The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
I've not played much of it, am hanging around Whiterun having just become a Thane and was granted the ability to buy property but am assuming any house or room will come with a chest you can put your stuff in? Not sure if stuff you drop stays where it is forever but I think you would struggle to "place" a book on a shelf anyway? For safety I would leave your stuff in a chest, personally. Alternatively in the chest of the house of your follower, if you have one. Not sure what happens when you take on a new follower though.

Recent dicussion makes me wonder if there is any advantage to getting the DLC early on? I'd intended to play a lot of the game before I checked any of it out, to freshen it up somewhat, but from what I am reading, some people download it pretty much from the get go? To me there seems to be a bazillion things to do before adding more stuff.
Hoping you guys can help me out, I seem to not be getting the "perks" system or missing something somewhere. I level up my magicka/health/stamina now and then when it suggests I can do so, and my various skills seem to level up for various reasons eg. reading a book, sneaking about etc. but I don't seem to actually be able to "do" anything with the perks system.

For instance, if I go into the perks and go to "Two-Handed" and press up, then up again I get the following sequence:




(Apologies for shoddy pic editing, it wasn't playing ball)

Now according to the manual, that would suggest I have a high enough two-handed level to select a perk (at 42), but none of the "stars" except the first one are white, and the perks/skills are greyed out if I go to them, even if it looks like I should be able to choose them by having a high enough number.

Clicking them does nothing, so how to I achieve these? Also what does the 0/5 mean? I've been playing the game a while now but don't seem to have been able to select a single perk, will this come later or am I missing how I should do this? And what does the "perks to increase" figure mean?

Any help appreciated, thanks!
Skill tree's have to have perks added in the correct order.

You can't just add one to the specific skill you want until each skill leading up to it are done.

As for 0/5, that means you can put a total of 5 perks in to boost the ability it gives you to greater degrees with each perk spent.

To get Champion's Stance, you first have to add one perk to Barbarian. Once you do, Champion's Stance will get the blue glow to it to show you can now add a perk to it.
Thanks, I didn't even realise I could click on the "first" skill in the tree, I thought there was no point as it was already lit, but I totally get it now. And it was like Christmas, 11 unused perks :)

Edit: My follower Faendal whom I've stuck with pretty much from the get go seems to be absurdly tough, if he is fighting undead and close to death he drops on one knee and they leave him along til he recovers (he shouts "I submit" or something).

Even giants bash him into the sky only for him to run back onto the scene a couple of minutes later. Trolls seem to do for him permanently though if they get their claws into him. Funny how I'd assumed I would "upgrade" my follower after a while but no need, the guy is badass :)
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no level cap and legendary difficulty rumored to be coming to the 360 !!!

found something badass today, its the steed stone and it allows you to carry more weight and your armor weight doesnt effect you !!!

also found giant ninroot, and a dragon just chillin on a island lol:

more random pics:

Thanks for posting. Thats awesome. I noticed its on the PC but does that also work on the 360??
Also thanks for sharing the pics. I want to get that dlc sometime.
Sounds great. I need to get back into playing this again. I have been trying to get all powers to level 100. I recently completed heavy armor. I think my overall level is only around 53. So I am nowhere near the 80 level cap.I also havent even finished all my houses for the Hearthfire dlc and I have well over 40 hours just into that. I think I have close to 250-270 hours total into Skyrim. Thats the most I have ever put into a single player game.
Decided to creat a different reply for this. It goes into great detail about the update. And it is HUGE!! Great news because some of those quest items have been in my inventory for a long time.

This should be hitting the consoles later this month.

They're fixing a lot of stuff. Glad see see Bethesda still supporting this game.

Skyrim 1.9

◦Legendary difficulty setting
◦Legendary Skills – Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. This will reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. This effectively removes the overall level cap.

