The Engine Thread

  • Thread starter JohnBM01
otto man
you have displayed a lack of intelligence here that is, quite frankly, disturbing.
im biased against big, heavy ohv engines but your facts are just crap. the LS engines will spin close to 8 grand if carefully built. more if expensivly built. 7000 stock.

anyway to dismiss the fuel economy listed.
3245; curb weight of 2003 corvette hardtop (Z06)
3188; curb weight of nissan 2003 350Z.

very small difference in weight (3188/ 3245=0.98%)
vs difference in engine size (liters)( 3.5/ 5.7= 0.61%)

explains the fuel economy.
but other factors come into play. like gearing (winner= corvette with that overdrive sixth,) aero (winner = corvette again,) weight (nissan, just barely), tire size, drag, height, width etc.

back to this again i see..

before u start callin someone sub intellegent perhaps u should look at more then one of their posts...

First off.. 350Z and the VQ35DE was NOT my choice of comparison of engines between LS and Import.. it was brought up by another Person... (i guess u didn't read the thread and just posted brandishly)

so the whole comparison started poortly IMO.. and wouldn't be my choice of Import Engine... u took one of the BEST american engines.. against a mid range nissan engine used in 350Z infine G35 and the Altima..if not more cars... it's not a purpose built sports engine...

max rpm of the LS6 is 6500 rpm... and peak horses are 500 rpm below this...(8 grand u proudly proclaim 8 grand like it's a huge accomplishment? maybe for a archaic pushrod engine designed around the same time fire was invented)

oh and wanna explain how 3.5/5.7 is little over .5 of a percent... i think u mean 61% which is a HUGE deal in itself.... (again u callin me sub intellegent springs to mind)

and incase u didn't read the title of the thread.. the debate is on ENGINES... not CARS that have the engine in them... Z06 is made of paper mache err fiber glass... the Z is made of metal at least.. but this is beside the point

the point is: your points on aero dynamics, curb weight, tire size, car demensions, etc etc are irrelevant

u wanna compare the LS6 to something... then find a worthy adversary and how about u use more then name callin as points in your arguement... then i'll have an "intellectual" debate with u...

we're discussing engines/trannies if u want (part of the powerlant IMO)
if you read my post you'd realise that i was actually defending YOUR side of the argument, showing how the fuel economy between the two cars was miniscule (within 5%) the difference in weight was also miniscule, yet the difference in engine size was 60% of one.

why i included the other salient facts is because fuel economy is not simply the result of an engine and its displacement. if that were the case, the buick century with the 3.8 liter ohv engine would not have the best fuel economy in its class. things like gearing, aerodynamics, drag, tire size and so on.

as for whether or not the VQ is a sports car engine, its presence in the engine bay of the 350Z says it is. last time i checked a 350z was nissans sports car. oh wait, breaking news, its their entry in the JGTC championship as well. i dunno bout you, but that makes it a sports car engine. just because the engine is versatil enough to used in a variety of platofrms ranging from SUVs to minivans doesnt reduce the fact that in the Z its a DEDICATED SPORTSCAR ENGINE. using your logic i could say that the small block chevy is a truck engine since its sold in more trucks than cars, and therefore the corvette uses a truck engine.

seeing as japan inc dont really make any other sports cars (toyota killed the supra, mazda is shy about calling the RX8 one, its RX 7 is dead, mitsubishi killed their GTO long time ago, hondas NSX is on its deathbed) can YOU name an engine that should have been used. if you then substitute that engine what facts are going to change. the LS 2 is still going to be a stronger engine, in a car that gets better gas milage and nears or bests skidpad numbers on top of that. if you dont know it, the corvette may be "cheap" but its got near supercar performance. so tell me, which engine should we compare it to. pick one. the corvette doesnt have any power adders so you might wann limit it to a narurally aspirated unit that is currently in production.

