The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
FUNi changed their packaging on combo packs. I don't know what to think about this right now. This came after complaints of the combo packs using DVD sized cases.
Before (2011-early 2012):

After (Today):
Guilty Crown 13:

I figured we'd get a new opening soon.

So it was Shu's power that changed, not something special about Gai. I facepalmed when he said he wasn't going to use his power anymore.

I thought maybe this anime wouldn't do it, but no, every anime has to have either a cultural festival, a summer festival, or a beach episode...

Ayase was pretty hard on herself this episode. It was pretty heartbreaking but then seeing her void made me smile.

The ending bit was awesome. Sealing off Loop 7? Heck yeah it's like the Escape movies.

Oh my Tsugumi! She looks great in anything. <3

Denpa Onna is enjoyable, but not too special. Definitely more fun to watch than Evangelion, but storywise? No.

Denpa Onna is okay, but it's nothing compared to NGE. Or most other shows for that matter.

Just finished reading this. I knew that I liked Cracked.

Guilty Crown!!!!!! Digging the new OP, but the ED is a complete pile of 🤬 compared to Departures.
Ayase showed her weak side, awwww. Her void is awesome though.

btw, Shu's finally boss. I'm sure of it! No more disappointment! HE'S FINALLY A GOOD MAIN CHARACTER, yay! The OP is evidence of this.

Oh and I love that Inori/Shu shot in the OP where they're face to face as he pulls out her void. Suggestive!
The kid who sits next to me in my Videography class just got hired on with a crew to build sets for Iron Man 3. I am going to see if he needs any help. The only thing is it would probably clash with my class times so I doubt I will get to anyway. It's not a huge deal since I'll probably be helping a professor this summer who is making a documentary.

On topic: You guys should watch Thermae Romae. It's only going to be 3 episodes but it's pretty funny.
Iron Man 3? I want in on that!

I'll be doing this for a while as writing up the descriptions tires me the hell out - The MSoTD:


RX-124 Gundam TR-6
Are you watching it? The first one and a half episodes are out. It's strangely enjoyable.

Nah, I just know Latin pretty well, thought I'd translate off the top of my head. But thanks for bringing it to my attn, looks good!
Nah, I just know Latin pretty well, thought I'd translate off the top of my head. But thanks for bringing it to my attn, looks good!

I slept during my Latin classes, so yeah... sadly I remember approximately none of it. :lol:
I pounded out translations of cicero and catullus and virgil to max volume NIN Downward Spiral back in the day, loved it. Can't say I remember everything perfectly, but give me a text and a dictionary and I'd make pretty good progress I bet. Always loved languages. Which is why I only watch subs! (<--- post related to anime)
Iron Man 3? I want in on that!

I'll be doing this for a while as writing up the descriptions tires me the hell out - The MSoTD:
RX-124 Gundam TR-6

Bet that suit is has high maneuverability rate 👍. Is that a AOZ suit? The cockpit hatch and design looks like one of the other suits from it. Or could it be a 00 suit?
GC 13

At first it was a bunch of "Feels Good Man" and I was like, awww crap. Didn't help with the feels good man moment with Ayase and Shu saving the day and smiles all around.

And then "Sealing off Loop 7" and everything was good again.

Oh, and Segai is still full of win. Haters gonna hate.
Bet that suit is has high maneuverability rate 👍. Is that a AOZ suit? The cockpit hatch and design looks like one of the other suits from it. Or could it be a 00 suit?



I'm still wondering if that twerp with the glasses was Daryl. He whined like Daryl...and I disliked him the instant I saw him just like Daryl.

Yep. It's Daryl. :lol:
I don't know if I should be looking forward to the show with that comment about the OP and ED.

btw AOZ is my other half.

edjt: DAAAAAMMN that shot at Shu in the silhouette with a red scarf is BOSS!
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I don't know if I should be looking forward to the show with that comment about the OP and ED.

btw AOZ is my other half.
The OP is okay, but I recommend pausing before the ED kicks in and listening to Departures instead.

Oh, and I'm your other half. Damn it.

Loli, don't open this link with a clean pair of pants. A certain game based off of a certain anime you love is being considered for an NA release.

I appreciate the news... but a certain game based off of a certain anime? THAT'S BACKWARDS.
The Steins;Gate game led to the anime man. Without the Steins;Gate game, the anime wouldn't exist.
Except you said that the game was based off the anime in that post. Which means that the anime would have came first and then a game was made from it.

Gah!!:mad:Why did I make my post like that in the first place?!!

The OP is okay, but I recommend pausing before the ED kicks in and listening to Departures instead.
I'm okay with the OP... the ED will never take Departures... but I'm cool with it. The mood of the current ED represents the direction of the show now.

As for the episode:

+1 to Inori's dress, not a battle outfit by any means, but still.

And wtf why isn't that scientist dead? I thought Gai killed Daryl!

Loli be bald
Oh, and I'm your other half. Damn it.
Go die.