The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
The grinding wheels are for upgrading. đź‘Ť I think you need an enchanting table for the latter. I have come across one so far.
Are you sure mate? I was convinced that's what the grinding wheels at blacksmith's are for. One thing I am struggling to figure out is where to re-enchant my weaponry?

The grinding wheels are to make your weapon into a "fine" quality increasing it's damage output.

Where Do I go to Enchant things exactly? Any particular location I should keep an eye out for?
Are You sure?
I didn't notice a damage index.

Where can You repair Your equipment?

I only found tools at the forge to make your equipment better.

Weapons and armor do not degrade in Skyrim. đź‘Ť

as NLxArosa I have now discovered that weapons an aromor dont get damaged so all is good. Sorry for the missleading assumption on my part.
Loving this game so far, haven't had a lot of playtime but even the wolves running up behind me are making me jump and scream... I need a big strong man to hold my hand...lmfao!!!
seems smooth and nice, haven't found any glitches as of yet... Love the slow motion battle kill!
I rented and put 30 hours into Skyrim since it was released on Friday. I am currently level 13. Been taking my time exploring and experimenting with different armors, blacksmithing, magic, ingredients, and potions. Such an amazing and overwhelming game. I will be buying this for sure sometime before christmas. I killed my 8th dragon last night. The crazy part is that 5 of those dragons were in the very first town Riverwood and keep showing up. Which is awesome for the battles but bad for my villagers. Now my blacksmith and his wife are dead. Oh well if I have to sacrifice a couple villages for epic dragon battles, thats fine with me. :lol: I do fear however this could create problems with the campaign if the wrong person dies. Or worse, the supply dealers. If they die, that would suck. But I dont think they can since they "spawn" in the shop. However, other villagers that work outside or walk from house to house can die for sure.

I have found a couple bugs and had a couple freezes but overall very smooth experience. I even had an arrow stuck in my head for probably a good 15 hours of gameplay. The dead dragon bones glitch and bounce all over the place sometimes making the framerate drop and do strange things. So far no game ending bugs for me but I make sure to save all the time. I think I am on my 330th save between 6 files.

Skyrim is just so awesome. I never cared much for Oblivion but I love Skyrim. There are just too many great things about this game to even know where to start. I like how you can combine magical robes and items to your armor using the enchantment tables. That way you dont have to carry 2 articles of clothing. I use magic a lot so I used to carry one robe that had 75% magica regen. But then I learned about combining the materials. One thing I will suggest is to make sure you purchase the most expensive Soul gems. They can be anywhere between 900-1200 gold. Dont waste your time on Petty Soul gems or anything else. Buy the most expensive ones and use them. I do have some confusion about certain armor will only take certain effects like fire instead of magic. Still havent quite figured that out yet. FOund an awesome gold shield, upgraded it at the blacksmith, then could not add magic to it. Only Fire restance.

I can easily see Skyrim as GOTY 2011 material. Right up there with Uncharted 3.
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Where Do I go to Enchant things exactly? Any particular location I should keep an eye out for?

There's an enchantment table at
Dragonreach in Whiterun
In that same town, at the
big dead tree or the church next to it
is a quest that will take you to a location that has one as well. :)
Just out of curiosity, what's the longest anyone here had with the game in one sitting? Went 9 hours straight with a 30 minute break yesterday.
I have already put 30 hours into Skyrim in 3 days. I think my longest playtime streak was Saturday. I had a good solid 12-13 hour straight with only bathroom and food breaks. Time is seriously a blur in this game.
Yeah, seriously. I've only played it 2 or 3 times from launch and Steam says I've already logged 30 hours. That's as much as I have in BF3. LOLWUT.

Anyway, don't enter a dwemer cave unless you've got lots and lots and lots of time. Damn things NEVER END.
Some random pics.





I haven't fought a single dragon yet. I'm doing the same thing I did in Oblivion, ignoring the main storyline completely. The advantage in the previous game was that oblivion gates didn't pop up everywhere. The advantage here is you don't get Dragons randomly attacking you. I haven't come across a single bug or glitch (Apart from a crash to desktop upon loading a saved game, which was fixed by updating my GPU drivers).

I'm level 21. I've bought proudspire manor in Solitude (Cost 25k plus furnishings, bringing it to 35-40k). I've barely scratched the surface of the game yet, and i've put in well over 20 hours of gameplay. My quest list is full of around 25 quests that have been started but not completed.

I'm curious as to whether you can max out your perks for all skills, or whether you have to plan it out in later levels.
^ From what I have heard, dragons will not appear until you kill the first dragon in the main storyline. So I would recommend you do that if you want to see dragons. Once you do that mission dragons will dynamically appear. I still think its somewhat scripted but does feel dynamic.
There's an enchantment table at
Dragonreach in Whiterun
In that same town, at the
big dead tree or the church next to it
is a quest that will take you to a location that has one as well. :)

đź‘Ť Legend, thanks!

Anyways, at the 11 hour mark now...need to study for a business Management exam tomorrow so I had to stop playing. :(

Just finished the Thalmor Embassy quest...god that was fun sneaking action.
^ From what I have heard, dragons will not appear until you kill the first dragon in the main storyline. So I would recommend you do that if you want to see dragons. Once you do that mission dragons will dynamically appear. I still think its somewhat scripted but does feel dynamic.

