The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
My smithing and enchanting skills are fully leveled up so my armor is great. I encountered it again. It's fire breath depleted >90% of my life in one go. The bite finished me off. Normally, I destroy ancient dragons without even blinking. I guess my best bet is to find an area with lots of cover and fire arrows at it. This thing is the toughest dragon I have encountered by miles. I want to get rid of it before it can kill any important npc's.

I haven't really bothered with the main quest in dragonborn. Maybe I should give it a try to see if I can unlock any shouts that will help. It seems to stay close to tel mithryn
My Breton with maxed limited Magic resistance and 56% resistance to Elemental damage doesn't even get scratched by any Dragon in Dragonborn.

He is level 80 though so that's probably the issue your having.

As for the main quest, if you think an Ancient Dragon is hard don't bother with the main quest. :crazy:
I finally managed to beat the dragon earlier. I've beaten countless ancient dragons before. Not to mention I've never had any trouble with the dragon priests. I think this dragon was just the result of some weird leveling glitch. Like I said, his fire breath took away more than 90% of my life bar in an instant. I was able to hide under one of the tree sized mushrooms near tel mithrin and hit him with arrows when he was distracted by local wildlife. It took twenty minutes to beat him and I was using an ebony bow and arrows with powerful enchantments.

I've never had this much trouble with anything skyrim has thrown at me.
I think the developers assumed that anyone playing Dragonborn would already be high level so perhaps they just upped the AI levels?

I know the some of the Deathlords I've encountered have given me some very interesting fights which they never do in Skyrim.

Edit. Hearthhome available now on UK PSN for £1.99. Dragonborn now full price of £12.99.
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I have noticed an issue with crafting in Hearthfire. When you go up to a work bench or other crafting table either no options are present or all options are present. This means you have to exit and re-enter the menu for the correct information to be displayed.
I've just got Skyrim, a little late to the game but I knew it would be a total time-eater so was putting it off.

I've no doubt the game is awesome but am I alone in not really liking how things start off? I gather it's pretty much an open world eventually, I'm sure developers think that it's good to kick such games off with a very linear sequence where you are literally thrown into things but being a free-roam fan and a little put off by the likes of Uncharted (and the new Tomb Raider, sadly) I just wanted to have a wander and get used to things at my own pace.

The initial ride in the cart was good in setting the scene I guess, but a little long-winded. Then the attack from the dragon, the dragon was awesome but it seemed pretty unclear what one was supposed to do next. I was running from burned out building to burned out building, then ran across some open ground only to be confronted face to face by the dragon (which was quite scary-ass admittedly) then was annihilated, only to apparently immediately respawn. When I eventually figured out where to go next it said something like "goal achieved - find the keep" - Huh?

Cue following the Nord guy for quite some time but having to break off rather a lot to search sacks and skeletons for cabbages and gold respectively, and Mr Nord continually nagging me to follow him.

Combat I find clunky so far though admittedly am using a battle axe, but I seem to swipe at nothing then make contact only for it to switch to a sudden animation of me finishing the guy off (which at first I thought was me being nailed because by that time I was using the same armour). Are these little animations really necessary? But hand to hand combat has always been a little imprecise in first person games I guess, and I'll get more used to it. Perhaps time for the sword and shield combo.

Oh yeah, and when we were getting pegged by a couple of archers, the only way to engage them was across a little stone bridge, but unfortunately at first Mr Nord stood frozen on said bridge and wouldn't let me past. Eventually he snapped out of it and we had our scrap.

Now I have to sneak around a sleeping bear, and honestly I'm beginning to feel a little sleepy myself. Like I said, I've little doubt I'll love this game when things open out a bit and I can choose my own path, but that's taking its sweet time to happen.
Yeah I really was not a fan of the opening level. It picks up the pace pretty darn nicely soon after that though.
I've just got Skyrim, a little late to the game but I knew it would be a total time-eater so was putting it off.

I've no doubt the game is awesome but am I alone in not really liking how things start off? I gather it's pretty much an open world eventually, I'm sure developers think that it's good to kick such games off with a very linear sequence where you are literally thrown into things but being a free-roam fan and a little put off by the likes of Uncharted (and the new Tomb Raider, sadly) I just wanted to have a wander and get used to things at my own pace.

The initial ride in the cart was good in setting the scene I guess, but a little long-winded. Then the attack from the dragon, the dragon was awesome but it seemed pretty unclear what one was supposed to do next. I was running from burned out building to burned out building, then ran across some open ground only to be confronted face to face by the dragon (which was quite scary-ass admittedly) then was annihilated, only to apparently immediately respawn. When I eventually figured out where to go next it said something like "goal achieved - find the keep" - Huh?

Cue following the Nord guy for quite some time but having to break off rather a lot to search sacks and skeletons for cabbages and gold respectively, and Mr Nord continually nagging me to follow him.

