The General Anime Thread...

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incest, I tell you. And then when she was turned down, she raged - and thus Lost Christmas occurred.
Inori is innocent (thank Gai), but I wonder if Mana will resurface in some shape or form?
That would be so stupid...

She's dead, just let her die already, she doesn't need to be waken up a 3rd time.
Just found out...
Miyuko, cosplaying Ahri from LoL.

Nice. I found out the character shortly after you posted it thanks to the name of the first picture. Was still wondering who the girl was though. I'd marry her.

it's not OTT man...

Yeah it is, but that's part of its awesomeness.

Been saving this one for a long time now...



[quote="AOS-, post: 6541098"]At least Shu has a mom.[/QUOTE]

[B][color=#E42217]Shinji does have a mom![/COLOR][/B]

[SPOILER]And he's inside her a lot![/SPOILER]

Marcus is mad.

But anyway,

Persona4 OAWF


^garage kit


^ D Shop Limited Edition


^ Regular Edition





I want to see a Gai and a better Alucard.... or better yet, the entire Funeral Parlour as one sculpture :drool: I would drop so much money on that.
-> Oh well, I splurged on getting these two earlier...



...but along the way, I was contemplating on getting these the same time...


^ But in the end, I took Clannad just because its was epic.

Question -> Is Amagami SS a good series enough to purchase? Thanks in advance!

You just got the stacpak versions. Best try searching for a 4 disc case with flippers that will fit the wrap. Stackpaks are terrible.:yuck:

Also, if you like Amagami SS, it's up to you whether it's worth your money.
Nope. Save your money... the good shows cost a fortune, possibly your life-savings as well as your soul.
All these shows cost around the same here.:rolleyes:

Also, they don't cost a fortune (And I'm talking about the shows that aren't 100+ episodes like Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece.). Our releases don't cost a fortune. Japanese releases yes, our's, 🤬 no.

Day off today! Two more weeks til my Internet is installed, and next Friday is pay day.

No freaking store here has gt5xl. I might just order it off amazon along with Eden of the East.

I have so much to catch up on now, my friends school schedule is hectic so I can't mooch off his wireless anymore.
They should install it faster so you can post more!:grumpy:I want to see more anime being bought!:mad:

Also, at the last line, that's very depressing.:(
Offtopic canada stuff: everything is white and brown. And it's too freaking cold xD
It's not much different here in Minnesota (We have not all that much snow, and when it comes, it melts.:(), also can't take the cold bro?:P
Forgot to add one more thing:

Did you know that voids can only be pulled out of people who are 17 and under? Wiki said so, but I don't think it's true.
Don't know why it just had to be the same age as Shu... If there's going to be another season, I presume it's going to be roughly a year after where everyone's 18. So how's he going to draw voids out? Will he just stop and shrivel up again?

And if Gai was 17, then I'm amazed he was commanding a bunch of people who were older than him.
Just wait until you watch Code Geass, Lelouch is like the same age, and was in the same position in terms of commanding those older than him. Lelouch and Gai are very much alike, hence why Gai was awesome.
Wow it's like you don't know how to condense quoted posts to the parts you're responding to.

Thought you were going to add to it, but then you go off on a different tangent at the last sentence I made. :dunce:

My sentiments exactly. I still need to pick up a Tenma and Yoko figma.

Shinji does have a mom!

And he's inside her a lot!

That language! Good lord... I need to rinse my eyes out.


I want to see a Gai and a better Alucard.... or better yet, the entire Funeral Parlour as one sculpture :drool: I would drop so much money on that.

I don't know who or what that is... but it's making me very "happy". :lol:

Excuse me, I need to go and, ugh, and ugh... fap a little.

EDIT: So I'm fapping twice, apparently. No matter.
I wanna be that guitar.
"Congrats, you just won a free night on the couch."
"Oh hell no, that's my bed that you're kicking me out of."

Shinji does have a mom!

And he's inside her a lot!