as for that cheap shot about the small blocks rev range, if you are making 400 horses already at 5000, its pretty much pointless to go much further than that isnt it? thats like knowing your car maxes out at 155 with the tachometer indicating theres still 600rpm left and then saying you can go faster because you still have more revs.
if you read my post you'd realise that i was actually defending YOUR side of the argument, showing how the fuel economy between the two cars was miniscule (within 5%) the difference in weight was also miniscule, yet the difference in engine size was 60% of one.

why i included the other salient facts is because fuel economy is not simply the result of an engine and its displacement. if that were the case, the buick century with the 3.8 liter ohv engine would not have the best fuel economy in its class. things like gearing, aerodynamics, drag, tire size and so on.

as for whether or not the VQ is a sports car engine, its presence in the engine bay of the 350Z says it is. last time i checked a 350z was nissans sports car. oh wait, breaking news, its their entry in the JGTC championship as well. i dunno bout you, but that makes it a sports car engine. just because the engine is versatil enough to used in a variety of platofrms ranging from SUVs to minivans doesnt reduce the fact that in the Z its a DEDICATED SPORTSCAR ENGINE. using your logic i could say that the small block chevy is a truck engine since its sold in more trucks than cars, and therefore the corvette uses a truck engine.

seeing as japan inc dont really make any other sports cars (toyota killed the supra, mazda is shy about calling the RX8 one, its RX 7 is dead, mitsubishi killed their GTO long time ago, hondas NSX is on its deathbed) can YOU name an engine that should have been used. if you then substitute that engine what facts are going to change. the LS 2 is still going to be a stronger engine, in a car that gets better gas milage and nears or bests skidpad numbers on top of that. if you dont know it, the corvette may be "cheap" but its got near supercar performance. so tell me, which engine should we compare it to. pick one. the corvette doesnt have any power adders so you might wann limit it to a narurally aspirated unit that is currently in production.

as for that cheap shot about the small blocks rev range, if you are making 400 horses already at 5000, its pretty much pointless to go much further than that isnt it? thats like knowing your car maxes out at 155 with the tachometer indicating theres still 600rpm left and then saying you can go faster because you still have more revs.

first off.. a word of advice... if u're gonna make a point that is on my side... maybe u shouldn't start your post with a Direct insult.. it kinda puts people off... and might make a person a wee bit Defensive .... a better way to start might have been "u have some valid points Ottoman but i must disagree with u on.. blah blah"

it wasn't a cheap shot at chevy.. i merely stated that american V8's are not high/free revving engines.. it's a simple fact...due to their arcane design and little innovation through the yrs (minus Fuel injection and OBD II odds and ends)

Vette has no "power adders"? u have 5.7 ltrs of raw displacement what more do u want?(almost double most japanese cars and triple most hondas) u want a currently mass produced Naturally aspirated engine from japan to compare to an LS.. u wanna limit the playing field anymore there champ?

i don't recall the thread ever specifying such details...

the best engines were the RB26DETT and 2JZGTE (6 cyl class) and SR20DET or perhaps the 4G63(4 cyl class) both of these are turbo and don't fit into your "specifications"

how do u plan on leveling the playing field?
is the comparison based on Total ouput? hp/ltr? mpg? Total Displacement? equal power?

if i abid by your "restrictions"

If u want Total displacement i say the E60 M5's V10 5.0 litrs vs your 5.7 (and the bmw is very free revving) almost 100hp more

hp/ltr= s2000 engine: 110+hp per liter

or an engine of equal power? 360 modena's engine: 400 hp from 3.6 liters Naturally aspirated

and btw NSX maybe on it's "death bed" but it's not dead yet... and tho it's a 100+ HP less then the vette the TYPE S (not type R) can beat the C6 vette in qtr mile...

