I'm surprised at some of these suggestions... I'd really just say the USELESS duplicate cars... What's the point of a near exact copy? A car with no point is more useful than one that's the exact same as another, just with different paint options... And as for the X1's, why not just wish for more restrictions and regulations as to which cars they can compete against? I mean, the only thing remotely CLOSE to the performance of an X1 is the Ferrari F1's... So just have he X1's default setting to not be able to compete against other (normal) cars.
I'm talking many of the GT-R's, Miata's, certain K-cars, etc. should be removed. I'm confused as to why people have mentioned the Bugatti Veyron (the ULTIMATE super car, of all things), the RUF Yellow Bird... REALLY? What's wrong with it? if anything, I'd want a useless duplicate of THAT car! The Tank Car, I don't see the dislike for the car, aside from not really having a place in the motoring world, but isn't it basically just a custom-concept car? Many concepts don't have a place in the motoring world, but they don't get as much dislike, at least from what I've seen...
As for these, all I want is an explanation, nothing more, because I can't see what's wrong with these vehicles...
-Nissan R390 Road Car
-2J - impressive race car, just needs to be given more a more accurate PP value.
-Mustang - WHAT? One of the most FAMOUS and IMPORTANT cars in the world??? (Note: I didn't say that the Mustang IS THE GREATEST or MOST FAMOUS - merely that it is ONE OF them... Someone usually confuses this, I want this to be made clear before ANY pointless arguments are made)
-Rally cars - This can be improved - GT5 didn't do a good job of it, but theres still hope that it can be made well and good in a future game. Until it fails again, I don't want to see those leave quite yet.
-Many requests for no classic (more like 1950's and earlier) cars... I'd like to say the opposite, I think it'd be great fun to have some of the first cars ever known to the world... Part of the GT history is to include the important cars, not just the "popular" current cars. I'm talking Model T's and such. They may not be the most high-octane racing vehicles, but I think it adds great variation. It would DEFINITELY beat the terrible duplication of many of the Japanese/PS2 copies. I mean, of course I'd like to see the current new lineup of supercars and other popular vehicles, but c'mon, what's wrong with the classics?