Combat I find clunky so far though admittedly am using a battle axe, but I seem to swipe at nothing then make contact only for it to switch to a sudden animation of me finishing the guy off (which at first I thought was me being nailed because by that time I was using the same armour). Are these little animations really necessary? But hand to hand combat has always been a little imprecise in first person games I guess, and I'll get more used to it. Perhaps time for the sword and shield combo.

Oh yeah, and when we were getting pegged by a couple of archers, the only way to engage them was across a little stone bridge, but unfortunately at first Mr Nord stood frozen on said bridge and wouldn't let me past. Eventually he snapped out of it and we had our scrap.

Now I have to sneak around a sleeping bear, and honestly I'm beginning to feel a little sleepy myself. Like I said, I've little doubt I'll love this game when things open out a bit and I can choose my own path, but that's taking its sweet time to happen.

Skryim has upwards of 300 hours of quests and just exploring and you're already complaining about the opening scenes???? 👎
Umm settle down? As I said more than once, I will love this game, I was just asking if anyone else agreed that the first level is a bit of a drag, which at least one person agrees with. I just found it surprising Bethesda decided to kick off the game in such a linear fashion, when it is such an open world game. First impressions count for a lot with games, after all. I'm just glad I know that it will get better.
I've just got Skyrim, a little late to the game but I knew it would be a total time-eater so was putting it off.


You have got to be kidding. The game baby walks you through the start.

Just follow the directions given. Once you exit Helgen your last compulsory part is taking cover as the dragon flies over.

That's it. You are now free to follow the story or completely do your own thing.

Congratulations on buying a truly great game. I'm well over 400 hours in and not getting all all bored.

Best advice? Turn off all the auto saving and save manually before making any new journey.
Kidding about what? I know it baby walks you, that was precisely my point. Nowhere did I say I was finding it difficult, just a little confusing til I got to the keep. I would just prefer it didn't baby walk me as the appeal of the game to me is its lack of linearity, and thus far it's been very linear, which I found unusual, but I guess this is their way of getting me used to the controls and whatnot.

I hear you re. saving, have already found I can save manually as well as autosave, but may switch the latter off. Have already saved a few times but more due to having to go off and do other things :)

Edit: Also just remembered can be played in third-person so will try that, will probs switch to first for archery, long range spells and such.
I know for a fact you don't even have to discover you're dragonborn for a while, if you don't want. I did the Companion missions and got married before fighting my first dragon.
Kidding about what? I know it baby walks you, that was precisely my point. Nowhere did I say I was finding it difficult, just a little confusing til I got to the keep. I would just prefer it didn't baby walk me as the appeal of the game to me is its lack of linearity, and thus far it's been very linear, which I found unusual, but I guess this is their way of getting me used to the controls and whatnot.

I hear you re. saving, have already found I can save manually as well as autosave, but may switch the latter off. Have already saved a few times but more due to having to go off and do other things :)

Edit: Also just remembered can be played in third-person so will try that, will probs switch to first for archery, long range spells and such.

The opening section you have been going on about is a very very insignificant tiny part of the game. Of course it's linear, it has to be. It's setting up the story of the game and introducing you to the controls.

There is no way any part of that intro can be described as confusing at all unless you play with your eyes shut. :sly:
OK boss. Bit patronising there as the section after the dragon attacks just before you are executed *is* confusing, little indication is given as to where you need to go next, perhaps you got lucky and ran to the right place but I'm not alone and didn't have my "eyes shut" (really necessary?). I've discussed this elsewhere as well as with tfriends who have the game, surprisingly they didn't say that it was in no way confusing and I must have had my eyes shut.

It's also not just a short intro, it's playable and i'm actually some way in and it's still linear, I'm still following the Nord fella. I'm not talking real time here as not played it today but I am maybe 30-40m in, game time. I don't tend to rush headlong in such games and examine everything (which is rewarded in this)

Yes in the grand scheme of things it is a small section but you are totally missing my point, it still serves as an intro to the game, and is arguably (hence I was asking if anyone else agreed) a little long and completely linear before it apparently suddenly becomes completely open.

I really wish people weren't so precious about their favourite games, it was very clear I wasn't bashing the whole game, just found this part a little draggy and misleading as regards to the content of the game as a whole. And also clarified that I know once I get past this part, things will open up but 1. It's a long time coming and 2. Not everyone would necessarily stick with it if they didn't know things get a whole lot better.

Oh and it's not set much of a story up yet, I learned most of that in a book I picked up along the way :)
No, it is not confusing. Everything is very clearly signposted and obvious. This was my first Elder Scrolls game and nothing about this section was in any way confusing at all.

You're complaining about a part of the game that takes literally just a few minutes to get through.
Did you even read my post? I was referring to the whole sequence of events from sitting in a cart for 5 minutes or more and the near-execution (during which time you can only look around), dragon attack, then following Nord guy thus far through several locations and passages and currently about to sneak around a sleeping bear.

I'm assuming there will be more following/linearity after that too but could be wrong. Like I said, I will check (can't remember if the saves have such info) but pretty sure I am at least 30m in now.

And if the section I referred to after the dragon attacks is clearly signposted and obvious, replay it and tell me where these "signposts" are.