Bug fixes after the break…

◦General memory and stability improvements
◦Fixed issue with quest scripts that were not shutting down properly
◦Companions will equip better weapons and armor if given to them
◦Fixed rare issue where player is unable to learn the Clear Skies shout during “The Throat of the World”
◦Fixed rare instance where Alduin would become invincible during “Alduin’s Bane”
◦Fixed a rare issue where player could become stuck in Night Mother’s coffin during “Death Incarnate”
◦Fixed rare issue where protected companions could be killed from poison damage
◦Fixed rare issue with certain ash piles left from resurrected NPCs not clearing properly
◦Fixed rare issue with NPCs and creatures respawning improperly after player fast travels
◦Fixed rare crash when entering Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
◦Fixed rare crash when entering a player owned home
◦Random dragon attacks will no longer occur during “Battle for Whiterun”
◦Fixed a rare crash when attempting to save your game during “Waking Nightmare”
◦Fixed issue where “Glory of the Undead” would not start properly if player is in combat with Eorlund Gray-Mane
◦The white phial is no longer consumed if given to a follower
◦If player marries Aela, the “Totem of Hircine” quest will be available
◦Unused briar hearts can be dropped after finishing “The White Phial”
◦Fixed issue with paying off a crime against the Companions that prevented player from getting Companions quests properly
◦Thieves Guild caches are now properly enabled in the appropriate cities
◦The Dragon Infusion perk now works properly when taking Esbern’s Potion
◦Cragslane Cave properly resets if player receives a radiant quest to clear it out
◦Fixed rare issue with bounty quest objectives not properly clearing after completion
◦Gallus’ Encoded Journal is no longer a quest item after completing the Thieves Guild
◦In “No Stone Unturned” Vex will now accept Unusual Gems if you’ve collected them all before starting the quest
◦Vekel the Man now gives rewards for completing “Toying with The Dead”
◦Fixed rare issue with being unable to turn in stolen items in “The Litany of Larceny”
◦Fixed issue with followers becoming over-encumbered after being repeatedly rehired
◦Fixed rare issue with visiting Kynesgrove on horseback not progressing “A Blade in the Dark” properly
◦Fixed issue with receiving a duplicate radiant quest from a Jarl
◦Fixed conflict with clearing Driftshade Sanctuary before starting “Trouble in Skyrim”
◦Fixed issue with using shouts while in jail and having guards unlock the jail cell
◦Fixed rare issue with quest NPCs not properly moving to quest locations
◦Fixed issue with NPCs not selling master level spells
◦Fixed rare issue where player gets control locked outside the Thalmor Embassy at the start of “Diplomatic Immunity”
◦Fixed rare issue with disappearing containers after upgrades in player owned house
◦Fixed issue with being erroneously attacked while as a werewolf during “Ill Met By Moonlight”
◦The Ebony Blade is now only improved by two handed perks
◦Locked door to Proudspire Manor can now be unlocked by proper key
◦Fixed issue with merchants not receiving the proper additional gold with the Investor perk
◦Fixed a rare issue where the player would be unable to learn a word after leaving for several days during “The Way of The Voice”
◦The Nord Hero Bow can now be improved
◦The Purity perk no longer requires the Experimenter perk
◦Fixed rare instance where Lovers Comfort would not be applied properly
◦If you approach Frostmere Crypt from the north, “The Pale Lady” will start properly
◦Fixed rare issue where player could be prevented from speaking with Atub to start “The Cursed Tribe”
◦Fixed rare issue where a dragon could appear in the Mind of a Madman realm and kill the player
◦Fixed instance where player could get stuck in Japhet’s Folly
◦Fixed rare instances where Arngeir would not teach Whirlwind Sprint
◦Fixed issue with “Ill Met By Moonlight” if Sinding dies before the quest starts
◦Gharol can now properly train up to level 75
◦Fixed conflict with visiting The Karthspire before starting “Alduin’s Wall”
◦Reduced the instance of random dragon attacks after fast traveling post main quest
◦Recruited Blades now have appropriate dialogue while at Sky Haven Temple
◦Fixed rare issue where an incorrect dungeon could appear as a location during “Totems of Hircine”
◦Fixed rare instance in “Fetch me that Book” where books found before getting the quest would not be properly recognized
◦Fixed rare issue with traveling to Thalmor Embassy with companions during “Diplomatic Immunity”
◦Fixed issues with Matching Set perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor
◦Fixed issues with Custom Fit perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor
◦Fixed issue with NPC dying in a bear trap blocking progress in “Time of My Need”
◦Fixed rare issue with swinging door becoming stuck and blocking an entrance in Volunruud
◦Imperial Light Armor can now be crafted
◦Fixed issue with “Vald’s Debt” where Vald was not leveled properly
◦Fixed issue with Vilkas not giving proper greeting after completing “Battle for Whiterun”
◦Fixed issue with respawning actors that were raised by using the Ritual Stone power
◦Fixed issue with the Ancient Knowledge perk not calculating properly
◦The Palace of Kings now has patrolling guards on upper floors
◦Reduce percentage chance of getting a werewolf loading screen while player is a werewolf
◦Pantea’s flute is no longer a quest item after completing “Pantea’s Flute”
◦Placing an unread Oghma Infinium on a bookshelf in the player’s house no longer allows the book to be reused again
◦Adjusted dialogue priority to improve chances of hearing more combat dialogue from certain NPC enemies
◦Fixed issue with falling damage on high difficulty levels
◦Fixed bad collision on certain clutter objects
◦Fixed rare instance of couriers who would appear only dressed in a hat
Hoping you guys can help me out, I seem to not be getting the "perks" system or missing something somewhere. I level up my magicka/health/stamina now and then when it suggests I can do so, and my various skills seem to level up for various reasons eg. reading a book, sneaking about etc. but I don't seem to actually be able to "do" anything with the perks system.

