The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
Just started playing. Not really a fan of RPGs in general but the open world bit made me want to try it.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Apart from hoarding tomatoes and salt, and occasionally being attacked by tall people.

I was the same way. I wasnt a big rpg player but after a few hours with skyrim i loved it, then after some more time this game is now a drug to me. I havent touched forza 4 or bf3 in weeks. Im loving hearing everyones plan in tackling this game. I hope they started making the next skyrim game already.
So everyone. Im curious to know how everyonr played this game...

First effort - Started off as a jack-of-all-trades and did every quest that I could find. I found I wasn't enjoying the story because I was chopping and changing between main, side, and misc quests. Restarted around level 35.

Second effort - Concentrated on the main story, companions, daedra and dark brotherhood. Melee fighter with half-decent archery skill. Loved it until level 47ish when I became bogged down trying to improve skills to get certain perks and sorting through chest loads of weapons and armour that "I may find a use for later".

Third effort - Main story only far enough to get dragons appearing. Concentrating on college of magic but have already wasted half my perks on things I don't use. Restarted at level 17.

Fourth effort - Starts after I eat some lunch.

This may sound like I've wasted my time, but truth be told I'm loving it. I've covered most of the map, sampled a bit of every story, played in multiple roles, and figured out which bits I want to do next.
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Since patch 1.4 came out and used prices are dropping to the £25 mark, I finally ordered Skyrim. It should arrive tomorrow or the day after. So between now and the game arriving, could anyone give me any advice or tips with starting out in the game? I've never played a proper RPG before, so this is going to be very new for me. :lol:
What the hell. Im doing the taste of death mission and i killed that king dragur and now eola wont talk to me. She just stands in a fighing stance and does nothing. Damn bugs. Im on the pc

Nevermind i got it. I left the cave and came back
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a definition of "epic": your first real one-on-one fight with a Dragon...

I am really ready for DLC. Just having a hard time getting back into Skyrim. And with ME3 coming out in about 6 days, I think Skyrim will see some dust for a long time.
I'm still playing skyrim now and then, I agree about the DLC. Not that I'm bored with it (haven't finished the main quests yet)
Nice pic dude... Had a dragon fight at a farm house last week, only to find out that chickens resist Dragonrend :lol:
Do I have to kill Paarthurnax? I really don't want to. He's lovely. The shouty woman keeps telling me to.

Getting really into it now. I'm waltzing round befriending everyone. Also I've stopped collecting tomatoes.

Do I have to kill Paarthurnax? I really don't want to. He's lovely. The shouty woman keeps telling me to.

No, I myself refused to with my "good" character. However the Blades will refuse to help you if you don't. Not a huge loss TBH, unless you really dig dragon hunting with them.

Oh, and here's to not grabbing every tomato! 👍
My buddy was nice enough to let me borrow his guide book. more like a exam book for college, I mean holy crap it's huge lol
All you dragon slayers thinking you're the man...

...with your armour and shields and swords and magic....

...imagine being a lonely dog on a dark night...

and behold...the true Dovakin...


I came across a Wispmother earlier on for the first time, it just rose up out of the rock and drained half my health with just one of those floating white things........i ran the opposite way as fast as i could. No idea how to kill it :scared:
I love Skyrim, I have 100 in smithing and enchanting. I have managed to make some bad a## Daedric armor and weapons. I have dual enchantments and upgrades on them all. I kill Dremora and Death Lords in a couple of hits. I have killed a whole town of guards doing the Dark Brotherhood quests, good way to build up 2 handed weapon and heavy armor skills. I am working on alchemy and it is slow. I am level 39 and have only killed 2 dragon priests. I have a house in Windhelm and it has plenty of annuities. Highly addictive game, wife keeps yelling at me :(
I came across a Wispmother earlier on for the first time, it just rose up out of the rock and drained half my health with just one of those floating white things........i ran the opposite way as fast as i could. No idea how to kill it :scared:

The trick is paint a convincing tunnel in the side of a cliff and hope she runs into it.

Or drop a piano on her.
The trick is paint a convincing tunnel in the side of a cliff and hope she runs into it.

Or drop a piano on her.
Encountered one 2 days ago in a cave, took nearly 3 glass arrows (admitted, I was in sneak mode).
Maybe the ones in the wild are tougher, don't know.
I never encountered a wisp mother until well into the level 50s and as such it wasn't really a challenge to defeat, my friend however encountered one around level 15 and it took him half a dozen reloads to defeat. Must be the most rare enemy in the game by far.
I never encountered a wisp mother until well into the level 50s and as such it wasn't really a challenge to defeat, my friend however encountered one around level 15 and it took him half a dozen reloads to defeat. Must be the most rare enemy in the game by far.
What?!?! I rented it and while I was going to the Graybeards (I was level 5 I think) I came across one.
That's where my friend encountered his first as well, but I never met one on the mountain. The first I encountered was actually the Pale lady (which is quest related). Since then I've encountered 2 others in dungeons. I'm level 64 now and have explored most of the map so I agree it's strange that they have been so elusive for me.
I came across it again after i had been killed the first time, I saw her and ran away to hide behind a rock (which was at the top of a cliff) so i could put a few arrows in her, problem is she shot that silver stuff at me, i got hit once so i crouched. I stood back up and she hit me again, killed me instantly and no joke it flung me about 100 metres off the edge of the cliff :scared:
Any idea about this bug?

I'm at the point where they're trying to arrest me in Markarth, I evaded arrest instead of going with them but now I can't get weapons out or attack, and I can't interact with ANYTHING.

The odd times the guards have tried to arrest me I picked 'Take me to jail' but it just loops round in a big circle and I can't for the life of me get arrested.

Guess I'm pretty much stuck!
On the PS3 I've had on occasion found that if I bring out a weapon I can use it or put it away again.

If that's what's happening to you, I did a new save and then loaded the save and after a few seconds of the same problem it fixed itself.