The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
^ :boggled: I treat all animes and manga equally, its just a matter if its good or not after watching the whole series. ;)

-> Share time:


^ :boggled: I treat all animes and manga equally, its just a matter if its good or not after watching the whole series. ;)

-> Share time:



That reminds me of those two psycho kids in Black Lagoon. :lol:
-> ...
Excuses, dude.

It doesn't :crazy: at least don't forget to report how good you find it when you're done, compared to whenever the heck you watched it before... which brings me to, how long ago did you watch Rayearth, VB?
^ 16-17 years ago, on TV (ABS-CBN ch.2, Tagalog dub) in the Philippines. :dopey:

Boy, no anime was created equal.
^ Until you finish a series... ;)
Ok, I managed another drawing of Lilly from KS, this time from first meeting her.

Lilly, First Meeting by H_enry_T, on Flickr

Now, there are three requests I need to add:

1. Honest criticism and feedback.

2. Should I go ahead and try shading the picture/add details?

3. Have you played/read Katawa Shoujo?
Arm's too skinny and long. Perspective of the face is wrong. I wouldn't worry about colouring or shading just yet. You can't hide fundamental errors regardless of how pretty you can make it look.

My opinion on drawing something you're not used to is to first ditch that urge to make something look "perfect" and by that I mean making the linework look super clean. The nitty-gritty temptation of constantly correcting the slightest mistake is what stops you from analyzing the whole picture when drawing from reference, especially when you're inexperienced.

I'm struggling with drawing soemthing myself at the moment, but I'm slowly throwing away that desire to create a clean drawing for the time being until I know I'm doing something right.

Right now, you need to focus on analyzing what you see and accurately putting that down on paper. If you look at her right arm, you can see you forced one section to be long so that her hands could sit flat on the desk. The left side of her cheek is forced out too much unlike the photo. The "rules" of perspective state we shouldn't see that much of her left cheek. See your reference pic.

Keep sketching for now. Colouring can come later.
Finally done with Is This A Zombie? and it was pretty good. The last episode caught me off guard. I'm going to wait until I watch the second season though. There is some new stuff coming out this year that I want to watch before I do that, plus I still have IM@S: Xenoglossia, so I'm gonna have a busy year ahead of me.
Arm's too skinny and long. Perspective of the face is wrong. I wouldn't worry about colouring or shading just yet. You can't hide fundamental errors regardless of how pretty you can make it look.

My opinion on drawing something you're not used to is to first ditch that urge to make something look "perfect" and by that I mean making the linework look super clean. The nitty-gritty temptation of constantly correcting the slightest mistake is what stops you from analyzing the whole picture when drawing from reference, especially when you're inexperienced.

I'm struggling with drawing soemthing myself at the moment, but I'm slowly throwing away that desire to create a clean drawing for the time being until I know I'm doing something right.

Right now, you need to focus on analyzing what you see and accurately putting that down on paper. If you look at her right arm, you can see you forced one section to be long so that her hands could sit flat on the desk. The left side of her cheek is forced out too much unlike the photo. The "rules" of perspective state we shouldn't see that much of her left cheek. See your reference pic.

Keep sketching for now. Colouring can come later.

Thanks for the feedback, this is exactly the reason I posted this here. Usually my classmates just go "WOW, that's amazing" and don't bring out any negative aspects. Also, the fact that it looks clean is because I am a quite hands-on-paper drawer, meaning I don't use softer pencils. This was done with a type H.
At your stage, don't be afraid to scribble extra lines. MY drawing instructors tell us not to, but IMO you end up focusing on being more careful about your linework than you are on being able to translate what you see onto the paper. Let's say we were drawing that left cheek I pointed out. You could try to be super careful but you may not actually depict that line accurately whereas I could accidentally scribble more at the cost of getting that line correct.

Draw more. Then you'll pick up a method where you can draw lines exactly the way you want it to come out.
Wait..he asked for it..
Jessica Nigri FTW. :drool:
That's a Pho Phuc Lai! :P

I'm not though. If I don't draw anything for a long time, I struggle like a newb.
-> Very impressive Sir Tuddle! Is that original work or copied?

-> Here is my copied work:


^ It's Makie from Negima!, I did it to practice myself...sort of. Sucks huh? ;)
NGE question .

Rewatched the series again in japanese and after ep 26 there's a movie called End of Evangelion which is basically just two episodes put together.
Is that movie one of the three movies made of was it just something that came later ?