The Easiest Ways to Make Money in Gran Turismo 7

  • Thread starter Famine
Gave up @ page two yesterday night can't keep up reading all yawl shall this please be stickied when I open up Fishyman rally

Cheers xP
So your point of view, is that casual players, should have the exact same access to rewards, as players who spend exponentially more time and effort? That's your idea of fair?
Since the topic revolves mainly around everyone wanting to be able to experience all the cars, yeah, that can be fair to allow everyone immediate access.

How it's implemented is key. PD can offer up "Arcade" mode as way for everyone to experience all the cars on all the tracks. Or, they could try FM7's route and allow users to "rent" cars that fall within' a race's requirements/limits. This could result in the "rental" under-performing next to the AI, but it would allow anyone to get a feel of whatever car they're trying.

The incentive to actually buy the car then becomes the desire to modify, tune, paint, etc. etc. with it, so it can be made competitive or have a user's own personal touch.
How it's implemented is key. PD can offer up "Arcade" mode as way for everyone to experience all the cars on all the tracks.
This. Four billion percent this.

And it has applications for the career mode too. Don't know which 20m car to buy? Try them both in Arcade Mode first...

GT4 came close to offering this, but you could only use about half the cars; the others (mostly) unlocked to Arcade Mode as you acquired them in GT Mode.
This. Four billion percent this.

And it has applications for the career mode too. Don't know which 20m car to buy? Try them both in Arcade Mode first...

GT4 came close to offering this, but you could only use about half the cars; the others (mostly) unlocked to Arcade Mode as you acquired them in GT Mode.
Just let people drive cars?!? In a car game?!? Are you mad?!!
It's very clear that Polyphony has a grasp on the concept of offering a compelling game with regards to giving players the ability to play through an actually significant single player campaign where completing tasks relevant to the game, and getting rewarded for it. They also seem to have a grasp on how most major sims (and maybe FM8, we'll see on that front) are offering people open sandbox experiences to put any car on any track.

In that regard, I feel for Polyphony having to create a single player experience worth a damn when most of the genre, and it's closest competition, are going the complete opposite way.

Where I lose sympathy is railroading people into playing the game one way to get anywhere (that is, racing, and often times racing for peanut cash prizes) and offering no way to augment racing with other cash prizes that aren't microtransactions, or roulette spins. And like McLaren said, there's a practical upshot to allowing people to play with cars in Arcade Mode because at least they can see if the car they went to the credit cap with is actually worth it in the end.

But of course, some will take this as an affront as bypassing the grind that they participated in to get to the same point, and think of it as an affront to the GT series or whatever.
So your point of view, is that casual players, should have the exact same access to rewards, as players who spend exponentially more time and effort? That's your idea of fair?

What's a 'fair time line' in a game that is designed to have a 5 year shelf life? It's likely 6 months before we see a full cycle of the legend garage for perspective.

You guys realize this is a business right? That this entire video game is an advertising campaign? That the reason these sponsors, companies, and manufacturers partner with Gran Turismo, is because of how valuable the product placement is?
That value is directly correlated to how many eyes their product reaches, how long those impressions last, etc etc. That's why dedicated gamers are rewarded in game, because they are financially worth more, as statistics, to future companies, manufacturers, games, tracks, etc. You think it's a coincidence that GT pivoted itself into the Olympics? FIA partnerships, so on and so forth.

PD wants to keep you around as long as possible for active player counts, total player this, copies sold that, so that they can sell their reputation for profit outside of the game. They want to keep you around for as long as possible because they want to sell you more cars and tracks with DLC.

Gran Turismo is not, never has been, and likely never will be, about instant gratification.
It's a game mate, not a university degree, games are supposed to be fun. And yes, anyone who has shelled out the money to buy the game should have the expectation that they will be able to access the advertised cars list in a reasonable time frame. Trophies are a different thing, I have no issue at all in making them super hard or grindy as they are supposed to be purely a reward and have no bearing on accessing content that is in game. Even a few cars gated behind a heap of grind or alien difficulty I'm ok with, but not the level we are at now.

For all the numpties that are saying "Oh, it's been a week, you cant expect everything now" "InStAnT gRaTiFiCaTiOn" etc, no one on here has said anything even remotely like that. At this point it's obvious that there are limited ways to make credits and that even though the game allows you to customise infinite new races, the payouts for these are so nerfed that depending on which car you use it could potentially barely pay out enough to cover the engine and body wear. A few hundred hours of varied game play to get at everything is not instant gratification, we dont have anything like that. Grinding half a dozen meta races 500 times isn't fun and still wont get more than a few cars from the antiques dealer.