I played it yesterday and remember it very well. At first you take cover at the bottom of a tower. The door is shut. There are injured people but it seems you can't help them, though someone says we need to take them with us. Someone then says we need to go up the tower. Someone else says no the dragon will get us. Nothing happens until you follow one guy up the steps, the dragon blows a hole in the wall and you can get outside from there (I think the main door also opened).

As far as I remember, no indication is then given as to where you are supposed to go next (unless someone shouts it but I must have missed it) and you go outside to find several burned out buildings, some guys attempting to fight the dragon and a bunch of locked doors and gates, except for one I eventually found which led to "the keep" and auto-saved.

Like I said, perhaps you went straight there and all power to you but for me, and apparently others, it wasn't too clear. There's really no need to say "No no it's not at all confusing for anyone and you must have had your eyes closed". And in having to explain this over and over, it seems I am making a way bigger deal out of it now than it was. I just mentioned that particular part as being a little confusing.

I could understand if I was saying bah I'm bored of this section, this game is clearly crap but all I was saying was thus far it's been a little long winded, linear and (during that one part) confusing, and an odd intro, as the rest of the game is anything but linear, and, I've no doubt, pretty awesome.

Please try not to be precious about it, don't generalise about what I pointed out or shoot me down for it, let's discuss it like adults?
The on the cart section can't be skipped. Then you create your character.

The first guy gets his head chopped off. Your character goes down on the headsman's block, the headsman raises his axe and the dragon attacks. You end up face down.

Then the Nord shouts at you to follow him. At this point you get control of your character.

1. When your character gets up, you are literally pointing straight at the building you have to go in. There is an arrow pointing at the door.

2. You are told to get to the top of the tower.

3. You are told to jump through the hole the dragon has made into the building below.

4. The exit of that building leads you to the legion character. He tells you to follow him.

5. When they meet you have a choice of which one to follow. Again, the door to enter is clearly highlighted with an arrow.

6. Follow to character through to the exit of Helgon listening to what the other character says.

7. Exit Helgon.

8. Do you own thing.
Once you get out of the dungeon, press forward and you'll see some landmarks in black. Go to the one closest to you, that should be the stones for the mage, thief, and warrior. Choose one depending on what you character is and then head towards Riverwood. You'll want to do that because if you don't start questing right away you'll need to fast travel to Riverwood in order to buy/sell stuff. Once you get out of the dungeon the game is all open for you to decide where you want to go.
Thanks guys, like I said, I wasn't stuck as such just found that one part confusing and invited discussion on how the game starts in a very linear fashion. Anyway I think part of the problem was that I didn't have the volume very high and probably couldn't hear folks calling me, particularly amid the chaos and the dragon flapping around, but that in fairness added to the atmosphere.

Now I've switched subtitles on and along with using third person view (except for archery and suchlike) I'm having a blast with this game. And the bear *was* the last mostly linear part, once I got outside I was blown away by the freedom the game affords. Thus far I seem to have sided with the Nords/Rebels and have the Dark Elf fella following me (though he is the least agile elf ever and a *really* bad swimmer)

Had awesome fun with the Bleak Falls Sanctum quest, reminded me of the atmosphere I felt with the original Tomb Raider (which has been absent in most iterations since) and now I'm on my way to the Jarl to tell him Dragons are abroad.

Anyway blah, awesome game :)
I'm level 51 currently and I still haven't started the main quest. I wonder how much further I can go before I run out of other stuff too do.
When I first got the game, I also had trouble figuring out what was happening. I basically talked to every NPC I came across with to find out what's going on.

Dawnguard is coming out tomorrow, and I haven't even finished everything in Dragonborn yet. I bet this game could last me until the next Elder Scrolls comes out 👍
Anybody have any idea where i can get skyrim for a acceptable price?

I tried searching Google and looked on HUKD but the cheapest I found was close to £25. Surely it can be got for cheaper than that? I even heard it can be downloaded on 360 for £15 but I'm on PS3. Any help will be appreciated. I had the game for rent a while back and loved it. Didn't get hardly 3 hours in though. Only now the PS3 DLC debacle is sorted have I decided to get it and the DLC but the game seems to have held its value incredibly.
I remember seeing pre-owned copies in Game for about £10. Might be worth a look.
Encountered a glitch were a couple quest items were removed from inventory without the quest progressing. Had to revert to an old save.
Just dropped 20 quid for the game brand new. I couldnt wait much longer. Shame I missed out on the first week discounts for the DLC. Still ill get them on a few days.
I think you can still buy dawnguard for half price. You might as well buy it now and save a few £. I bought it last week but haven't touched it yet.
Is there a level requirement to start hearthfire? I know that you have to hang around a big town for a few minutes so a courier will come to you but I tried standing around in whiterun for a bit but nothing happenned. Do I need to be a certain level for it to activate? As i was very early in the game admitedly. Also another thing, When I get a house, if for example I leave a book from my inventory on a shelf or table. Will it stay there from then on?
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