We should do handicaps, for amount of power. Or what if we did like a rally and had checkpoints on the way, but our loads going to the final Destination so we couldn't just use the GPS!
Or Higher HP means more weight on your load. I'm having a bunch of good ideas so why not do this....?
Welcome to the First running of GTP's Big Truck Rally (Great name I know

) Do you think you have what it takes to be the fastest Big Truck driver on ETS2? Then join the Rally. It's a Race from North to South Europe!
Race Format:
Everyone meets at the designated start area. Trucks are then released one by one in 5 min segments (In game Time). Once released head to the first checkpoint. At the designated checkpoint screenshot the game so we can see current in game time and the checkpoint itself. Do this for each checkpoint. Once you arrive at the finish do the same thing as the previous checkpoints and wait for fellow competitors (Only the 1st person has to do this). Then time is added up and everyone is placed.
Under construction (Post what you think is a good number of Checkpoints and locations. Also post starting and ending locations.)
Mainly using the honer systems. So don't cheat.
-Weight of Load
Under 399HP... 20,000 LBS or less. So any amount of weight
400-499HP... 30,000LBS or More (13607.8KG's or More)
500-599HP... 40,000LBS or More (18143.695KG's or More)
600-699HP... 50,000LBS or More (22679.619KG's or More)
700-799HP... 55,000 LBS or More (24947.58KG's or More)
-Time penalties
20% or less Trailer Damage... 0 Min (In Game Time)
40% or less Trailer Damage... 4 Min
60% or less Trailer Damage... 6 Min
80% or less Trailer Damage... 8 Min
100% Damage... You messed up...
-Loading recent autosaves is allowed at any point. You just have to accept the time loss between loading it and getting back to where you were.
-Feel free to leave more comments for additional rules.
Time and Date:
Friday, August 1st
Time can be discussed.
And thats about it again feel free to comment to add what you think needs to be added!
And advice don't worry about getting a load to the exact destination just save it before you pick it up and when its all done just load that save. Also saves you from paying all the speeding tickets. So just make sure to save before hand and load that save when its all done.