As for the advertising bit, yeah, thats the world now I guess, but heres an idea, design a game structure that makes people want to keep playing in a fun and engaging manner. In a game that is undeniably built on car collecting make it so you actually drive all the cars you collect in different ways with a decent payout. Not just drive your Focus around Fishermans bend endlessly. The final championship in the menu books was great, give us 20 variations of that and it would go some way to fixing the issue. Creating your own versions punishes you with the payouts.

Everyone plays the game in the way they enjoy most. And thats how it should be. In Sport I was all about the dalies. I enjoyed the licences, missions etc and played them all. But playing Sport mode was stingy with the credits, to get all the cars we were forced to grind BMB. That is a terrible design. Gt7 is fun to play, but the design and structure are worse than Sport.

The only argument imo that "we are only a week in" is that they fix the economy and add more menu books in an update. Hopefully they do, but the cynic in me thinks they wont, as they are hoping for that sweet micro transaction cash. And yeah, they are optional, and I wont be using them, but how anyone actually believes they arent predatory is beyond me.
It wouldn't be such an issue if a lot of the high value cars aren't locked behind "better have $XX mil always on hand in case the one you want becomes available in the next limited time RNG rotation/invite."
its easier with the jumps and more eye pleasing
3 laps, 1.20 to 1.15 per lap
if you are gonna grind something, at least choose the more enjoyable ;)
its easier with the jumps and more eye pleasing
3 laps, 1.20 to 1.15 per lap
if you are gonna grind something, at least choose the more enjoyable ;)
I just tap the brakes before the jumps to make them controllable.
I think in the age of Daily Races and other multiplayer races that remain engaging over long periods of time, grinding is definitely a problem that shouldn't exist. The "grind" should be continuing to race Daily Races and online races. That way it's not actually a grind, it's real competition that is earning credits just like the career mode. If PD increased the online payouts to a point where it was worth it to play and earn credits it would eliminate the need to grind at all.
This is an excellent take imo. Make the "grind" just the act of playing whatever part of the game you enjoy.

If PD would massively increase the payout of custom races, for example, to match that of Fishermans Ranch, then I could have a blast racing all the different cars I've collected on all the different track layouts. And same for Sport mode daily races too, let me enjoy multiplayer with a payout that allows me to keep buying and tuning cars at a reasonable pace.

If they do this, it would pretty much solve the vast majority of most peoples concerns I would imagine, and it's such a simple change on their part. The only obstacle to this on their end is it messes with their MTX model.

Though I'd still like to see an arcade mode where I can just drive the cars I expected to be able to drive when I paid for the game.
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Well. Back in previous GTs earning money was much easier compared to the amount of grind in current games.

Gran Turismo 4
The fastest way to get money was by doing the Deutsche Touring Car Meisterschaft. According to this, it takes 50 minutes to win the championship. You can also use the B-Spec mode and win the championship at 2x Speed (It should take 25+ minutes aproximately)

15,000 Cr per race
75,000 Cr championship prize
793,000 Cr Mercedes Benz CLK-LM used price

15,000 Cr x 5 + 75,000 Cr + 793,000 Cr = 883,000 Cr. or 2,119,200 Cr/Hour (it would be 9,418,666 Cr/Hour today, since the most expensive cars on current GTs cost 20M)

It takes 2 hours to get the most expensive cars which cost 4,500,000 Cr

Gran Turismo 5

The fastest way to get money was by doing the Expert Level Ferrari Formula Challenge - Nurburgring 24H. According to this, it takes 13 minutes 35 seconds to win the race.

452,700 Cr + 200% Bonus = 905,400 Cr. per race
905,173.5 Cr + 200% Bonus = 1,810,347 Cr. Performance Difference Adjustment

905,400 Cr. + 1,810,347 Cr. = 2,715,747 Cr or 12,069,987 Cr/Hour

It takes 1.66 hours to get the most expensive cars which cost 20,000,000 Cr

Gran Turismo 6

The fastest way to get money was by doing the Red Bull X2014 Standard Championship. According to this, it takes 27 minutes to win the championship.

130,000 Cr. + 200% Bonus = 260.000 Cr per race
500,000 Cr. + 200% Bonus = 1,000,000 Cr championship prize

260,000 Cr x 5 + 1,000,000 Cr = 2,300,000 Cr or 5,111,111 Cr/Hour

It takes 4 hours to get the most expensive cars which cost 20,000,000 Cr

Gran Turismo Sport

The fastest way to get money was by doing the Group 1 Cup - Monza. According to this, it takes 9 minutes to win the race

330,000 Cr per race or 2,200,000 Cr/Hour

It takes 9 hours to get the most expensive cars which cost 20,000,000 Cr

Comparison of money percentages per hour

GT4: 47% per hour
GT5: 60% per hour
GT6: 26% per hour
GTS: 11% per hour
I want to add GT7 to this comparison. Does anyone know how much money the most expensive car costs?
I want to add GT7 to this comparison. Does anyone know how much money the most expensive car costs?
Basically... no, because we've not seen it. Unless we have, but we don't know if we have.