For instance, if I go into the perks and go to "Two-Handed" and press up, then up again I get the following sequence:




(Apologies for shoddy pic editing, it wasn't playing ball)

Now according to the manual, that would suggest I have a high enough two-handed level to select a perk (at 42), but none of the "stars" except the first one are white, and the perks/skills are greyed out if I go to them, even if it looks like I should be able to choose them by having a high enough number.

Clicking them does nothing, so how to I achieve these? Also what does the 0/5 mean? I've been playing the game a while now but don't seem to have been able to select a single perk, will this come later or am I missing how I should do this? And what does the "perks to increase" figure mean?

Any help appreciated, thanks!

While it's true that you can have a level high enough to unlock one of the perks, they can only be unlocked in an order that 'connects the dots'. Each set branches out like a tree, and the next perk you unlock must connect directly somehow by way of line and dots to the last perk you unlocked. In other words, there's a string of stuff there and you can't skip around, it must all be connected.
Well I don't think I will be going back to Solitude for a while with a 5000 coin bounty on my head. Whoopsy.

Does anyone know of a way to raise smithing skill other than making a crap load of iron daggers? I'm rapidly running out of coin, and it levels up pretty slowly.
Well I don't think I will be going back to Solitude for a while with a 5000 coin bounty on my head. Whoopsy.

Does anyone know of a way to raise smithing skill other than making a crap load of iron daggers? I'm rapidly running out of coin, and it levels up pretty slowly.

Easy money? Here you go.

Steps -
1. Go to winterhold, Follow the route to the location as in the video.
2. When there, Loot something to make the skeletons rise.
3. Kill the 3 skeletons, Find the skeleton with the "Doors Of Oblivion" book in its inventory.
4. Look into the skeletons inventory but dont take the book (like it says in the video).
5. Instead keep going in and out of its inventory, You will see everytime you go in an back out of the inventory a book is added.
6. Do this as much as you desire, And just take them all once your finished. If you take your horse you can fast travel back to your prefered city to sell them even if your overuncumbered.

I have 100 in speech so i get roughly 36g for each book, I also have invested in most of the traders so they carry more gold. Still, If you have books left over after clearing out a traders gold just wait for 48 hours and his gold will be replenished.

Also the skeletons should respawn if you want to do this again.

Smithing, You could get the alteration "Transmute Ore" Spell Tome that lets you change iron ore and silver ore into gold and make gold rings wich level faster.

I'll try and find a video.

Edit -
(This guy explains it well so theres no need for me to explain anything)

Or if you rather.........

Melting down stolen Dwarven items into ingots and then making dwarven bows, Wich level even faster.
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Another good way to level smithing is to buy Orichalcum Ingots and other materials to make Orcish Armor, then upgrading the armor to a workbench. You actually get profits by doing this. Or you could try making Dwarven Bows like ryan said. Transmuting ore is a bit too slow though.
Smithing, You could get the alteration "Transmute Ore" Spell Tome that lets you change iron ore and silver ore into gold and make gold rings wich level faster.

Nice. I made a bunch of iron daggers myself. I'm close to 100 smithing, but I really wanted the daedric bow so I slowed down after level 90.
Easy money? Here you go.

