The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
These young'uns only like shows that are visually crisp and full of moe. They don't care about anything else anymore.

Showed it to this younger girl I know, and she was like "Eh, Spike isn't that cool"

Just about punched her in the face right there for that.

Spike = Ultra Cool.

Also, I've never played an MGS game.

I did play the original Metal Gear. On my NES. Before it was cool.

And before I knew what the hell I was doing.
Loliblade ver2
Naked Snake/Big Boss > Spike.

This I must agree, after playing MGS: Peace Walker/ watching my brother play Snake Eater. He is just too manly.

Man, don't you hate it when people stack tests one day after another? Gives me no time for watching absolutely anything :ill:...
holley dolley, ~10 pages while I overslept for nearly 12 hours :boggled:

What we need is MOAR YURIPPE


More yuri, yes. 👍

More Asuka, no. 👎


I can't. I mean, she's not too bad. But compared to the other Magi girls? Ha. Only one I would take her over is Mami.

She just needs some love, that's why I came for her <3

"Anal boss"? WTF

niaL uoy htiw gnorw si ftw

My snake > Naked Snake/Big Bauce

ereht did uoy tahw ees i
New avatars.

Posts per page is something I never bothered to change... :indiff:

I just changed it and frankly, it's quite confusing when I visit the previous pages.
If one of the conditions would say that DK wouldn't get in our way and rub it in. Or something along those lines. :lol:

I can't promise anything.

Tell you what, lay off of Asuka and I'll stop bashing Mari. Then we can live in peace.

One time Onboy123 asked something about it then some people here said to him that HOTD is meh.

That's all I remember. Now y'all can flame me. :P