I'm trying to avoid them, so I have deliberately avoided the main quest line đź‘Ť

Exploration in this game is so good. I said to myself that I wouldn't fast travel. But when i'm in the far right hand side of the map and I need to put something in my safe at my house in Solitude (Top left) it's a little silly not to use it really. It would easily take over an hour otherwise (I'm the sort that likes to go off the road to find every cave/dungeon/fort etc. that appears on the compass, so they take considerably longer. It took me 2-3 hours to do a quest which involved me travelling from Whiterun to a cave past Riften, as I discovered umpteen places and quests on the way there :lol:
Well I tried playing last night. I did the first "quest" and am now in the first town. I made a couple things of armour and sold all the crap I picked up along the way.

That's all I've done haha. There is just so much to play. I love BF and this game has me excited to get started with and I ordered Red Dead Redemption which I played a bit when I had my 360 but sold it when I got my ps3 so I never got to play a lot of that.

Oh and I think I'm getting Uncharted 3 for Christmas so good lord. My girlfriend should be happy with me :)
I'm thinking about picking this up, but I'm scared I won't be able to put it down, since I need some MW3 time as well. If I haven't touched Oblivion or any other Bethesda game (to my knowledge, at least), what should I expect?
I'm thinking about picking this up, but I'm scared I won't be able to put it down, since I need some MW3 time as well. If I haven't touched Oblivion or any other Bethesda game (to my knowledge, at least), what should I expect?

Go for it, I'm balancing both right now. This is my first Bethesda game also and I'm hooked. It is like Demon Souls in a way, but far more accessible and forgiving, but in an open world and with a story line. Yesterday I found myself saying one more mission, let me just beat this dragon, I need to each this spot and I'll stop, etc. I just couldn't put it down.

You can pick it up and play right away, but truly learning the ins and outs will take some time.
So there's no reason you can't just pick it up a few minutes (or none, some days :lol:) to an hour a day and still be satisfied with the experience?
So there's no reason you can't just pick it up a few minutes (or none, some days :lol:) to an hour a day and still be satisfied with the experience?

Lol, well, it seems so addicting that I think you well have a hard time playing it for a few minutes and putting it down.
Sounds like good fun. I think I'll let the initial novelty of MW3 wear off and then see where I wanna throw that $60. Thanks :).
How do you guys pick your faction?

I'm not really sure. The imperials kind of sound like the bad guys trying to govern parts of the world by their hand. They do look badass, though.

Then there's the companions, who seem to have some kind of "horse lords" or "men from the north" vibe around them.

I'm mostly into warriors, either northern types of warriors like the vikings or templar knights, paladins.

Is there something that would let me benefit more from stuff choosing for a certain faction? What'd you guys recommend for a warrior-style character?
Bram Turismo
How do you guys pick your faction?

I'm not really sure. The imperials kind of sound like the bad guys trying to govern parts of the world by their hand. They do look badass, though.

Then there's the companions, who seem to have some kind of "horse lords" or "men from the north" vibe around them.

I'm mostly into warriors, either northern types of warriors like the vikings or templar knights, paladins.

Is there something that would let me benefit more from stuff choosing for a certain faction? What'd you guys recommend for a warrior-style character?

If you become a companion you can turn into a werewolf eventually.
I wacked a couple of imperials already and I definitely won't be joining them. Maybe I'll stay a loner. Still undecided about that so I can't really help out Bram Turismo. I play as Nordic Warriores with one massive great sword and so far I really like being on my own as an independant warrior :D

@Cam, there are short quests and doing a bit of smithing our wandering arround is really fun. Problem with this game is that it'll probably gets you hooked ;) It's very difficult to put down once you start playing and probably you'll think after you enter the world of Skyrim: MW What?? or BF EUH.... :P
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I'm nothing at the moment, however I DID (by accident) follow the Imperial guard out to safety at the start.
I'm nothing at the moment, however I DID (by accident) follow the Imperial guard out to safety at the start.

I did the same thing. I got confused and. Just started running. He is who I ended up with haha.
I really cant say enough how much I love Skyrim. I experimented last night for about 3 hours with the enchantments and forging. Just so dang awesome when you make your very own weapons and armor, then upgrade them with the the forging, THEN add your enchantments to it. Very very very rewarding. Learning about the "disenchants" is also very helpful. It basically breaks down the magic from that item, then you can add that magic to something else like a ring, sword, shield, helmet, armor, or anything else you want. Now almost every item I am wearing including my ring has at least 28% magica or 28% magica regeneration. I do have some boots that are about 12% fire resistant but I plan to disenchant those and make some boots that are 28% fire resistant. All the older itmes I had I give to my follower. Just remember, that to get the best enchantments you MUST get the GRAND Soul Gems. Dont use the petty soul gems or other weak gems. Get the Grand Sould Gems for the best results. They cost about 1,200 gold.

I also transfered all of my blacksmithing items to a barrel thats right next to the blacksmith. Much easier and faster to forge that way. After I got my character all upgraded with new awesome forged and enchanted items, I leveled up and now I can make him even better. I didnt fight a single enemy, just improved my character. I still want to find a better bown and better shield but not having much luck with that.
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