In pre-launch media, the Mercedes-Benz S Barker Tourer was listed at 20m credits, but since Legends Cars is dynamically priced, any of the cars in there could be any value at all.

Conceivably they could also be more expensive, as the 20m cap applies only to "free" credits (those gained in-game) and not paid credits (MTs). I have approached Hagerty about this, but not had an answer through just yet - although my email was acknowledged directly.
Basically... no, because we've not seen it. Unless we have, but we don't know if we have.

In pre-launch media, the Mercedes-Benz S Barker Tourer was listed at 20m credits, but since Legends Cars is dynamically priced, any of the cars in there could be any value at all.

Conceivably they could also be more expensive, as the 20m cap applies only to "free" credits (those gained in-game) and not paid credits (MTs). I have approached Hagerty about this, but not had an answer through just yet - although my email was acknowledged directly.
With a 20m credit cap and high inflation we could get to the point where the Platinum trophy cannot be won without paying for credits because of that Legends car trophy. I really wish we knew what three cars we need to satisfy the requirement.
What is the max credits you can have cause in GT Sport the max was 20 million, honestly I think there shouldn't be a limit on credits cause you will have to pay for any tuning,oil changes, cars, etc. And buying tires as well. Just saying.
It's not really a definition so much as it is a preference.

I have always regarded games as an entertainment medium and while there's an obvious difference in that games basically get to judge how much of it you can enjoy based on how good you are at them (books, music, TV shows, and films don't stop you getting any further if you don't pass a skill test), to me the basic principle remains; you don't need to watch episode one of your TV show 72 times in order to access episode four :lol:

Outside of GT, my favourite games to play are the original Assassin's Creed games (up to the end of the 2 trilogy; 3 is okay but weak, Black Flag can do one) and Skyrim, with the odd brain-off LEGO Xty X Tie-In title. These are very firmly narrative-led games, but in essence you do everything once to reach the end of the story (plus all the side-quests) and you'll have pretty much all the stuff (in the LEGO games you will need to do everything twice, in story mode then in free play). In fact too much stuff, and you need to get Lydia to carry it...

You can then dick about doing stuff for a laugh - in Skyrim you can do some grinding (doing the same task repeatedly, as the most efficient way to increase stats) to level up skills because numbers if you feel like it, but Dragonbone Armour isn't locked until you've gone through the same short dungeon 214 times*, or behind a time-limited invite, or pulled from a random roulette ticket...

... but there's 300 hours of different stuff to do in Skyrim, easily - some of my incomplete saves are in that range, with a couple of more complete (including being naughty to get all the Daedric Artifacts and The Jagged Crown) saves running to 500hr... without grinding at all.

GT7 has 97 tracks and 424 cars, with oodles of mods and upgrades, and livery editor and all sorts of stuff. It also has 94 races - not even one per track (although there's also 10 championships, with 28 races in them in total) - and the longest of them is 15 minutes The shortest is under two minutes (and there's another that just about cracks the two-minute mark).

That's 17ish hours of different stuff to do in GT7. Maybe we can add a couple each for Missions and Licenses, but the raw game you're looking at less than 24 hours of driving to finish everything once. In a series which quite literally had 24 hour races previously (in a list of over 300 different races) - and I actually think it would take less time to finish everything once in GT7 than GTS currently.

I'm pretty sure I could come up with a list of enough single-player races to fill up 300 hours without any repeats (or any feeling of repetitiveness) with just the cars and tracks in GT7 in about half an hour; I think pretty much anyone could triple the current offering without much thought - Kei car race, unmodified car race with 500PP cap, super-tuner Like The Wind race, stick a 90-minute or two-hour "endurance" race in (or a bunch of each; Maggiore is crying out for an enduro, and you've got Le Mans, N24, Daytona, Spa, and Barcelona which all host 24hr races, Fuji and Bathurst hold endurance races, Trial Mountain held 2hr enduros in the PS1 era, Alsace looks great at night, Monza, Brands, blah blah etc), one-make events for all the brands, VGT event... and that's just 30 seconds of idle musing.

If I had some time not writing GT7 help articles right now, I'd generate a list. It'd be the same amount of gameplay as doing everything in GT7 18 times, and probably generate the same amount of credits, but it wouldn't be grinding any more. It would be doing everything once to get (almost) all the stuff. You'd be talking 50m credits+ from a single run-through of everything even if the payouts were about what they are now (excluding the couple of broken ones) and not sensibly higher for the longer races. I'd defy anyone to tell me that it would be less interesting thatn "racing" Fishy Ranch 535 times for the same money.

And this is why I say there's not enough game. There's easily 300hr of offline racing content possible, but GT7 gives us only just about a half of a tenth of that... while still having the stuff to collect appropriate to a 300hr game. Yes, more will come, and more content will come too, but it could have launched with almost no grinding, just a varied array of races with only the content it has.

