The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
AOS-, you are strong and I am weak. You are a leader and I am a follower. Please, keep up just as you are and some day I may benefit from your enthusiasm.

But in the mean time, I will continue to expect good storytelling from my anime. Still watching Another, 7+/10 for me. Iroha was great last season. I'll keep watching new anime, hoping for the best, and taking seriously into consideration YOUR opinion. And if new anime continues to disappoint, I'll go back to reading books. Got more than a few on my backburner.
You know what the problem is, Jeff? Anime is crap now and you know it. Good story? You're still living in the 90s; a good story in anime nowadays appear ever so scarcely.
You do realize not everyone in here thinks that right?
AOS gets overly excited, TC. Anime certainly has degraded when it comes to general story quality, but it's not all crap.

Another was pretty great. Gave me an eerie vibe throughout(minus the beach episode), provided some kick-ass gore, had a nice mystery and kept me excited for every new episodes.
I like Azure. Be more tolerant of others, Jeff.

GOD, I am SUCH a hypocrite. How the hell do you guys put up with my 🤬?!
Yeah, sorry, but if Az could stfu GTP would be a much better place.
I'd suggest using the block feature, or becoming more tolerant of him.

Now, Outlaw Star is on. Another title that'll go in my "On-hold" list until I pick up the Anime Legends set this year.
Such a comeback Goddin, lol.

I generally agree about anime taking a big drop in quality in the past decade, we've still seen pretty good shows, but there are wayyyyy lesss good shows I can remember from 2000-today than in the 90s, like AOS said. I'd almost say that good storytelling has been kinda replaced by an amazing bump in the quality of production aspects, specially animation, which has taken gigantic steps in the last ten years to the point where noe we have stuff like Black Rock Shooter, that basically started as cool fighting scenes in an OVA and then, as the producers saw it had success, gave it a bit of substance in the show.

Maybe we'll see a new big-time era in anime where good storytelling is picked up again, combined with the amazingly high production values of recent years? I sure hope so, anime looks amazing lately. Heck, I was impressed with how cute Oreimo looks, and it's such a basic show...
We're all on good terms here and I'd prefer to keep it that way, but I'm only going to say it once more: cool it.
well, it's all what you get out of it. Everybody is welcome here. But if those who frequent are not to my liking, yeah, I'm not going to be by here very often. My loss. And others like me.

As an aside, I've spent a lot of time as an activist over the years. Political, evironmental, social, etc. One thing I've learned, unfortunately, is that with most groups, over time, the only people left in the group are the most noisy and obnoxious. Everybody civil at the beginning eventually loses patience and lets the loudmouths have their way. Very sad. And also a great analysis of current politics.
if this thread is going to be superficial about it, and frequently absurd with silly personal attacks

Azuremen is 40% reason why I'm not back here much.
Yeah, sorry, but if Az could stfu GTP would be a much better place.


blah, blah, most of this thread had become image posts (moistly pretty nice), and blathering on about shows I don't watch because they're too simple/violent/etc not what I'm looking for in a good story. Anime as a whole has a great record for producing some amazing stories (Miyazaki, GITS, EVA, Bebop, and so much more), but this anime thread (GTP relation should be assumed) has not been as great at conversing about current anime...

The serious discussion is now over at ARM. Buried in images and ridiculousness similar to what you'd find here, but still. :lol:
Yeah, sorry, but if Az could stfu GTP would be a much better place.

You know they tried banning me once and that didn't even work?

Oddly enough, quite a few people like me around here, play video games with me, and chat with me outside of the forum. Even more crazy is I've had people I known from StarCraft let me stay at their place when I've traveled and its all been fun and good times.

I'm an intense personality, sometimes people get irritated. You actively choose to make a big deal out of it and so I'm like "lol look at dis guy, he all mad and stuff" and then you react more.

Which is funny, as that is what kids do.

Of course, I'm not even touching on your insanely elitist attitude that, from what I've seen, isn't even a running joke. Nor your tendency to mention intelligence and wanting conversation of such nature. Frankly, and ironically, I think it is you that has more trouble dealing outside of your preferred bubble than I. And that bubble you've generated is pretty small and you certainly like to think it is above the clouds.

Basically, relax and don't sweet the small stuff :lol:
You know what's the problem? Otaku-bait and ecchi sells extremely well.
It doesn't sell "extremely" well as that's implying 10,000+ copies per volume. Most shows don't do that. Only 14 anime in 2011 performed that well. There are ecchi and moe otaku-bait shows that still bomb.

The non-otaku bait doesn't sell well usually. Another is going to most likely bomb.
2,000 copies on Blu-ray in week 1 is terrible.

It's a tough sell. You gotta put out what's going to make you money. Going with ecchi and moe is the safe way as take too big of a risk, and you'll go bankrupt. The solution to having way more shows with better quality that don't rely on a ton of moe and ecchi that will actually sell isn't easy to find.

I want to throw this out though. Gainax thought they were going to go bankrupt from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and now look at it. It's mainstream in Japan, and sells quite well. Evangelion 2.22 is the best-selling Blu-ray of all time there, having sold 400,000+ copies last I checked. Not sure how the DVD did, but it probably did VERY well. Most anime NEVER hit the 100,000+ mark for a single release.
Another thing to put out here, the best-selling anime of all time. It doesn't include movies. These are what the biggest success stories were.
What's all this bickering?

Toonami? On Adult Swim?? I wish I had cable right now :ouch:
Yes, and Twitter is blowing up, along with the [adult swim] boards.

3 years later, and an explosion of interest once we see it come back as an April Fools joke.
Anyhow, as for the ecchi and Otaku-bait stuff, isn't this what I was talking about before? Moving to higher quality anime that is more appealing to a broader audience, which will also reduce the risk of alienating people to anime in general? I know plenty of people that watch "cartoons" like Frisky Dingo etc, and even would be interested in anime if it didn't have, at least a moderate amount of the time, some excuse to show fake GGGGGGG boobs or 14 year old's pantsu.
Yeah, TC pointed that out to me, have to spend some more time over there, thanks for putting it together!

And Az, you're a hipster, poser, argumentalist, hater, p(iece)o(f)s(fill in the blank), and I will never like you, if I meet you on the street I will attempt to kill you, nothing you can say will change that.

And now you're on vacation.