as for the VQ being entered in JGTC championship that's true.. but infinite budget and a race team can transform any engine into a monster... i never said the VQ wasn't a good platform to work on.. i meant outta the box... if u take that into consideration.. the Bolt on Greddy TT kit for the VQ will put it up to almost 390 HP with no modifactions to the engine.. just the TT kit piping and piggy back EMU...(right up there with the LS6)
i may be mistaken but the I heard the Skyline was SOO good in the JGTC that they actually banned it from competing because it was too damn fast... (RB26 can be tuned past 1000hp easily)

and rumours have it that the Next generation GTR R35 will have a VQ33DETT... which is yet to be revealed to the public
Here you go McLaren'sAngel. 👍

Oh, that reminds me, a typical funnycar V-8 can make 6,000+ horse power with just one blower :mischievous:
first off.. a word of advice... if u're gonna make a point that is on my side... maybe u shouldn't start your post with a Direct insult.. it kinda puts people off... and might make a person a wee bit Defensive .... a better way to start might have been "u have some valid points Ottoman but i must disagree with u on.. blah blah"

you're supposed to read and digest the body of what i write, not get insulted by the first line and then ignore the rest. if YOU don't do that , i can't help you. you need to do your due diligence, i can't do it for you. were all (mostly) adults here and don't need to have an adult looking over our shoulder to make sure were reading it all.

it wasn't a cheap shot at chevy.. i merely stated that american V8's are not high/free revving engines.. it's a simple fact...due to their arcane design and little innovation through the yrs (minus Fuel injection and OBD II odds and ends)

while the OHV engine may not be as fancy and "new" as the DOHC units, to call them arcane is simply to not understand the innovation that went into the design of the newer motors. yes the old ones didnt spin very high. but they didnt have to. what people enjoyed about them and still do to a large extent is their torque. unfortunately most people dont really understand the difference between torque and power. im not going to explain it here.

that said, the new motors can definitely spin very high. and it takes a lot of innovation and out of the box thinking in the design of the valvetrain components to make that happen. intense study of things as inane as the harmonics of the pushrod, to the design of the lifter and rocker ratio have yielded engines whose redline is comparable to an OHC engine. with better torque still. and all across the rev range too. there's a lot going on that makes an LS motor rev, so don't dismiss it so readily, if you haven't studied it.

Vette has no "power adders"? u have 5.7 ltrs of raw displacement what more do u want?(almost double most japanese cars and triple most hondas) u want a currently mass produced Naturally aspirated engine from japan to compare to an LS.. u wanna limit the playing field anymore there champ?

you would be surprised how much an apples to apples comparison that would be. the relatively large displacement of the american car's engines, thier size, their "old school" technology that they continue to use, and so on, in contrast to their japanese cohorts, are the result of history, economics, natural resources in the respective countries and so on.
the amercans were mobilised in the early twenties. the use of the conveyer belt in the making of cars having reduced the assembly of a model T to five minutes. as was its lack of options, lack of paint colors and other things. about the same time that henry ford used those innovations, he also raised the pay of his employees enough for them to aspire to own a car. prior to that, cars were playthings for the rich. coupled with the low price of gasoline and burgeoning middle class, this created a market, earlier than anywhere else in the world, for cheap cars the common man could afford. cheap gas and the local availability of natural resources involved in car assembly made it possible moreso than in other countries that werent as blessed in terms of natural resources.

however this also inured americans from paying high prices for thier cars, gas and car related expenses, and to counter that, the manufacturers, eager to sell more cars, used existing technology with minor improvements, in their cars until very recently. fortunately for them the market didnt need to have fancy complicated suspension systems since the roads were mostly flat, or high efficiency engines since gas was dirt cheap and so on. it didnt hurt that using old technology helped profits for the manufacturers either.

compare this to the japanese who were only really mobilised in the late sixties early seventies, whose country contains little if any petroleum resources, and whose reserves of iron and steel were not sufficient and warranted importation. coupled with the relative over crowding of the small islands by comparison the the states and narrow roads, and you have a receipe for cars that are small and fuel efficient.