Which the crap AI would immediately ruin, but we can't have everything all at once.

To answer your actual question, no, I don't think so. With all the login bonuses and handicap bonuses (and sellable cars) GT5 and GT6 weren't actually that bad by their respective ends, but I'll take the structure and economy of GT3 and GT4 any day.

*That's the number of Fishy Ranch "races" you'd need to do to get enough for a 20m car in Legends Cars, rather than a random number plucked from nowhere!
Based on your response, am I to understand that Online racing doesn't factor into your consideration at all?

The current state of online lobbies is atrocious, let's make no mistake about that. But when looking to the future, and game content, enough games, fun, etc... It doesn't seem like it was even an afterthought in your write up?

I'm fully willing to admit, the Sport was designed for my type of playstyle, with an online focus. Offline racing against status AIs simply doesn't intrigue me much. My entire existence in Gran Turismo since 5, has been about online competing, door to door racing with friends, racing groups, even 'teams'.

Obviously I understand I am in the minority, that's why GTSport was not as successful and why GT7 has returned to it's roots, so I get it. But I do feel like there's a possible... Uhh, maybe generational difference in desired gameplay from when we were children, to today's online aspect, twitch streaming, PVP type action and energy. I don't think that can be entirely overlooked when companies are still trying to be mainstream with mass appeal, while also trying to capture new generations, as well as not abandon the original generation that Gran Turismo was built upon.
3:00.x :D With the audi quattro
2:58 with the Audi Quattro ;) and there's probably another 1 sec in it

Edit: Just did another run to snap a quick pic but didn't get the 2:58 in this one..

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For me its a joke that eve the 100€ 25hth Anniversary edition does not include like 20m credits, to buy at least 1 legendary car.

Even with 875.000 credits per hour like described, i dont want to grind for ~25hours
Yeah, i got that 25th anniversary edition...........:guilty:
What is the max credits you can have cause in GT Sport the max was 20 million, honestly I think there shouldn't be a limit on credits cause you will have to pay for any tuning,oil changes, cars, etc. And buying tires as well. Just saying.
It just needs some thought for buying the few 20 mil cars in the game, of which there are fewer in GT7 than in GTS.
Basically... no, because we've not seen it. Unless we have, but we don't know if we have.

In pre-launch media, the Mercedes-Benz S Barker Tourer was listed at 20m credits, but since Legends Cars is dynamically priced, any of the cars in there could be any value at all.

Conceivably they could also be more expensive, as the 20m cap applies only to "free" credits (those gained in-game) and not paid credits (MTs). I have approached Hagerty about this, but not had an answer through just yet - although my email was acknowledged directly.
Are you suggesting the possibility of Forced Micro-transactions?!!! Oh that would cause some serious hatred for PD >:-(

2. I've been playing the GT series since GT1. It's a fact that the games were not always this grindy and restrictive with credits. Am I shocked? No, not really, not after what they did in GTS. Doesn't mean it's something that has always been there as people keep claiming, it hasn't, so this "What did you expect, GT has always been like this" is just factually wrong and people need to stop using it as a defence.

Yes we're only week 1 but we've seen enough of the game mechanics and economy to see how restrictive and time intensive it is going to be. If you want to obtain all 424 cars or even a large subset of them you're going to have to play for several hundred hours, over a space of several months. Most people do not have that time to throw into one game, and again, this wasn't the case for older GT games, so it's NOT people being entitled all of a sudden.
If you have been playing since GT1, you have a short term memory. Collecting all cars has been a tedious task in the past as well. I remember collection over 1000 cars in GT 5, which took forever. Some cars were only available at the 2nd hand car lot and you would have to check every day, even if you had enough credits. I even used an external site to keep track of the cars I had and needed. GT5 had the longest time till platinum with 750 Hours approx needed. GT4 was not that big, but still needed something like 250 hours to platinum. I'm about 40 hours in the game and I have 22% already obtained. Yes, some of the expensive legendaries will take some more time. I am cool with that, I don't need it to be platinum by may.

But that all aside, what is the problem with some parts being repetitive? It is a racing game, it should not be race once and be done. It should be about replayability. That is why we have credits and you can do races more than once. Otherwise they could throw away everything and make you do every race once and then endcredits. No collecting cars, no separate track selection and events, just follow the trail we layed out.

Don't want to collect all cars? Your choice, just go with what you like. Not able to get gold on all licenses? Get better of leave them be after getting bronze. I for sure will not go for gold for the next few months, don't care. Will extend my collection of cars though to a point I can play online with what I would like to use. After that, credits will roll in to extend my collection even more. If not, I don't mind. Only the trophy hunters will care and then this is not the game to chase for platinum. Never was in the past either.

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