that is incredibly easy, is the first race of American Can-Am Series. Maxed out Car of your choice, 5 laps at Blue moon, takes 4 minutes, and pays 52,500, for 787k an hour. You can just wall ride if you like. This would rank 3rd on the list and is significantly easier than any of the alternates listed above it as far as effort\skill is concerned.