im not gonna bore you with more historical data, as by now you should be getting an idea of why american cars have had large engines and cars for so long, and the rest of the world not. the relative size difference in dispalcement is more to historical and resource connotations than simply picking a number for engine size.

the best engines were the RB26DETT and 2JZGTE (6 cyl class) and SR20DET or perhaps the 4G63(4 cyl class) both of these are turbo and don't fit into your "specifications"

ahhh. the old favorites. all very expensive to make in comparison to even an LS1/2 engine. all more complicated to make, and all much heavier relative to displacement. and all more expensive from which to eke out more power, although the bottom ends are beefy and capable of a whole lot, nearly negating the expense. iron blocks, forged crankshafts, oil squirters, other tech from racing to make the engines strong and make em tough.
but making 400 horses requires premuim gasoline, while a corvette will do it on regular. and 400 is about the limit for the extreme for the SR and 4G although more can be had with the use of expensive ****.
that said, once you get "all the right stuff" together for the sixes, all you need for more power is bigger turbos. but all the right stuff entails changing all the ancillaries before and after the engine. so intake, exhaust, injectors, fuel pump, chip, intercooler, blowoff valve, wastegate/ boost controller, throttle body and more have to be replaced to have the requisite "all the right stuff." add up the cost of getting to say 700 hosepower reliably (lets call it $15000 to be conservative) and apply it to a corvette motor what do you get.
easy, you get one 400 horsepwer motor and one 700 horsepower motor. simply go to GM racing (or race shop), tell em you want a racing engine and plunk down your 15G. they'll ship it to your shop. and the large engine will still make more low down torque. maybe less total, but more where it counts, where you need it for acceleration and takeoff.

how do u plan on leveling the playing field?
is the comparison based on Total ouput? hp/ltr? mpg? Total Displacement? equal power?

theres no levelling off required. you simpy compare the pros and cons of the various engines. if you wanna level the playing field then you have to add power adders to the corvette as well. this is a comparison of engines, not a which can theoretically make better numbers.

If u want Total displacement i say the E60 M5's V10 5.0 litrs vs your 5.7 (and the bmw is very free revving) almost 100hp more

fair enough. but its easily twice the price, hand built, needs premium gas, has higher fuel consumption, weighs more, can't be tuned much too higher than that, is a lot more complicated, more top heavy (lowers CoG of a car, reducing roll axis and yaw and other things) and has two more cylinders. weren't you the one whining about the corvette having more cylinders?

hp/ltr= s2000 engine: 110+hp per liter

this engine is what can be called technical masturbation. nice figures but pretty much useless. go put it in your grandmas buick and see how useful the engine is. no torque, usable power in the upper echelon of the rev range and suitable only for lightweight cars. but it has a low emissions rating. 👍

or an engine of equal power? 360 modena's engine: 400 hp from 3.6 liters Naturally aspirated

see bmw M5 5.0 liter V10 above. except add: maintenance will bakrupt a small country.

and btw NSX maybe on it's "death bed" but it's not dead yet... and tho it's a 100+ HP less then the vette the TYPE S (not type R) can beat the C6 vette in qtr mile...

you need to put down the crack pipe there buddy. the C6 is the new corvette that's still not out yet, and you think the NSX S is gonna beat it through the 1/4?

as for the VQ being entered in JGTC championship that's true.. but infinite budget and a race team can transform any engine into a monster... i never said the VQ wasn't a good platform to work on.. i meant outta the box...

dude, you moaned about comparing a high performance sports car engine to a (i think you called it) midlevel engine.<<shakes head>>

if u take that into consideration.. the Bolt on Greddy TT kit for the VQ will put it up to almost 390 HP with no modifactions to the engine.. just the TT kit piping and piggy back EMU...(right up there with the LS6)

bolt on an extra washer on the nuts holding down the air cleaner and you still have 400 horsepower on the LS6. in fact bolt on nothin and you still have 400hp, and $7000 in your pocket.

