The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Stalker. :P

I have this conspiracy as to why ARM is down - some TGAT loyalist wants to bring back the glory days of 100 posts per day. :lol:
If all of this happened because I linked Hei to a torrent through a PM, I'm going to be mighty pissed. And also feel guilty as hell. Of all the stuff that gets posted there, one little link brings everything down.
He said on ARM's anniversary so it's probably a billing issue. Calm down, Icarus. :)
It was a straight up link to a particular site though. And ARM went down within an hour or 2 of me doing it. I just don't want to be the guy who destroyed ARM. *cries* Hopefully it's something else entirely that's easily remedied.
Eh dont worry.
I come bearing Gif's.





It was a straight up link to a particular site though. And ARM went down within an hour or 2 of me doing it. I just don't want to be the guy who destroyed ARM. *cries* Hopefully it's something else entirely that's easily remedied.

*hugs you*

Seriously, I need my ARM fix soon...or else things will happen.
There's not a whole lot of good Yayoi fanart out there and until she gets a badass and/or fanservice moment, it's unlikely she'll get much at all.

That said, I want to add her to the fanart queue but I lack visual resource.
Speaking of one of your waifus...

Looks like she needs a hug from Mari to keep her warm. :3

BTW, that counts as the OADEG. :P
So pretty. I would keep her warm. <3

Also, DK, I can link you to where I got that ID card if you want. It was super cheap.
ARM is still down.... Had to dust off the GTP account :sly:. *hugs Icca. Its okay.

Going to watch Gundam Unicorn ep 6 3 times consecutively before the rent time is expired :dopey:. Finished the first watch.. Fell in love with the ending song "Re: I Am" by Aimer (and the awesomeness of FA Unicorn and Banshee Norn clashing dem sabers). The song starts with a light piano and aucoustic guitar melody, then it escalates into auditory Nirvana with electric guitar riffs and background chants of "reason to follow my sorrow". It seems that the only way to listen to it is through ep 6. It's release is scheduled for the 20th. Tried finding a upload of on Youtube to share here = no avail wit dem copy ritz.

Found a website that is hosting it:

Sampler from the trailer for motivation on clicking this ^ link.

This forum.... Has the worst required syntax for a damn Youtubes tag.
hAHAHA ARM down and everyone hangs out in here. I mean come on, in a full year this thread hasn't had more than 5 members at the same time. Even Icarus came to plead guilty.

At first I thought you were going to past yet another drool emote over that asuka cosplay, but I'm so glad you denied it entirely. +rep.

Hey AOS or someone, any chance about knowing this cosplayer name?

Afraid not, but I'll let you know if I ever find out.


Ririchiyo Shirakiin from Inu x Boku SS by Spica


Saber Bride from Fate/Extra CCC by karunalyy


Monarch Archer by Tasha


Yuzuriha Inori from Guilty Crown by SAMEKI


Morgiana (Magi) by Kanda Laam

^Kept making me think of Maria from Shinsekai Yori
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ARM is transcendent of this thread.

Also, Psycho Pass ep 20 was EXCELLENT. You guys need to pick up the pace on that show.
Don't worry Icarus, it wasn't you... just checked my junk e-mail folder and apparently they've been notifying me for a while that my subscription term was about to expire. But it shouldn't have... it says that my hosting package is still active and was renewed on the 6th, and they definitely got my money.

Guys... laugh at me if you must but, what's ARM?

ARM is a website/forum spawned from members of this thread. So basically imagine if this thread turned into a website, and without the strict rules that GTPlanet has against naughty stuff like bad language and dirty pictures. :P
After ep1 it has a Ghost in the shell feel but i think i can get into it .

Plus i thought Akane sounded familiar her VA played in dahm near everything :lol:
Don't worry Icarus, it wasn't you... just checked my junk e-mail folder and apparently they've been notifying me for a while that my subscription term was about to expire. But it shouldn't have... it says that my hosting package is still active and was renewed on the 6th, and they definitely got my money.

That..sounds like most hosting companies. :lol:

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