The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
So, after you slay the dragon and take over skyrim is there anything else left to do? I kinda figured there would be credits or something.
@ Moglet

Yes, I had glitches like that on every playthrough. Like Dragons would just "cling" onto the air while it's flying, and just stare down at you, and another where entities are launched into the air from Giants' blast attacks :lol: At rare occurrences, there would be two dragons in one setting, but I guess it's the game's way to a new combat experience.

So, after you slay the dragon and take over skyrim is there anything else left to do? I kinda figured there would be credits or something.

If you mean slaying Alduin, I think they'll just return you to Skyrim and proceed on as normal.
Yeah then I took over that last city for the stormcloaks. It was kinda anti-dramatic.

Also, I've been getting this annoying glitch where I'll fast travel into a safe area such as the middle of a city only to find that there are several leveled enemies waiting. Several named NPCs and companions have died forcing me to reload.
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I'm having an issue with the game and wondering of anyone has experienced the same thing.

I'm playing on ps3.

I'm about 50 hours into the game and everything was going great. I stopped playing for a couple of weeks and now that I got back into the game I'm experiencing a system lock up every time I submerge my character under water.

I have tried multiple different locations in the game and the system locks up every time.
I would try my previous saves but I over rode them with the current game as I thought it was a one time lock up.

Anyone have any suggestions?
That goat glitch was quite funny. I like the part where you are looking around for the goat and realize it warped on top of the roof.
The disc is clean, I'll try to reinstall the game and patch files. Hopefully that will fix it. Thanks.

This same issue happened to almost everyone after the release of patch 1.5. Here is a 'pinned' topic on the official site:

We've seen reports of users having issues with the game freezing up when entering water. If you're having this issue, head to the PlayStation XMB menu. From there go to Game>Game Data Utility. Delete the game data and title updates for Skyrim.

Note: Game Data is not the same as your game saves. As long as you're not deleting anything from the game saves folder, you'll still have your saves.

Once you restart Skyrim, you'll need to wait for the 1.5 title update to reinstall, as well as the mandatory game data install.
This game is pissing me off. I started a new game as a different race and I keep dying. I think I have a ton of health left and then I just randomly die. Of course soon as I load the game back up and try to start again it auto saves. Sooooo lame.

And now I can't even save the game. Thats great. I keep getting error 80030416.
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I find myself still undecided on my position in on the civil war in Skyrim, and having not played in a while I don't remember most of what's going on to make the right decision. I remember the Stormcloaks to be racist but perhaps have the biggest claim to the land whilst the Imperials was corrupt and in the pocket of the Thalmor but had some good Jarls and weren't as bad as the opening scene leads you to believe.

So my question is, what are the implications of following one path? Is one superior in anyway? As well as general thoughts on which side people prefer.

Like many I found myself immediately leaning towards the Stormcloaks at the beginning, but being a Wood Elf quickly shunned in their home city and when I went to whatever the Imperial city is called the Jarl and people there were much more fair.
I find myself still undecided on my position in on the civil war in Skyrim, and having not played in a while I don't remember most of what's going on to make the right decision. I remember the Stormcloaks to be racist but perhaps have the biggest claim to the land whilst the Imperials was corrupt and in the pocket of the Thalmor but had some good Jarls and weren't as bad as the opening scene leads you to believe.

So my question is, what are the implications of following one path? Is one superior in anyway? As well as general thoughts on which side people prefer.

Like many I found myself immediately leaning towards the Stormcloaks at the beginning, but being a Wood Elf quickly shunned in their home city and when I went to whatever the Imperial city is called the Jarl and people there were much more fair.

I went with the Imperials.

The only real implications are the Jarls, if one side wins the war, the opposing side's Jarls will go into exile.
I went imperial simply because I like Whiterun :lol:

Im stuck on this quest because It freezes just about as i'm about to leave the cave *grumpyface*
Play two characters and do both. the storm cloaks are racist, but the imperials are fascists. Kinda a rock and a hard place. One thing I would say is leave the quest line until you're finding levelling is going a little slowly.
Play two characters and do both. the storm cloaks are racist, but the imperials are fascists. Kinda a rock and a hard place. One thing I would say is leave the quest line until you're finding levelling is going a little slowly.

I'm level 58, 100+ hours in :lol:. I plan on making the decision once and only once as I don't really want to replay as another character given the time I've put in to this one which I'll probably not repeat. I was tempted to start again, but to be fair it will practically be a repeat playthrough where I'll focus on archery and sneaking, make similar decisions and grind out the same stats.
I'm level 76 with 320+ hours and I haven't decided yet. Each time I decide on one side I find a reason to hate them.
I'm level 58, 100+ hours in :lol:. I plan on making the decision once and only once as I don't really want to replay as another character given the time I've put in to this one which I'll probably not repeat. I was tempted to start again, but to be fair it will practically be a repeat playthrough where I'll focus on archery and sneaking, make similar decisions and grind out the same stats.

Noob ;)

I might not be a great example, I'm 300+ hours in and level 77 on my second character, after maxing out at level 81 on my first. It's surprising how different a replay can be specialising in different skills.
Noob ;)

I might not be a great example, I'm 300+ hours in and level 77 on my second character, after maxing out at level 81 on my first. It's surprising how different a replay can be specialising in different skills.

That's the thing, I don't want to specialize in different skills. I've used my main as a mule to try out the sort of playstyles I want to enhance my current playstyle such as Illusion magic or tried completely new ones using enchantments to sample magic and such but nothing fits me like an archer assassin using stealth, a bow and a dagger (or if things go wrong dual katanas). In other words I'll end up doing a near carbon copy and have to sit through annoying grinds to unlock things I really would miss such as the roll.

I'm happy so long as the game doesn't get easy, I can still play different styles as I'm on Master so the AI will always put up a fight if I use enchantments to make myself OP for my skill level in any particular area.
Oh god I can't go in water without the game freezing :\

Welcome to Skyrim! I've been fortunate enough to miss any major bug, currently I just have one bugged side-quest to kill a bandit leader in an area I already cleared.
Did the latest patch bring any fixes for completing quests in areas which are already cleared? I.E. is there some way the enemies respawn? Can I just wait an age for a forced respawn?
I've got it on the 360 and the only bug I've experienced so far is the goat one on the last page! Is the PS3 version bad for bugs?