The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Hey man, when you said sleep is for the weak, you sounded pretty serious that time.

Yeah I still remember..

also, this page is dedicated to cosplay photos only.
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-> Hello guys, I would just like to share something and it would fit TGAT quite nicely!

Hokago no Pleiades (Wish Upon the Pleiades)


^ Believe it or not, its a colaboration between Subaru (yes the Boxer car company and the maker of Bunta's '86-kicking STi) and GAINAX (need I say much?). ;)


^ So have fun! It looks very promising! :)

-> And this is what I've stumbled...



Drop it. Drop it like a brick.

I can't. :(

You know how I roll.

Who is the girl? Also what character is that?

*tackle!* (all three)

Just watched Redline.

You know why I like Anime? Pull that off in live action, you'll never manage.

Zack Snyder could do it, but admittedly it wouldn't look as cool.

Believe it or not, its a colaboration between Subaru (yes the Boxer car company and the maker of Bunta's '86-kicking STi) and GAINAX (need I say much?). ;)

Welcome to pages ago. :P

It needs to be fleshed out into an actual show.






No clue dude, it's the same girl who cosplayed Inori.



I'm watching Redline, then I'm going to work. See you at 10:30
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^ But it seems like you guys are busy with a different type of Ecchi...



...ugh. :indiff:
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How am I just now noticing that picture of Samus... blind, much? :odd:

Your hair goes in the helmet, Samus. Not over your chest. Silly woman.
Funny, VLC on my Windows partition of my Mac runs the video better than the VLC on my Mac.

That's messed up.
Wow, Baccano! is still at 83 copies. People really are unaware that it's back in-stock (Can't blame them, how would they find out-I found out VIA WTK at The Fandom Post? It's been out of stock for a month until last week when it was restocked-probably the stock left from when Bandai's online store shut down.).:lol:
This is making me wonder how long the LE's of the Gurren Lagann movies will be around.

And after I made this post, it went down to 82.:grumpy:
Guilty Crown Ep. 13:


Ayase's Void is a pair of Endlave legs, and what looks like knives mounted to her hips. Or maybe that's a part of the propulsion? I love how proud (and stubborn) she is; caring more about how elegant she looks getting into her chair - it can be a bit annoying at times as you just want her to get a good slap - but no matter, she's opening up more and more.

And really, Man Gang? Really?

New intro and credit themes; I love the new intro but I'm not too sure about the closing/credits theme. I still want Yahiro dead, and was that twerp with the glasses who didn't know what the hell a candy apple was Daryl? 🤬 schmuck. Kill him already... his face makes me sick.
Watched Denpa 3 and 4.

Erio gets normal yaaaay

Ryuushi though...haha lol :lol: Hi-larious. :lol: SFX out loud, reactions like lol and she doesn't think she's cute??? She's mad :lol: <3 Has a strange obsession with helmets though. :boggled: Even though she always complains about them too. :boggled:

Maekawa still dresses up as food. She's like the opposite of the average girl cause she knows she isn't sporty or anything :lol: Her voice is also deeper than anyone else.

Meme is not 39 :lol: She does a lot of lololol things too. :lol:

Loving it so far. Better than Haruhi I know. I could say it's better than NGE but I'd wake up to find a whole SWAT team on my face :lol: Also caught a reference or five in it. I'm the hugest Mother fan and apparently there's enough references to that, so 👍
Ahem. OADY, MGS-Style:

Should I remind everyone that if SOPA passes, our beautiful helpings of Yoko will be gone forever? :(
*cracks whip*
And the OADAs, too. I must not forget the glorious OADAs.

I could say it's better than NGE but I'd wake up to find a whole SWAT team on my face
Saying that "you could" is enough to get blamed, C-SHINJI.

I'm off to bed. It's real cold in my house though...
"Cuddle up to me and you die, verstehst du mich?"
Saying that "you could" is enough to get blamed, C-SHINJI.

Really, I find it a lot more fun to watch than NGE ever was. Probably had something to do with the last sets of episodes or something. Obviously for all-round brilliance TTGL isn't going to be beaten but so far Denpa Onna has impressed. And I'm only 1/3rd of the way through...
Denpa Onna is enjoyable, but not too special. Definitely more fun to watch than Evangelion, but storywise? No.

Just finished reading this. I knew that I liked Cracked.

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