i may be mistaken but the I heard the Skyline was SOO good in the JGTC that they actually banned it from competing because it was too damn fast... (RB26 can be tuned past 1000hp easily)

which explains why we see it in race footage? of the JGTC?

that series relies on equalisation to make for "more competitive" racing, as do most. the audi quattro was banned. so were rotaties. big deal. racing sucks when a make/ car dominates. thats why governing bodies use rewards weight, regulate throttle size, tire size, engine size etc.
and if you do your research, you will find that certain makes have much higher constraints put on em when they race than others. if the skyline was banned we wouldn't see it on race day would we.

and rumours have it that the Next generation GTR R35 will have a VQ33DETT... which is yet to be revealed to the public

considering that the VQ engine is the backbone of nissans midsize engines for the forseeable future this might be true. but what point are you making. rumors are there's going to be a limited edition 700hp blue devil corvette.

its almost 6 am. i gotta rugby game to watch in one hour, i got home from the club after 2 am. and i've had about an hours worth of nap time. im tired, i got nothing to add to this right now, except this; i don't actually know much about american cars and engines, and yet i have refuted or countered pretty much everything you said. and im in a near zombie state.

💡 heres an idea; get your facts straight. figure out a line of reasoning. stick to it. fanboyism is poor rhetoric.
Well can we leave it at....VQ35DE's are coo..VQ25DE's are alright...SR20DET's are.....I won't go there.4g63's are great......3sgte's remain the #1 4 cyl.....And.......LS6's are are most american engines and japanese engines and european engines.......Simple as that...
Oh and by the way....Explain to me howcome a Supra doesn't have a single road course event victory under it's belt with a 2jz-gte under the hood? (that is when going up against cars OTHER than supra's with 2jz-gte's)
Clean versions? How did the "Nasty Nissan" thing come about? I know it was coined by some tuners, but... I guess I was just joking about that "clean version" of that Nissan.

To continue my engine talk, this one is dedicated to Honda fans. The S2000 will probably be the hottest, commercially-available machine if the NSX dies out in the next few years (a third-gen NSX is likely for around the time the next Skyline comes out, which is perhaps 2006 or 2007). So answer me this, for those who may have been in one. The first S2000 had 2.0 liters at 240hp, while the second-generation features a 2.2 liter motor at the same 240hp. Which S2000 sports the better engine? The older model, or the newer model?
BTW........The differences are the 2.2 has more torque and gets peak HP at a lower RPM.....'sbout it..
I wonder how Mazda can bring more power to the RX-8. I heard that Mazda was considering a turbo version of the Renesis motor. How do you think such an engine will do in a car like the RX-8?
theres no levelling off required. you simpy compare the pros and cons of the various engines. if you wanna level the playing field then you have to add power adders to the corvette as well. this is a comparison of engines, not a which can theoretically make better numbers.

this is a good point...

and like Firebird said:
Holy ****, you guys are still arguing about this?

if u see page 4 our posts were become Very lengthy with the million quotes per post thing...

this arguement is goin in circles....

lemme break it down:

American V8's:

Crude yet effective... uses the "brute force" mentalitity to make power... just keep adding displacement until u satisfy your thirst for power...

with the simplicity/crudity/old design is the lower price tag... but this point is arguable it depends where u live (2nd hand SR20DET is 500 bux where i live)

yes the V8 makes more torque..but this is more directly related to the Displacement of the engine rather then the design of it.. everyone knows the more litrs u push the more TQ u're gonna have.. just happens to be Americans have the MOST displacement vs everyone else and thats why they have such high TQ figures...

I KNOW u're gonna disagree with me on this point... but it's HP that wins races.. not TQ.. but i agree for daily use TQ is more useful...

Imports: "good things come in small packages" mentality... small displacement with lotsa technology under the hood... Variable Valve Timing, Variable Ignition Timing, oil squirters, Active Torque Transfer systems, list is endless.. no they don't have alot of torque and they maybe a little more expensive.. but u get what u pay for...

