The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
I've not come across any major bugs on the PS3 at all. The only thing that really pissed me off was the freezing with big save files. But that got fixed with a patch.
Agreed, I'm on the PS3 version and I've not noticed anything wacky.

Just really minor things, like bandits spawning during long unskippable talking, killing me while Karliah is asking me if I'm okay. Lady, I'm being mauled.

Oh, and hoverhorses.
Well I've finally made my decision on the civil war, though I'm not committed to it, I'll likely go with the Imperials and I have a number of reasons why thanks to some research in to the lore I've looked at both sides to establish who has the best cause. I won't go in to much detail (unless asked) but though both sides are flawed my main motivation is to make a decision which would least benefit the Thalmor who are the real enemy of Tamriel and want the civil war to continue and weaken both sides for their benefit. The Imperials may not be the best choice for the region of Skyrim, though I have my reasons once again, but the Stormcloaks under Ulfric are self interested and will not soon be banging on the Thalmors door in their own lands.

It's sort of like choosing between a rebel native tribe and a large empire like the Romans, the tribe promotes racism and seclusion with otherwise good intentions whilst the Empire makes it's own mistakes and is to a noticeable degree a fascist faction but is also a more sophisticated and organised faction which can recover from it's corruption given the opportunity (a Dragonborn hero would be just the sort to lead them in the right direction both against the Thalmor and internal).
i'm going to start playing again, ive been playing bf3 and forza 4 lately and haven't touched akyrim in awhile. What is the fastest and easiest way to level up sneeking? Ive watched a few youtube videos on it.
Picked this up (well, picked it up off the doormat) last week. Feeling much slicker than Oblivion so far, not far in to it at all, but enjoying it so far.
Just bought Breezehome, 5000 for that? Extortionate! Just finished the Dustman's Cairn quest, which was very lucrative and good fun. Finally found a combo that worked for me, weapon wise. Really enjoying it so far, just wish I had more money. Those Silver Hands are quite hardy.
What weapon(s) have you gone for out of interest? Breezehome is kind of a rip off, but then again I have thousands upon thousands of gold stocked up in there in junk form and it's been great for stockpiling. My wife also lives there earning me money, is a potential follower with relevant archery skills to compliment my own, has some vague relevance to my character outside of wife and doesn't look like a donkeys back side. I could move her to my more expensive and pretty home on Solitude but it's less practical for me :lol:.

I picked up platinum the other day for Skyrim, so now I'm a full time assassin when I do play on it (when I'm not on BF3, so when my internet is down :lol:).
I'm switching between an Orc Bow (24, I think) for long range and dragon attacks and my melee is Shield with a war axe at about 17 damage. One of my one handed weapons makes low level creatures flee, which I found annoying, damn it, I want to kill you!


I'm currently waiting to level up a bit more (level 12), before I go up to the big mountain (main quest) as I hear it can be quite lethal up there.

Just killed a second dragon so unlocked the fire breath shout, which should be helpful.

Yes, as you say it's all about stockpiling. I'm not sure I'll bother with any of the extras until money is easy. I can go to Arcadia's for the Alchemy lab.

One of the next perks I want is to be able to improve enchanted weapons.
One of the next perks I want is to be able to improve enchanted weapons.

There is an incredibly tedious, easy way to do that and level up another stat at the same time. If you don't know already, send me a message and I can tell you.
Does anyone know how I can protect myself from frost? It's my Achilles heal with this character, he's completely impervious to fire pretty much, but frost kills me soooo easily.

Are there any enchanted armour? Or amulets or anything?
Does anyone know how I can protect myself from frost? It's my Achilles heal with this character, he's completely impervious to fire pretty much, but frost kills me soooo easily.

Are there any enchanted armour? Or amulets or anything?

Put on a jacket.

But yeah, there are X Boots of Frost Resist as random loot all over. I remember buying some at Bits And Pieces in Solitude, maybe check there. I also remember hearing there were some lying around the ArchMage quarters once you've completed that story branch.

Aside from that, you could stock up on Resist Frost potions and hope you don't need them too often.
I am looking forward to the Dawnguard DLC since there are no good games coming out this summer at all. I will buy it for sure but might wait at least a day or 2 after its released to make sure the bugs are gone. Bethesda is known for releasing bug infested DLC with day 1 problems. Happened with every single DLC for Fallout 3. In fact I am missing an achivement in F3 Broken Steel because of a day 1 bug.
Yep, June 26th it comes out, 3 days time.
I'm looking forward to it, I haven't had much time to play Skyrim lately so this should get me back into it.
I think they could have timed the DLC a bit better, it's 7 months after release so I expect many have had their fill and moved on to other games. But it could rekindle peoples love for the game I guess.
I was also reading that after dawnguard comes out for all 3 platfroms, they will be have a lot more DLC following it. my fingers are crossed.
I'm struggling to find things to do on skyrim :P

*consults skyrim game guide for good things to do*
I'm struggling to find things to do on skyrim :P

*consults skyrim game guide for good things to do*

Well, you can always level up your skills & clear out Dungeons. Takes up surprisingly a lot of time.

Ahhhhhhh! Urag just keeps repeating himself. I'm losing my minr

I use him as my access to learning more about the Lore of Elder Scrolls.
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I'm struggling to find things to do on skyrim :P

*consults skyrim game guide for good things to do*

Seriously? My odd jobs list starts getting smaller, I go and talk to some bar man and find myself clicking "Heard any rumours?" and suddenly I've got half a dozen new things to do, and I didn't even want more! [/OCD]

Finding the fighting mechanism clunky at times, but no major complaints.
The fighting does kind of suck though marksmanship with the bow is pretty spot on once you learn where the arrow is actually going in relation to the crosshair :lol: (slightly above on first person and then dips back down over distance and third person it's way off). The archer and assassin playstyles best suit me because of this, sneak attacks and stealth are the name of the game though I avoid invisibility and play on master to keep myself challenged but use overpowered weapons to make things not take an age to kill.
You should never need more then 314 :lol:. I use far less then that with no real opposition on master at level 60 where almost every enemy is it's most elite version.
Just finished the main quest. On to side quests. I can't wait for dlc

Get on those faction quests, I think some of them are way more interesting then the main quest. Infact I'd say the main quest takes a backseat to the side quests available and is disappointingly short.