The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Yes, I know, but how come they're doing it without SOPA? They're acting as if though it passed all along with all these closures.

Someone speculated that this was done to avoid SOPA's attention...

My non-streaming sources got taken off the web this morning.

Now I'm browsing Rightstuf....

[MN15 ongoing response]
New OP.... iffy boring boring boing boing

Yuki, that pitiful kid... "I want help." ... *BLUSHES* ... spoiled kid!

Can't get of Yuno, Yuki. You need her undoubtedly. This phone server crud is probably going to stall the show for another 3-5 episodes.

The ED sounds a little strange. It reminds me of OP1, but it's just more passive, without losing the same level of energy of Kuusou.


That's the face I wanted to see.

But damn Yuno's mad obsessed.
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I COMPLETELY forgot about Mirai Nikki last night... I was up until 2 as well. Damn it, guess I'll watch when I get home.
P4A 2
For 3 minutes, I thought that other dimension (if it has a name) was a place where people went if they died. I take it we're going to establish Satonaka's persona next episode. Speaking of, why is she the only girl wearing a sports jacket whereas everyone else is wearing that ugly blazer?

P4A 3
Uguu, how many more "persona developing" episodes? "AH YOU'RE NOT ME! YOU'RE NOTHING LIKE ME! AHHHH!

Okay, you are me. *ding* "You've got a new card!"

Who's that guy and chick in the limo at the beginning of the episode? Are they supposed to be some imagery for Narukami's mind? Where did this multiple persona crap come from and how did he know to summon jack o lantern of all other things?
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Deadman Wonderland Trivia (according to the novel):

It takes place in 2017, and 10 years prior, there was a massive earthquake that drowned a huge section of Japan leaving it the way we see it today....

Something doesn't sound right :odd:

edjt: You want to know what else doesn't sound right? There's no illustrator who defined Redline's art style. I'm terribly disappointed. :grumpy:
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Like pop-rock? ^ That's totally for you.

Like people who have singing voices? ^ That's totally for you. Marina Inoue. 👍 "Yozora" if you don't know who she is.

Remember marina who sung the songs by GirlsDemo as Iwasawa? ^
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I do have attention problems, I haven't seen more than 2 episodes of Bakemonogatari.

Mostly because I've been busy with school and I just can't keep my attention toward something too long, regardless of how much I may like it. I literally have to pull myself to start watching something WHICH I end up enjoying regardless.

Then there are times when I just get a random urge to watch something in a certain genre, like Ergo Proxy today. I know that I'll probably drop it after 2-3 episodes since I'd some how lose interest.
You never played Pokemon? Backpacks are attached to the player, so you can't "steal" my backpack. And because I felt like it, I'll list out what's in my backpack later today. ;)
I just finished Lily's route in Katawa Shoujo. Really really good and probably my favourite, but Hanako is still my favourite girl <3 It sucked to not be on her route, but I was really proud of her character on Lily's :3

If there were to be an anime adaptation, I'd say Lily's route would be the best one to choose.
Found this webcomic:[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]


[quote="LamboLP700-4, post: 6558566"][B][COLOR="Purple"]I just can't keep my attention toward something too long, regardless of how much I may like it.[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]

[B][color=#E42217]Anime. You're doing it wrong.[/COLOR][/B]

[quote="DK, post: 6559110"][B][COLOR="Green"]I'm going to bed, I'm too tired even for business time.
[COLOR="Red"]- :([/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE]

[B][color=#E42217]Tag me in![/COLOR][/B]