The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I want awesome crust, not crust that feels like I'm eating Captain Crunch.:grumpy:

Speaking of pizza...

Try seeing Pizza Hut boxes in this game. I got this off of eBay a few years ago (During my weeaboo stage, ugh.). If you're wondering, I did use an English guide to help me play it (Due to me not knowing Japanese fluently.).

Since Pizza Hut sponsored the show when it aired in Japan, it was all over the game.:lol:
Code Geass was apparently one big pizza advertisement, sponsored by pizza companies around the world. :P
Oh you necrophile, you....:mischievous:

I may like pale skin, but I am far from a necrophile.

Are you done with your videography project?

In Videography we don't really have projects. We shoot stuff and are graded on it but no big projects. We finished principle photography today for my Camera and Lighting class. Will start editing on Monday (the first two projects have to be done on campus, including editing. It sucks. They only have Macs at that campus (my school is split between two campuses (the other campus has PCs (FTW))) and locations are extremely limited). The other project is finished but that was something a friend and I were working on.

You haven't written your review yet. You're going to make Jamey cry.

Actually I am working on something. Started it a day or two ago but I am putting a lot of thought into it as I go and revise things here and there.

I'm sure it's against the AUP to dislike NGE

It should be.

^ I will, but..I have to be in a mood on watching another action-nime. For some reason I find some action-nime hard to swallow...I need a little comedy or ecchi for me to watch it easier.;)

TTGL is freaking hilarious though.

I spent $370 for Fate/Zero but didn't buy NGE for $40 instead.

Get out...

Speaking of pizza...

We have a Cici's around here. Their BBQ pizza is the best.

EDIT: Stream is up. I am going to smoke and I'll be right there.
Mean Score: 7.9

My mean score for "Watching" on MAL right now, I wonder how much it'll change after Ragnarok comes in (Probably will be a 6/10 or 7/10. First episode when I watched it 3 years ago, that wasn't all that good from what I remember.), and I finish Rurouni Kenshin (Episode 95 is not included in there. MAL has that episode listed as a separate entry, and unfortunately, it's not legally streaming.) on Tuesday. I have 3 episodes left.:(
Get out...

In all seriousness, I haven't pre-ordered it yet (My dad hasn't gotten the money to do so yet. I'll have it pre-ordered in mid February most likely.). NGE will be bought before Fate/Zero.
while Sephy runs a stream, we ain't even done yet.

k now we're done. we've moved into TGATS.
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It airs thursdays/fridays?

Thursdays. Last week was the latest it's ever been though, which was Friday afternoon. Previously it always came out Thursday nights, except for a rare Friday morning incident.
Hey man, when you said sleep is for the weak, you sounded pretty serious that time.

Yeah I still remember.

Haha... I know, but then again if I had to pass out several times in front of my computer every few minutes you know I can't take it anymore. >_<
Also I didn't bother logging yesterday since well... I was busy. :guilty:
No wonder.....

My bootleg HG Wing Zero's part never fit's like they paid someone to deliberately make a crappy mold.

Anyway, I brought this up and no one really answered me:

When April comes around, want 1.0 or 5.0 avatars? 1.0 is 120x120, 5.0 is 100x120.

The pro to 5.0 is allowing vertical compositions to be made.. Sort of like mine at the moment, but slightly wider. Otherwise it'll be squares and most of it will indeed be shots of the face.

Hey I can see the stream on this thing, but I can't get the chat to work :(

Oh well, at least I can see some anime now :D

EDIT: 🤬 stream is over already? :indiff:

It's an inexpensive figure.

Such a thing exits? :lol:

I'm actually thinking about buying one, but it will probalbly be a half naked chick, not an eva :3

Basic breakfast: Bacon/sausage, egg, toast, hash browns. Is that a lot for you? :lol:

Truth be told, I don't eat breakfast.

The menu said 3 pancakes and a fruit salad. I was like, all right, I'll have 'em. Those were the biggest pancakes I've ever seen... I ate one and a half, didn't even touch the salad :lol:
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-> ...
^ Nope, a local spot called #1 Hawaiian BBQ. Just had a satisfying Portugeese Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, & some Ahi! 👍

BT -> Amagami SS is a good series in my own opinion. It has the formula that I want in an anime:


- Decent plot
- A sprinkle of Ecchi
- Low key setup
- Excellent character design
- Situation almost similar to mine (no luck w/ ladies, based on ep.1)
- The 'what if' factor
- And most of all PARALLEL UNIVERSE!!!!


^ Sure, sure, I still need to watch Parallel DUAL! thou... :indiff:

-> Look what I've stumbled again on Youtube...has anyone noticed?...

(Damn Ayu-Mix is epic! Need to collect it soon!)

...that most if not ALL anime op series are basically the same! The sequences, the angles, etc.. :eek:

-Todays AEAD-





^ Oh well, off to work now! :)
No wonder.....

My bootleg HG Wing Zero's part never fit's like they paid someone to deliberately make a crappy mold.

Anyway, I brought this up and no one really answered me:

When April comes around, want 1.0 or 5.0 avatars? 1.0 is 120x120, 5.0 is 100x120.

The pro to 5.0 is allowing vertical compositions to be made.. Sort of like mine at the moment, but slightly wider. Otherwise it'll be squares and most of it will indeed be shots of the face.


Bad mold processes back then I guess... 5.0 please:)
Hey I can see the stream on this thing, but I can't get the chat to work :(

You have to create a username. It's free and doesn't require an account.

Such a thing exits? :lol:

Of course! There's plenty of awesome figures that won't break the bank. AOS- is an elitist so he'll have you believe that the only good figures are the super expensive ones.

:P @ AOS-.

AOS-, I am only messing with you BTW.
You have to create a username. It's free and doesn't require an account.

I did login to livestream, but that didn't really help. I can see some facebook and twitter stuff there, but I don't have either.

Anyway, it's moot now that the stream is over :(