Especially in Shinji/Rei shipfics.
I read the Cracked article on Eva and I couldn't stop laughing. Everything is damn straight, I guess I seem to like the Eva haters a bit more than the fans sometimes, even if I'm a fan myself.
IMO Eva is perfect flamebait. It has a fanbase ready to defend any criticisms people have of it - and then they wonder why they're called fanboys. Add in people trying to shoehorn the characters into shallow stereotypes from half-arsed high school dramas (e.g. Asuka is a typical "mean girl", Shinji is a meek coward) and that just fans the flames. Their criticisms are valid up to a point.
"Yeah, you can only call ignorance a viable defence so many times."

^ Typical fangirl...:P
I might find myself getting addicted to this opening.

Guilty Crown may be trying to win people over with all that flashiness to show off the big production values, but it manages to stay good. That 8 (It was on the verge of becoming a 7 a few weeks ago.) may go back up to a 9 again, though (I'm beating a dead horse here.) I doubt it will surpass Code Geass in quality.

(End of part 1 spoiler)I still wonder if...
Gai's death
...will make the quality of the show go down. It did that with...(Gurren Lagann part 1 spoilers)
...Kamina's death... Gurren Lagann for a time, but the show became one of the greatest anime of all time (I doubt GC will make that pedestal though.). Though there's also if Shu doesn't go back to early part 1 Shu. Shu can drag the quality of the entire show down all by himself.
The 🤬?! GuilCro:
As I said before, Gai's deathwill only help the show out. Shu is now given room to mature as a character and become super bawss... Part 2 will be easily better than part 1, because of Gai's death.

As I said with Guilcro, Simon was given the opportunity to expand as a character when Kamina died. He took control of the group and led them to victory.

Simon > Kamina, easily.
GC Speculation
Shu's not going to back down. He can't afford to anymore, there's no one to depend on.

Ayase, Tsugumi, Inori, and the other students will work with Shu as a small team, and the rest of Funeral Parlour will rejoin to intercept someone's death and bam they are back together... Shu will be the leader because he has the Void Genome; he controls everyone in a battle because he's the only one who can draw out the tools and weapons.
Kinda interesting comparing Gai and Lelouch.
Age: 17
Height: 185 cm (6'1")
Age: 17 (first season), 18 (second season)
Height: 178 - 183 cm
Yup, they're the same age, and also, around the same height (Mainly when you use season 2 Lelouch.).
The 🤬?! GuilCro:
As I said before, Gai's deathwill only help the show out. Shu is now given room to mature as a character and become super bawss... Part 2 will be easily better than part 1, because of Gai's death.

As I said with Guilcro, Simon was given the opportunity to expand as a character when Kamina died. He took control of the group and led them to victory.

Simon > Kamina, easily.
Guilty Crown:
Beware, I put a Death Note spoiler in here.
It's unknown if it for sure will work, hopefully it does, but I've seen cases before where a certain death just made the show go downhill, and it didn't really recover, or was as good before that death (Great case and point is Death Note. Part 2 wasn't as good as part 1, part of it had to do with L being gone.).

Gurren Lagann:
Yes, but unlike Shu, Simon immediately went into depression, and went on rampages even for revenge. Once he snapped out of the depression stage, then he really matured.

Shu has yet to do that, but I think he does feel responsible for Gai's death, so we may see him do things Simon did initially after Kamina's death that will lead to him becoming manly as 🤬.
They have this on sale!


I can't wait to get my camera in February. I wanna take cool pics with my Unit-01. I need to figure out how to get the blood splatter onto the head. Stupid things don't come with any instructions for the parts you can use. It's why mine is just standing up on my dresser lol.
Exactly, which is why I said that I wanted
Gai to die.
Eureka Seven spoilers included.
Though what about with Eureka Seven? Holland was alive the entire show, and Renton greatly matured, and became such a great protagonist in the end. You don't have to kill off a character a certain character looks up to/relies on to make them like Simon (Not saying it's wrong to, I mean it does lead to great things as we all were amazed with how it made the quality of Gurren Lagann go way up.), just pointing it out.