The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
I started another new character the other day. I've decided to limit myself primarily to leather/iron and steel weapons/armor for added difficulty.

So while exploring the wilderness with my crap gear I run face to face with a saber cat at low level. I sprinted to the nearest inn with that thing biting my ass. The thing followed my through the door and killed the people inside the inn before I could kill it! :lol:
Skyrim Dragonborn DLC coming to PS3, PC early 2013

We’re less than 24 hours away from unleashing Skyrim’s next add-on Dragonborn on Xbox LIVE. It’s one of our most ambitious add-ons ever and we’re excited for everyone to play it.

We’re also happy to announce Dragonborn will be available on PS3 and PC early next year.

The support from Skyrim fans over the last year has been amazing, and it’s driven us to support Skyrim more than any game we’ve ever released – including free content updates, modding tools like the Creation Kit and the Skyrim Workshop, and our add-ons, Dawnguard and Hearthfire.

And we’re still not done – we look forward to sharing more Skyrim news next year!
I will be picking this dlc up for sure but I will wait until the weekend or later than that. I am always a bit nervous buying Bethesda DLC the day it comes out. I try to wait at least a day or 2.
Is this game strides far and away better than Oblivion, or should I just get that instead?
I got more addicted to Skyrim, certainly feels bigger as a game. With either one you'll get good value for money.
Any feedback on the new Dawnguard dlc?
I will be picking up this dlc probably over the weekend. I still need to finish Hearthfire. They still wont give me access to the land in Falkreath. I looked it up and it seems that I need to finish my side quests. But cant figure out which side quest I need to finish.
I recently got Skyrim for PS3 but have been having some issues with the game freezing :( It only seems to happen after I die, I will be stuck in the loading screen, the smoke still moves the text continues to change and I can move the image it displays around but it just never loads, it doesn't happen every time, but it's happened a lot and I've only owned the game for about 1 week. Is this a common problem? Any fixes? And any knowlege of what causes it?
Playing through Skyrim. Doing the Companion missions right off the bat so I can marry Aela...and...only crap, those Silver Hand guys carry a LOT of money on them randomly. Heck, most guys have 40-50 gold on them or more...after just a couple missions I already have 1000 gold. Too bad you can't do those missions more than once 'cause...that's easy money.
I had so much coin and ebony everything and my stupid PS3 YLOD'ed without me having backed up my save, aghhh i miss this game so much!
Well, I completed the Companions, married Aela and have nearly enough money to buy a house. Thank you Silver Hand for carrying so much money around. I don't even know why you would carry that much money in those days.
Yeah so I got this and beat the crap out of Hadvar during the whole beginning and he got mad at the end and now kills me every time I spawn, no matter where I am. What do I do?
I just have the autosaves and what is TGM? It's only the second mission so I guess I can just restart.
tgm = Gamebryo command for EPIC CHEATZ aka god mode. I assume you're playing on PC, otherwise disregard.

Also you're already doing it wrong if you're only using autosaves, the one rule with open-world Bethsoft titles is save, save, save :P
I love the glitches in this game. Only been playing for a little bit and I've already seen one of the Companions push a horse like it was nothing while on the way to getting stuck in an infinite loop. And then Irelith mitosised out of one of the guards when they discovered I was dragonborn. I about lost it on that one.

On another note...the RDR still has the best horse models...but this game has about as many glitches as RDR...but I think I prefer RDR...Skyrim is fun though. and it's on my Xbox, so it's not like I can go trade it in or something. It's a good time killing game, anyway. I do want to get the Hearthfire DLC eventually, though, that way, the Mrs and I could raise a family, and get a nice, custom home with plenty of land for the youngin's to play in.

And I agree, SAVE SAVE SAVE. My game froze once and I had to do a crap load of stuff over again. I learned then, to save a lot.
Ah well I'm on PS3 and never played an Elder Scrolls or Fallout title before so I guess that's good advice. I'll just start over and be better off.

If I'm on PS3, how would I regress my progress to a previous save point?

Umm I don't think my game is autosaving and it won't let me manually save...

Kind of annoyed, I'm getting pretty far and it won't let me save.

Now I died and it won't change screens, I'm just laying there dead. What the hell?

Is there a place where I can sell all my stuff? I need a horse. And is the one for sale outside of Whiterun the one I want?
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I started another new character the other day. I've decided to limit myself primarily to leather/iron and steel weapons/armor for added difficulty.

So while exploring the wilderness with my crap gear I run face to face with a saber cat at low level. I sprinted to the nearest inn with that thing biting my ass. The thing followed my through the door and killed the people inside the inn before I could kill it! :lol:

Brings back memories of my first khajit char. 👍 Where I would run for help all the time..:lol::lol:
Ah well I'm on PS3 and never played an Elder Scrolls or Fallout title before so I guess that's good advice. I'll just start over and be better off.

If I'm on PS3, how would I regress my progress to a previous save point?

Umm I don't think my game is autosaving and it won't let me manually save...

Kind of annoyed, I'm getting pretty far and it won't let me save.

Now I died and it won't change screens, I'm just laying there dead. What the hell?

Is there a place where I can sell all my stuff? I need a horse. And is the one for sale outside of Whiterun the one I want?
You can sell your stuff, buy a horse, buy a house, find friends, make enermies, kill dragons, marry, kill, be killed, and lots more all in and around white run. Just relax and have fun. You will work it all out. Great game, drink lots of coffee..:D:D
Any news about Dragonborn? Bethesda confirmed themselves that it WILL be coming for PS3 early this year. I'm just not sure if it's the first few weeks of January, or the first few months of the year :P
I am about to give up on Skyrim. I still cant get the house in Falkreath from the Hearthfire dlc.

I asked about this a few months ago and the only response was to complete side missions. Well I have cut my side missions in half after days and days. I still cant get the option from the Jarl Siddgeir and Nenya. No response from Helvard either.

Here are the missions I currently have activated. Do you see any in here I need to complete so I can get the property dialog?

Do you think it has something to do with the side mission above where it says "Report to the Jarl of whiterun" ? Everytime I try to talk to him (Jarl Balgruuf the greater) nothing happens. The dialog says "what will it take to end the war" then he says something about removing the head of Ulfric Stormcloak.

Do you think this mission is bugged too? I want to buy the Dragonborn dlc but not if this doesnt work first. I want that 3rd house.

I was having trouble with getting the Falkreath land dialogue too until a couple of days ago and was just as frustrated.
Firstly, the jarl should have given you a kill bandit leader mission to do in order to open up the possibility of buying land. It's always a kill bandit mission so no need to do anything other than that.

Once that's done, if you want to become thane and get a new Housecarl (or steward for your new homestead), keep in mind that other bounty missions won't work towards completing "assist the people of Falkreath". The missions that did work towards completing that task were easier than I thought:
-harvest some food from Matthias' farm & sell it back to him
-find Runil's journal in a cave
-steal Lod's private letter for Dengeir

Hope this helps!
That didnt help but I figured it out by pure accident.

I FINALLY unlocked the dialog from the Jarl!!!

It had nothing to do with the list posted above. I had to complete the mission called "Locate the Assassin of Old" under the misc missions. After I completed this I returned to the Jarl, like I do after every mission, and he had the new dialog. After that I just had to get him some Black Briar Mead and it worked!!!! Finally!!
Any news about Dragonborn? Bethesda confirmed themselves that it WILL be coming for PS3 early this year. I'm just not sure if it's the first few weeks of January, or the first few months of the year :P

I havent heard anything but us PS3 users better get a discount or something because im really upset