The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Read what I thought of the first episode. It's really, really stupid.

Stupid and unnecessary. It's like, you know when you watch something awful but you can't not watch it because it's so seemingly awful it's actually good? :lol:

I'm not saying HOTD is good, well, except for the random panty shots and awesome boob physics... but it's just so random.
Read what I thought of the first episode. It's really, really stupid.

Stupid and unnecessary. It's like, you know when you watch something awful but you can't not watch it because it's so seemingly awful it's actually good? :lol:

I'm not saying HOTD is good, well, except for the random panty shots and awesome boob physics... but it's just so random.

The first couple of episodes were awesome. It's after that that it gets terrible.
Marcus, where the hell have you been?

There are only three of us Gundam freaks here. Don't go get yourself killed or anything. :P
Wait, a new P4 episode?

It shoulda came like yesterday or something. :grumpy: Anyway I guess I'll watch it before playing Team Fortress 2.

Knockin' on heaven's door.
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*Puts on anti-flame suit*

I've had the original since it released, or a little bit after that... and I haven't even finished that. I've barely played it.

*Runs away*
Mass Effect 3 has consumed most of my time :lol:. GOOD ASS GAME!!!!! Buy it, its worth the money.

I played the demo of that game recently and well, I kinda want it now. It looks like a good game.
Fooking low FPS rates...

I even closed Steam and yet P4 stream is running choppily. =='

EDIT: refresh does the job hurr durr

EDIT 2: P4 episode 21 - dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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waitwhat? I meant 22 dammit! :lol:

Yeah I know that feel, Marcus...

Right, so I'll be off playing TF2 now. ceeyaguys.
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Squid girl is not awesome. Squid girl is not decent. Squid girl is not mediocre. Squidgirl is not equal to Steins;Gate. Squid Girl is not even just bad.

Squid Girl is 100% pure ****. But hey... if you're into scat, don't let me stop you from enjoying that crap. :P
:lol: Kinda like how I feel about Wangan Midnight.

We made her cry though.


"Anal boss"? WTF
It's Engrish, it doesn't need to make sense. :lol:
She just needs some love, that's why I came for her <3
I thought it was that she's quite handy with a baseball bat. :lol:
I desperately want to assault someone's face right now.
Go find the nearest Naruto cosplayer. NOW.
That's my reasoning for Asuka yet you don't understand me...
There, there... *bro-hug*
"How come I'm not getting any?!"
"Double entendre strikes again!"
*stuffs sock in Mari's mouth*

Why would I want to assault (shut up, James) a woman's face? :P
Exactly, you're not Chris Brown. :lol:
Just Watched -> Ruruoni Kenshin TV ep.7

-> I've got a feeling someone in TGAT might like this...



-Todays AEAD- Cheongsam Edition






High School of the Dead 2:

This pink-haired bitch has to go - she either needs a good stuffing, tied up and locked in a goddam closet, gagged, or told to shut the 🤬 up. And only one of those is sexual. I would've went across his face at least five times in this one episode.

Clumsy doctor is clumsy. At least this wasn't as completely random as the first episode, but my god, I've yet to come across a single redeeming quality regarding the story arc. It's like an Indie game where the story isn't as good as it sholud be given the circumstance. All I know is this: pink-haired bitch is a bitch. There are far too many "captain obvious" moments, and apparently there's something going on between the first two.

The only awesome one so far is the blue-haired chick.
I thought it was that she's quite handy with a baseball bat. :lol:

There, there... *bro-hug*
"How come I'm not getting any?!"
"Double entendre strikes again!"
*stuffs sock in Mari's mouth*

She a melee mastah, homie. :lol:

You heard Asuka, now get back to her. Also look at the mess my ex has done and tell Mari that's why I went to Sayaka instead. I bet she'd get depressed. :P

Ayt, after dis TF2 session, I'm gonna head to a restaurant. brb again

3 hours of silence and counting... wat
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