The General Anime Thread...

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Different versions of Tsukasa Hiragi



Oops wrong series...

Thanks Cano.

TrackRipper, I enjoyed the show, it is full of plotholes though. I got a lot of enjoyment out of it, but many others here hated it.
I'm not sure whether that was a burger or some weird-looking snack box. :lol:
Um, I have no idea what to make of Boku no Imouto wa "Osaka Okan". Of the 7 anime I've seen so far this year, this one has got to be the strangest.
That's like saying the only thing better than a knife in my kidney, is too knives in my kidney.

I must say, two knives in your kidney is a BIG improvement over one :P

Don't you bad mouth Suguha. She is the best girl in that show. Oh and Liz.

Sugu? The BEST? What. No. Not even. What. No. Really. No. I still hope that she actually choked to death in that one episode. Her voice is horrible, her character is horrible, her design is meeehh(but still not even cute). If you want good looking: Asuna. If you want cute little-sister character: Silica.

There is no point for Sugu ever existing and I hate her character so much.[/IMG[/QUOTE]

[color=#096]Now shipping: Kirito x Sandwich-chan[/color]

[quote="Sir Tuddle, post: 7991150"]I havent seen the sammich yet, which episode is it? @_@[/QUOTE]

[color=#096]A few episodes. Asuna makes Kirito those sammiches and he loses his 🤬 every time.[/color]