I prefer a technologically impressive engine that has something to marvel and wonder over at "how did they do that?" sense... Regardless of what u consider "technical Masturbation" a 9,000 redline on a piston engine that's reliable and mass produced is still VERY impressive... this is the same reason i dislike OHV's cuz their lack of any of the afformentioned...

don't call me a fan boy... I OWN 2 of those so called "old favorites" if u even noticed my signature... so I think I know what i'm talking about... tho u admit to not knowing much about american engines.. (thanx for the history lesson btw :rollseyes:)

oh and u totally exagerated the forced induction bit... a boost engage and boost controller is all i need to make my GTR push 400hp... and my Silvia 250 HP... and 15,000 GRAND?!?! don't exagerate so much man....

as for the C6... i'm not smokin crack.. I posted the Video on this thread... maybe u should go back and read some of it.. so i don't have to repeat everything me and Firebird already discussed again
Turbo 13B-Ren? Two or three years from now? Mazda fans, can you say "zoom-zoom?"

What makes a hi-revving engine so special? I always wondered about that. Does it mean that you can push your engine harder and harder rather than having to work with an engine with a low redline? For my Gran Turismo players, you can compare (like in GT2) the difference between... I want to say a 1963 or 1969 Corvette vs. the Alfa Romeo 155 Touring Car. Of course, a lot of motorcycles have hi-revving engines, especially those suerbikes and sport bikes, both are kind of my favorite kinds of bikes. My others include those American cruiser bikes. Mean growl and cool to customize.

Anyhow, back to cars. What are advantages and disadvantages to hi-revving engines? By the way, Victor Vance. I have no answer to what that "mystery engine" is.
otto man
the prices i have quoted are the prices in california. you may have the parts available to you for cheaper wherever you are, but where i am its pay up or shut up.

ohv engines will always make more toque than OHC engines. its inherent in the design. the ohc engines, especially when they have 4 valves per cylinder, flow very well (make good top end power) but the single valve layout of the ohv engine is better suited for making torque at the lower rpms.

as for "crude but effective." in the past, maybe. the current chrysler hemi motor and the GM LS motors are world class motors. check out the links. i dont know anyone still making an ohv gas engine for mass distribution besides those two. if you keep believing they are crude you are going to be in for a rude shock one day.

an engine spinning to 9000 is pretty much useless no matter how technologically advanced it may be. who drives at 9000rpm? unless you're a racer. but im pretty sure we're not talking about race engines here. a torque rich "crude" engine is a better everyday fit than a 9000rpm screamer whose 153 ft/lb tq peak is at 7000rpm.
otto man
the prices i have quoted are the prices in california. you may have the parts available to you for cheaper wherever you are, but where i am its pay up or shut up.

ohv engines will always make more toque than OHC engines. its inherent in the design. the ohc engines, especially when they have 4 valves per cylinder, flow very well (make good top end power) but the single valve layout of the ohv engine is better suited for making torque at the lower rpms.

as for "crude but effective." in the past, maybe. the current chrysler hemi motor and the GM LS motors are world class motors. check out the links. i dont know anyone still making an ohv gas engine for mass distribution besides those two. if you keep believing they are crude you are going to be in for a rude shock one day.

an engine spinning to 9000 is pretty much useless no matter how technologically advanced it may be. who drives at 9000rpm? unless you're a racer. but im pretty sure we're not talking about race engines here. a torque rich "crude" engine is a better everyday fit than a 9000rpm screamer whose 153 ft/lb tq peak is at 7000rpm.

i dunno how valid your claim about OHV vs OHC is in TQ production... i never read anything on that point... i thought it was directly related to displacement

I took a Glance.. the m5 has 5.0 ltrs.. and makes 500 Nm of torque.. which is 40 Nm less then LS6.. and a little more then the LS1 auto tranny and about the same as the ls1 manual tranny according to this: ZO6 specs

couldn't the difference be related to the .7 ltrs of displacement?

i just woke up right now so i'm pretty groggy, i'll read the Hemi link when i get a chance... and post back on it...

as for the 9,000... It's totally a personal opinion... i already stated for daily Use more TQ is nice... BUT.. Honda's having been revving deep into 8,000+ RPM for a long time.. and are very streetable cars.... Wankel engine is the same way... both need revs to make Power...

