The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
high resolution download makes a difference......damn I love this game, and I've never really played RPG before lol

It's made a huge difference. I'm now playing again as a sneaky thief. I'm going to try and not use magic. Maybe a little restoration if there aren't enough pots about. Lvl 15 and counting.
Im level 35. I started out cqc then i went to magic and now im back to cqc with some powerful weapins in each hand. Im not organized at all in this game lol. I keep jumping back and forth with leveling up perks. Lol
anyone else have trouble repairing the phial? and does anyone know if 1.4 helps? (long after original quest and no courier to continue with)
Im level 35. I started out cqc then i went to magic and now im back to cqc with some powerful weapins in each hand. Im not organized at all in this game lol. I keep jumping back and forth with leveling up perks. Lol
That's what I like about this game, it really doesn't matter how you play it. Be an all-mage, all-melee, all-ranged, etc. etc. or be a jack-of-all-trades, it's all good. :)
anyone else have trouble repairing the phial? and does anyone know if 1.4 helps? (long after original quest and no courier to continue with)

I can't get the Briar Heart to show completed as I picked the marked one up with others in my inventory and I can't drop them as they're now quest items. Really irritating little bug.
I prefer Sneaking and long range kills, I like the sound of my arrow ripping my enemies' flesh.

I thought about doing that at the start of the game. I love sneaking around but i ended up being the bar brawler rumning into a fight and smashing heads. When i play the game over again ( game is so good im going to play it again) ill do archery and stealth.
I have a total of 215 hours into Skyrim and my character is now level 51. Blocking is around level 92. Heavy armor is level 84. I finished up the Dark Brotherhood missions over the weekend. Finally leveled up my Blacksmithing to 100 so I could make Ebony armor. Now my enchantment and blacksmithing are both at 100. I redid mine and my followers armor again and now my armor rating went from 577 to 844!!! WOW. :scared::drool: ONce my heavy armor level hits 100 then I will make light armor for my character and my follower and then level that up to 100.
I can't get the Briar Heart to show completed as I picked the marked one up with others in my inventory and I can't drop them as they're now quest items. Really irritating little bug.
Just happened to complete this quest today, already had a Briar Heart, and it immediately showed as completed in the 1.4 update, rest is rather easy to get.
Just happened to complete this quest today, already had a Briar Heart, and it immediately showed as completed in the 1.4 update, rest is rather easy to get.

Unfortunately I have no home internet right now, so I'm still at 1.3. Should be back online tomorrow though (switching ISP), and hopefully that will fix for me as well 👍.
Just happened to complete this quest today, already had a Briar Heart, and it immediately showed as completed in the 1.4 update, rest is rather easy to get.

Good, this bug was a real pain, I'll have to start playing Skyrim again soon sometime.
I have a total of 215 hours into Skyrim and my character is now level 51. Blocking is around level 92. Heavy armor is level 84. I finished up the Dark Brotherhood missions over the weekend. Finally leveled up my Blacksmithing to 100 so I could make Ebony armor. Now my enchantment and blacksmithing are both at 100. I redid mine and my followers armor again and now my armor rating went from 577 to 844!!! WOW. :scared::drool: ONce my heavy armor level hits 100 then I will make light armor for my character and my follower and then level that up to 100.

FYI the max useful AC is about 574 which provides 85% resistance to weapons. Anything over this is a waste, so you don't need to use any enchantments to AC
Quite frankly, consoles are the reason for the existence of low-resolution textures in the first place. ;) Multiplatform games always suffer from the 'worst-of-all-worlds' syndrome.

^not me lol
That's a little disturbing, yet I can see the merit of wearing this if you have a marathon session of Skyrim and don't want to get up for snack.
So everyone. Im curious to know how everyonr played this game. Did you do just the main quests first and then go to the misc ones? Or misc then main quests ir did you did a little bit of everything? I am the one that kinda goes back and forth and im trying to avoid some main quests because i have a feeling the " boss" will kick my butt at this point in the game.
@OLDSKOOLACURA - I got to lvl. 30 on my first character, staying away from the main quest, until I had a revelation about perk points and character building. So I started again with two different characters as experiments - got to around lvl. 40 with both. THEN I started again, rebuilt my first character with a more efficient build and I'm now at lvl. 58. I'm a Kahjiit sneaky destruction mage and have finally gone through the main (Alduin) quest line fully. Like you, I went off and did a bunch of little quests before tackling Alduin but by the time I finally decided to take him on I'd become uber-powerful. So powerful, in fact, that he really didn't pose much of a challenge!
My advice is don't wait too long! Or at least make sure you're on Master difficulty so it doesn't feel too much like a picnic.
I have about 215 hours and just finished up the Dark Brotherhood. Not really sure what direction I want to go with the game now. Seems like I have completed almost all the main missions that I have come across. I havent finished the thieves guild because I am holding onto the Skull key for now until I hit lockpick 100. I think I am ready for some DLC. But with ME3 right around the corner, I have a feeling Skyrim will start collecting dust. I guess I could look at the achievements and see if there is something I could go for. I dont usually look at the achievemetns until I need some more replay value in a game. I think its time to do that with Skyrim.
Alternatively to the Skull (Skeleton?) Key, buy every lockpick you can, I have about 500-600 so I didn't need the key at all really as I'd eventually pick the lock out of 500 attempts. Still don't have 100 skill, not even close.
Just started playing. Not really a fan of RPGs in general but the open world bit made me want to try it.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Apart from hoarding tomatoes and salt, and occasionally being attacked by tall people.
If you're enjoying that I don't see the problem. ;) If not, open up the journal and see what quests are in there, should give you a purpose other than enjoy the scenery.
Absolutely. :)

It's teaching me to become a kleptomaniac. I just can't leave people's stuff alone.