Steps -
1. Go to winterhold, Follow the route to the location as in the video.
2. When there, Loot something to make the skeletons rise.
3. Kill the 3 skeletons, Find the skeleton with the "Doors Of Oblivion" book in its inventory.
4. Look into the skeletons inventory but dont take the book (like it says in the video).
5. Instead keep going in and out of its inventory, You will see everytime you go in an back out of the inventory a book is added.
6. Do this as much as you desire, And just take them all once your finished. If you take your horse you can fast travel back to your prefered city to sell them even if your overuncumbered.

I have 100 in speech so i get roughly 36g for each book, I also have invested in most of the traders so they carry more gold. Still, If you have books left over after clearing out a traders gold just wait for 48 hours and his gold will be replenished.

Also the skeletons should respawn if you want to do this again.

Smithing, You could get the alteration "Transmute Ore" Spell Tome that lets you change iron ore and silver ore into gold and make gold rings wich level faster.

I'll try and find a video.

Edit -
(This guy explains it well so theres no need for me to explain anything)

Or if you rather.........

Melting down stolen Dwarven items into ingots and then making dwarven bows, Wich level even faster.

Another good way to level smithing is to buy Orichalcum Ingots and other materials to make Orcish Armor, then upgrading the armor to a workbench. You actually get profits by doing this. Or you could try making Dwarven Bows like ryan said. Transmuting ore is a bit too slow though.

Nice one, thanks!

Looks like I've got some serious rimming to do!

Edit: So I'm doing the Discerning the Transmundane quest, and all I have to do is transcribe the lexicon. I follow the arrows and it takes me all the way down into Blackreach. But when I get there, the arrows take me to a lift and straight back up to Skyrim in the middle of nowhere.
When I'm back in Skyrim it tells me to go back down into Blackreach.

I'm trying to do this so I can get my hands on the Oghma Infinium, but either the game is spazzing out or I'm going in the wrong direction. It's a pretty major quest as well and it won't let me do it.
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Blackreach is immense and easy to get lost in. If memory serves and you enter from the original entrance (through the quest - Alftand, I think) head through Blackreach directly west. You should eventually see a castle-like structure with a glowing gold orb above it. Make your way around it and continue west. The door you want is up some stairs past that.
If you're still having problems finding it, try turning off all other quest markers so you don't accidentally follow the wrong marker.
Good luck!
Thanks a lot Badger! Got there in no time with that help.

It turns out I had already transcribed the lexicon, but had left it in Blackreach on the pedestal and buggered off :lol: that was months ago.
Thinking about getting this.

However, you may laugh or whatever, but I'm arachnophobic and the spiders in this game creep me out... How bad are they? I heard there's a boss spider at the start too.
I'm arachnophobic too. I'd describe the spiders in this game as creepy, but not terrifying. Aside from the occasional spider dropping down from above, they don't really act like spiders. No crawling up the walls etc.

I'd be lying if I said they didn't scare me, but I've never been scared to the point of not wanting to play any more.
Thinking about getting this.

However, you may laugh or whatever, but I'm arachnophobic and the spiders in this game creep me out... How bad are they? I heard there's a boss spider at the start too.

There are 5-6 of them in a cave during the opening section. You don't have to go near them. The person you are with will deal with them if you don't.

The big one is in a separate quest and takes quite a bit of killing when you are low level.

Check some youtube videos for what they are like.
Thanks for the replies.

I really don't know why I have arachnophobia like this. I'm the kind of person that would see a spider fall off the roof and just jump a mile while pushing my laptop screen away. It's that bad.

I heard there's a mod called "Insects Begone" that replaces all spiders... I'm curious to know whether this replaces the giant boss spider at the beginning. :)
I'm not great with spiders either.

However, setting fire to them is extremely therapeutic.
I should really man up... As people say to me. But there's nothing I can do about it. When I think about it, they're not even harmful to me so I don't know what's up with me! :D
We get off pretty lightly in terms of spiders here in W. Yorks.

That's something.
I've seen some big ones though... The little blighter was sat in the bath when I came upstairs once... Made me jump a mile for some reason. :D
1.9 update is live for xbox 360 !!!

Just got it on PS3 myself (2.09) Seems to play much more stable now, and loads slightly faster 👍

It also seems to have got rid of the dead dragon that would follow me about too when I fast traveled. Only been playing for about 30 mins since updating, killed one dragon in Solstheim and it wouldn't absorb it's soul (and no Miraak didn't steal it), hopefully that was just a one of random glitch and not a permenant bug as i've never had that happen before.

What's the Legendary Skills feature? The link above doesn't explain what it is.