I'm sure u know the HP/TQ formula so i don't need to explain to u that Rev's are 1 of only 2 ways to make more power.... i love comin outta a corner and in a low gear and running my Honda out to 8k before shifting it again... (again personal preference.. in my area Speed limit laws are pretty lax and i'm always driving 20-30mph above it if not more) I refuse to own or Drive an automatic but in an auto slushbox tranny i can see how high revs can be a chore having to "kick down" all the time... but i refuse to Drive or Own an Auto.. unless it's a Merc.
you do realise that the M5 has variable valve lift and timing. and it could have a variable length intake tract as well, they've been around in german cars since the early nineties, although im not sure about the latter. and i dont even know about the other things it could have.

the corvette has variable nothing. except for ignition timing, but every car has that.

you may likethe K20 engine as much as you want to, but you admit that torque (something it doesnt have) is better in an engine. but you keep going on about the engine. are you getting the irony of what youre saying. in an engine thread you descibe torque as nice to have yet rave about a torqeless engine, simply because it can rev. a lawnmower engine can rev. doenst make iit a great engine for a car. spinning to nine grand is nothing but technological masturbation. esp if that engine has no torque.

in my little 1976 bmw 2002, i creep in first or second gear when theres traffic. no feathering the clutch and all that jive, just stick in first and let the clutch out. shift to second and repeat if im going too slowly for the traffic. it has a redline of 6400rpm, but ive taken it as high as 6800rpm. and it screams all the way there as i need it to.

why am i telling you this? because the 2 liter engine, makes only about 100 horsepower. granted it came out in the mid sixties. but it demonstrates that a well designed engine doesnt have to rev high or post huge numbers to be a great engine. the engine in my 2002 makes poor numbers by todays standards, but it has torque enough to creep in first or second or third. it spins as high as most of todays engines and has no gimmicks associated with its character.
yes I realize the M5 is a technological marvel...that's why i chose it as a great engine rather then the crude "variable nothing" as u so excellently put it LS engine

so it's a great engine cuz u don't need to press the gas to creep in traffic??

I told u TQ is NICE but not neccessary, but HP wins races... and the K20 has a whole lot of that....

a motorcycle has ZERO TQ and revs all the up to 19,000 RPM and it's fast as hell... (cuz it's power to weight ratio same thing applies here just on a smaller scale)

my whole arguement that k20 is a good engine is Because a) hp/ltr b) highest redline i know of on a production 4 cyl engine c) highest output N/A 4 cyl engine i can think of d)the small but compact engine helps give the car a perfect 50/50 weight ratio. e)and still can get great fuel mileage

American V6's make more TQ as well... but i never ever see ppl talk of US V6's... Mustang V6 or Camaro V6... why is that i wonder? hmmmm......

on the Track TQ means little... it's all about revs and HP....

and btw... it could just be your clutch slipping that's causing u to roll... i drove a run down 83 corrolla that would creep in reverse too.. and it sure as hell wasn't a strong engine that made it do that

So that is my point.. Torque is a bonus... HP is a a neccessitiy... so i'm not contradicting myself..u can have HP without TQ but u can't have TQ without HP...
are we talking about race engines. coz i was under the impression that we are talking about car engines. if thats the case (talking about car engines) torque rules, not horsepower.
for race engines, yes horsepower is more important. but who races their car everyday?

i think getting 400 horses out of an engine with variable nothing is a lot more impressive than getting it out of one that is. dont you

my car creeps forward becuase the engine has low down torque, not because it has a slipping clutch. you cant do that **** in an S2000. no torque.

