The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Nisemonogatari 3:

Kanbaru is awesome offering to be the mistress! She also points out the biggest of Araragi's downfall which his kindness to women. Senjougahara is not going to let him slip away very easily, but looks like the bad guy is messing with his sister. Uh oh, but guess who we get to finally see next week? Hanekawa! Yay!

If Sephy stays up, he's lame?

Nisemonogatari 3:

Kanbaru is awesome offering to be the mistress!!


Kanbaru is so amusing and playful.

I was talking with De-Jay and he posted this screenie of ep1.

**** Javascript.

public class Sephy
	private boolean isLame;
	public Sephy()
		isLame = false;
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Sephy sephy = new Sephy();
	public void gotoSleep()
		isLame = true;
	public boolean getLame()
		return isLame;	

Whoever can tell me what that code prints gets a pretend cookie. :3
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It's only one, you can't have 2 different items with the same name... that will get you errors.

But still, Sean's going to be so mad in the morning, not a good way to start your week off. :lol:
It's only one, you can't have 2 different items with the same name... that will get you errors.
I think Loli was referring to the fact that MHPALA refers to Sephy as both "_Sephy" and "sephy" in his little code snippet, which would be two different things...

But still, Sean's going to be so mad in the morning, not a good way to start your week off. :lol:

Before you know it, we're gonna have programmed a complete game about Sephy's lameness for going to bed so early. :lol:
I stay up later than him, but I have to leave my house sooner than him. LOL

Before you know it, we're gonna have programmed a complete game about Sephy's lameness for going to bed so early. :lol:
It's going to be challenging because of the varying programming languages :P
You don't get enough sleep, dude.

I guess so. I've gotten quite a bit of sleep this weekend, maybe I'm just enjoying my freedom for the moment and dosing off whenever instead of worrying about my schedule. I feel as if I could sleep right now, even after napping earlier, so that's nice. My schedule will always be disjointed though, along with everything else I do. It's how I live.

Anyway, I may watch an episode of Code Geass tonight. I closed the DMW stream because my internet went REALLY wonky while it was halfway. So I started playing Katawa Shoujo instead.
Guys done being off-topic yet?

I'm pretty sure that us discussing which programming language(s) we're gonna use to develop a game about how lame Sephy is for going to sleep instead of staying in TGAT forever and ever to discuss anime with us non-stop until the end of time is not off-topic in the slightest. :P
**** Javascript.

public class Sephy
	private boolean isLame;
	public Sephy()
		isLame = false;
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Sephy sephy = new Sephy();
	public void gotoSleep()
		isLame = true;
	public boolean getLame()
		return isLame;	

Whoever can tell me what that code prints gets a pretend cookie. :3

If you Posted this a year ago I could have told you exactly what it would do lol
If you Posted this a year ago I could have told you exactly what it would do lol

I know what you mean. I only recently started re-learning Java... the two years after I took computer science during my senior year in high school flew by without any serious programming, and before I knew it my Java knowledge was horribly rusty. :P
I watched it when it was airing. Pretty funny. The manga is finished too, and it's quite ecchi lol
Is it really? FUNimation like usual is emphasizing the fanservice/stuff that could be misinterpreted as fanservice to make it sell.

Love this ending and this show , one of the best of the Winter 2012. :D --- Randy :dopey:
ANN has been going kinda crazy over that show (It's still a 5/5 to Zac, who can be hard to please.). People thought it was going to be fanservice trash, because I mean really, what do you think of when you hear about a show called "Bodacious Space Pirates"?

BTW, some ANN members are still all over Chiyafuru.
1. Well the funeral went by faster than I thought it would, and unlike her younger sister (My grandma who died back in 2006.), she was cremated.
2. YES!!! HLP season 3!!!!!:D
3. ANN review on the Kimi Ni Todoke BD/DVD combo pack. I really need to check out the anime sometime (Hope it doesn't sell out before I can get it.). I read a preview of the manga back in 2009 in Shojo Beat (Which no longer is being published as of the July 2009 issue-issue 49.), it was fairly good. I need to get the manga as well sometime.
4. Rewatched Rurouni Kenshin: Trust & Betrayal on the 1080P HDTV here, and man does it look even more beautiful on there than it does on my dad's computer monitor at home that supports HDMI. I'm going to finally review this, and sometime soon review the BD import Aniplex USA brought over.

Also no matter how many times I watch that OVA, the experience isn't dulled. Of course, I'm not watching it every week as if I did that, then the experience would be dulled which I do not want.:lol:
**** Javascript.

public class Sephy
	private boolean isLame;
	public Sephy()
		isLame = false;
	public static void main(String[] args)
		Sephy sephy = new Sephy();
	public void gotoSleep()
		isLame = true;
	public boolean getLame()
		return isLame;	

Whoever can tell me what that code prints gets a pretend cookie. :3

Looks very different from C.... But i'll try

Simple Boolean value (true false) in this case true :dopey:.

the stream variable for output in java "System.out.println" so sephy.getLame() will be printed with the "()" being the string value... sooo it has to be isLame :lol: Evidence shows with "return isLame;"

prints : sephy.getLame isLame
I want my damn cookie ...:dopey:
Looks very different from C.... But i'll try

Simple Boolean value (true false) in this case true :dopey:.

the stream variable for output in java "System.out.println" so sephy.getLame() will be printed with the "()" being the string value... sooo it has to be isLame :lol: Evidence shows with "return isLame;"

prints : sephy.getLame isLame
I want my damn cookie ...:dopey:

Everything outside main() is pretty much just Sephy-specific stuff. So when we create a Sephy object in main() by calling the Sephy() constructor method, a Sephy is born and its isLame value to false by default. Then when we call the newly-born Sephy object's gotoSleep() method, its isLame gets set to true.

Then we print whatever the Sephy object's getLame() method returns, which is its boolean isLame... which has the value of true.

So if you compiled and ran it, all you'd see is "true" printed to the console.

By the way... welcome to The General Java Thread, y'all! :D
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Did someone seriously suggest this to stop piracy of anime?*Facepalm*
For the first: release content world-wide at the same time, and kill region codes. Make the entire library available, even if it's in Japanese. Create a manga version of Crunchyroll.

I hope they know that means making everyone pay Japanese prices for everything (That means if Madoka was released worldwide, you'd have to pay $90 each for 6 2 episode BD singles instead of the cheaper options Aniplex USA is giving people.). Kurokami: The Animation's international release was a disaster. To prevent reverse-importation, they had to make the Blu-rays dub-only.

Bandai Visual USA failed by pricing all their anime here at Japanese-like prices. They weren't being wise like Aniplex USA is being when it comes to imports.