The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
They should give one of them away free. And after all this waiting, it wouldn't surprise me if they screw the game up totally.
They should give one of them away free. And after all this waiting, it wouldn't surprise me if they screw the game up totally.

If you buy all three DLC's it should cost about $22.50, which would be cheaper than buying two and getting one free ($25.00-40.00). I think it's a good deal myself. Although the likelihood of this content actually functioning on the PS3 makes it difficult to be enthusiastic.
Heathfire is awesome. Although...the first house I built is in probably the WORST area ever. My wife, when I ask her how the kids are, even goes "great when we're not fending off wolves or giants or giant spiders. What were you thinking bringing us out here?" Which is funny, but it is a pretty stupid place to build a house. I wish it was closer to the town, but it's not.

On another note. I finally got to Solitude...WTF? Be wary if you're just starting Skyrim, you might just get randomly attacked when entering Solitude for the first time. Apparently, you can walk in on them hanging their former king, and if you do that, the guards freak out and try to kill you. It's stupid. Especially after I just saved them from a dragon.
Confirmed for Europe as well. (Well for English language versions that is).

Dragonborn on Wednesday 13th February

Heathfire on Wednesday 20th February

Dawnguard on Wednesday 27th February

The good thing about this is that we well get 24 hours advanced notice on how badly the patch and DLC will mess up our game. :sly:
Thats great news the PS3 owners can finally enjoy the dlc. I have the 360 version and I love the Hearthfire dlc. I put at least 40+ hours just into the Hearthfire dlc. 1 house is about 98% complete. The 2nd house is around 80% complete and my 3rd house is only about 50% complete. Havent purchased the other dlc yet.
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Looking forward to the DLC. It will give me another reason to dig out Skyrim again. Not that I need more reasons. I just hope that the filesize isn't too bad as I don't really have much space on my hdd and it's getting harder to find space as time goes on.
What is everyones opinion on the Dawnguard and Dragonborn dlc? I love the Hearthfire dlc and now that I finally have all 3 houses unlocked, I am ready to check out the other dlc. I heard Dawnguard allows you to make your own arrows and there is a staff enchanter. Or is that in Dragonborn? Can someone break down the best items in those 2 dlc packs?
I never buy dlcs with Bethesda games because I can't be bothered checking if mods are compatible with them. That and the dlcs never seem to be very good.

I miss the old days when you got a good sized expansion pack instead.
I never buy dlcs with Bethesda games because I can't be bothered checking if mods are compatible with them. That and the dlcs never seem to be very good.

I miss the old days when you got a good sized expansion pack instead.
You should at least check out Hearthfire. As I said earlier, I have over 40+ hours just into the Hearthfire dlc. Plus this dlc was only $5.00.
I hope the update fixes the glitch when I am about to go underwater and the PS3 freezes. If not then back on the shelf and no DLC.
What is everyones opinion on the Dawnguard and Dragonborn dlc? I love the Hearthfire dlc and now that I finally have all 3 houses unlocked, I am ready to check out the other dlc. I heard Dawnguard allows you to make your own arrows and there is a staff enchanter. Or is that in Dragonborn? Can someone break down the best items in those 2 dlc packs?

The Staff enchanter is in Dragonborn.
I haven't played nor been excited to play Dawnguard yet and would love to hear someone's opinion on it, too. I have played both Heathfire and Dragonborn though (on Xbox) and can say that Dragonborn IMO is definitely a very fun and true expansion.

Best things in Dragonborn:
- Whole new territory to explore
- New shouts, new enemies, new magics, new abilities
- I also really enjoyed the main story quest. It refreshed Skyrim for me. And I appreciated that it was completely separate from the original main story quest in Skyrim.
- Lots of new side quests
- The main quest also unlocks the ability to change-up your character perks even if you've hit the level cap.
Thanks for the reply. Sounds REALLY good and a true expansion. I will buy Dragonborn sometime in the near future for sure.
I hope the update fixes the glitch when I am about to go underwater and the PS3 freezes. If not then back on the shelf and no DLC.

There's been a fix for this for ages mate.

Delete the game data and patch data from your system. Note. Do not delete your save though.

Download the patch data again then install from the disc.

Freeze glitch gone. :)

You have to do this every time a new patch turns up. :dunce:

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I just finished the main quests in Dragonborn. The final battle was really tough, even for my Heavy Armor/2 Handed character. Had to use a bunch of extreme healing potions :P

I think Dragonborn would be more fun for a mage type character. I haven't tried the staff enchanter yet, but I don't really need that on my warrior.
I want to pick up one of the DLCs to try and get me back into the game, but I don't know which one to buy. So which out of Dragonborn, Hearthfire and Dawnguard should I get? I realise Hearthfire and Dawnguard aren't out yet.
So which out of Dragonborn, Hearthfire and Dawnguard should I get?

I haven't played Dawnguard but I have both Hearthfire and Dragonborn. I would say Dragonborn is the way to go for new content with all new story quests (main & side missions), new powers, new shouts, new NPCs and enemies, not to mention the ability to respec your character. It single-handedly got me back into playing. Hearthfire is ok if you really want to have another house (or three) but since you can't really design your own house or even it's layout (customization is very limited), I was somewhat underwhelmed.
Definitely enjoyed Dragonborn though.
Anyone else encounter a nigh on invincible ancient dragon since downloading dragonborn? I'm only a few hours into dragonborn and have already encountered it twice. The first time it destroyed me in a few seconds. When I loaded the game, it was nowhere to be seen.

This time, as soon as I saw it, I saved the game. It destroyed me quickly. I kept reloading the game and was beaten time and time again. Eventually, I decided to run for it. It ended up chasing me halfway across solstheim until it became distracted by various creatures, giving me enough time to get away. It isn't actually invincible, but it's fire breath is devastating. I'm level 49 btw. Don't get me wrong, I always thought the dragons were too easy and I hope to be able to beat this one someday, but it will take a lot of luck to do so.
I had some difficulty with an elder dragon. I have enchanted armor and various potions that give very high resistance to elements but the thing would keep landing and biting me almost immediately. That was frustrating.