as for the highest revving production 4 cyl engine, that would be a bike engine, not a car. specific output per liter, same thing. oh, and nissans SR16VE enginre are also high output relative to size.

you are contradicting yourself becasue you keep talking about racing when we are talking about car engines. as in regular car, not drag/ drift/ track monster. regular car engines.

people dont talk about the V6 camaros and mustangs coz the V8s are a lot more popular for upgrades. the v6 mustang is the reason why ford keeps making them, but they are a dog to make power from when in a sea of V8s.

you keep wandering off track in this discussion. stick to engines, car engines. not race car engines. dont mention boats, lawnmowers, mining equipment, generators, anything else with an engine unless its relative to whats being discussed.

if i say something like "my car can creep in the first three gears because it has torque, the S2000 can't" that doesn't mean my clutch is slipping. it's an example of a behaviour displayed by and engine that has torqe, and contrasted with one that doesn't have torque. don't take that to insinuate that the display of torque is a function of something wrong with my car. that's like me saying an engine that can rev to 9000 is not working properly because something should have broken. stick to what's being said.

geddit. :dopey: :dunce:
i dunno if u saw the first 6 pages of this thread.. BUT.. there have been engines that went from 8 turbo LS1's all the way to the Mclaren F1 engine...

the S2000 engine is NOT a Race engine.. but it can be Raced with....and it is a Regular car...not a Race car.... If u wanna AutoX the car sure go ahead...

but we were using performance as a measurement of how good or bad an engine is...

the only reason i'm supportin the S2k is cuz of u slandering it for having only 153 ft ft-lbs of tq... which is acutally more then most civics and some preludes and such... and all of them are daily drivers and very streetable... i meant highest revving and hp/ltr in a regular car

If u want torque.. just drive a Turbo diesel.. u'll be makin Double that of regular gas engines u wont be goin that fast but u'll be able to roll at all the lights and pull lotsa heavy stuff :D :P ;)

may i ask why u're using TQ as the benchmark of comparison? if u look at it that way.. most of today's engines (not including your bmw) under say 2.5 ltrs will fail your "torque test"
what would u say is the "minimum" TQ requirement? 200 ft-lbs? 250? 300? etc
i know race engines have been metioned, but since you started on decrying the LS and pooh poo-ing the VQ i thought we should stick to car engines, or rather, sports car engines, as you wanted. if you keep meandering off and talking about race engines then you lose the direction and sound like you have ADD.

im only emphasising torque because in a daily driven car its more important than specific output. im not decrying horsepower. im saying its less relevant in a daily driven car. dont get me wrong, the K20 is a good engine, but its not as flexible as say, an H22, which has lower numbers, but makes them at much lower revs, amking the engine more freindly.

theres no standard or benchmark for tq. whats enough for me may not be for someone else. thats why i talk about how useful it is (it can make my creep in traffic) rather than how much it is (its just over 100ft/lb.)
Guess I got you guys dumbfounded :P

It's a Chevrolet L-88, it was incredible for its day, it was in C3's :)

Hey cave man, is that... a Dodge Daytona with a '73 Ford Mustang nose piece?
Since this is the Engine thread, let's discuss crate motors. I'm sure there are plenty of already-prepared, just-drop-it-in motors for everything from a Honda Civic all the way up, perhaps, to the Corvette. I don't know what company it was, but some company made a crate motor that looks like a race engine, and makes about 700+ horsepower. People question if crate motors are actually good or reliable.

What do you guys and gals think about crate motors?
Ah, BIG update! I did a quick search on the crate motors. I found a website to whet the palates of muscle car fans, some of the motors featured start from 415hp all the way up to a maddening 1340hp with NOS (and you thought only sport compact and imports use NOS). The site is:

I still can't tell which is better. Having the engine already made by the car company, or having a crate motor that you can simply dump in and go. Any crate motor talk is welcome. I just wanted to give out an example of a crate motor supplier to talk about what crate motors can provide for those who need one.