The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Black Lagoon is officially part of my small anime collection. Got it in the nick of time, too. 51% off one day, only 13% off the next. No OVA's, but those are hard to find.

Get them if you find them. They are insane.
-> Share time again, but I'll keep it to a minimun...


I agree with the second..but the first...:ill:
We'll save that dumb argument for later, though. :P

Name a single uncool thing about the Volvo 240! That's right. You can't!

You obviously don't know about the 2.2 Camry.

I do know about the 2.2 Camry. That comes 0th.

Anyway, seen all 26 episodes of Evangelion. Haven't seen the film, my friends say it's so confusing that one has to spend the entirety of the rest of the day sitting down contemplating what they just watched...

I think the "finale" episode may have usurped The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy in my greatest individual works of fiction list, although the entirety of Evangelion < The Hitchhiker's "Trilogy". And Futurama, to be honest.
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Mamoru Hosoda's Wolf Children film won the animation category in the 36th Annual Japan Academy Prizes on Friday. The film was competing against Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, A Letter to Momo, Friends: Mononoke Shima no Naki, and One Piece Film Z.

Why did I just watch End of Evangelion? Why did they make it? Why is the only word in my head right now? Why? The original ending was perfect, why'd they have to make a sequel / prequel / alternate continuity / whatever the hell that was? Why?

Actually I enjoyed it, I just found it disappointing after Episode 26.
Why did I just watch End of Evangelion? Why did they make it? Why is the only word in my head right now? Why? The original ending was perfect, why'd they have to make a sequel / prequel / alternate continuity / whatever the hell that was? Why?

Actually I enjoyed it, I just found it disappointing after Episode 26.

What is wrong with you? :lol:
Everything was resolved in 24.

The TV ending is simply art, any form of resolution is unnecessary. All that is necessary for me is the fact that it left me with a huge smile on my face that could not go away for at least 18 hours after I finished watching it.

End Of Evangelion just left me in a confused conversation with my friend trying to work out what had happened... The lack of resolution in the TV series is to me more conclusive than
everyone hugging the person they love and turning into Orange juice, Asuka inexplicably coming back to life, random live action footage with Air on the G String playing over it, Rei having some *fun* with Shinji in a sea of Orange juice, Misato all but stating that she wants to have some *fun* :crazy: with Shinji before dying in an explosion, nobody IN THE ENTIRE FREAKING WORLD choosing to come back to life except Asuka of all people (although she stops being suicidal at the bottom of the lake...), Shinji becoming god, I could go on...

Everyone else thinks completely the other way round to you. Just wait till Cano sees this, he'll have a right go at you
End Of Evangelion just left me in a confused conversation with my friend trying to work out what had happened... The lack of resolution in the TV series is to me more conclusive than
everyone hugging the person they love and turning into Orange juice, Asuka inexplicably coming back to life, random live action footage with Air on the G String playing over it, Rei having some *fun* with Shinji in a sea of Orange juice, Misato all but stating that she wants to have some *fun* :crazy: with Shinji before dying in an explosion, nobody IN THE ENTIRE FREAKING WORLD choosing to come back to life except Asuka of all people (although she stops being suicidal at the bottom of the lake...), Shinji becoming god, I could go on...

The TV series, IIRC as it's been years since I've last seen it, left nothing resolved about SEELE, Third Impact, and the Human Instrumentality Project. The TV ending was a massive troll after a huge build up.

And the orange stuff is LCL and it's
the blood of Lilith

It's been a while
It's not that people didn't choose to come back to life, Shinji didn't want anyone else other than Asuka. He was in control and he rejected the Instrumentality. In the end he created a world that he wanted.
I know what LCL is. Doesn't stop it looking like Orange Juice. Or Fanta. :sly:

I'm pretty sure it said anyone could come back if they want to, but maybe it said only Shinji could bring them back...

I just think the TV ending was more entertaining, even if it wasn't at all explanatory. And after all, isn't that what matters?

I understand why most people would prefer the more conclusive ending, but I like endings which make no sense and let you make up your mind about everything yourself. That's just me. I'm different to most people.

Also, I found the scene with Shinji and Rei in the LCL sea a bit... Disturbing to several of my sensibilities, to say the least...

Also, I take satisfaction whenever people get annoyed about a work of fiction not going the way they want it to. Call it schadenfreude, but the way some people will get worked up by something like that and let it eat into their everyday lives sets off an ironically irrational stream of humour in my rationality. Whoever called the TV ending a massive troll just made me like it even more!
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I'm too lazy and this explains it better than I can anyways.

Third Impact occurs during the climax of The End of Evangelion. At the beginning of Episode 26', the Mass Produced Evangelions capture Shinji along with Eva-01. Along with the Spear of Longinus, a ritual is performed that creates an inverted Tree of Sephiroth in the sky, and turns Eva-01 into the Tree of Life. The Mass Production Evas unleash their A.T. Fields, causing a giant explosion around the GeoFront. In its wake, Lilith's Black Moon is revealed.

Meanwhile, in Terminal Dogma, Gendo attempts to fuse the Adam embryo in his right hand with Rei. Rei rejects Gendo, taking his hand along with Adam's embryo, and merges with Lilith, thus achieving the "forbidden union of Adam and Lilith".

After assimilating Adam, Lilith begins to merge with Eva-01. During this process, Shinji's states, "Nobody cares whether I exist or not... Nothing will change. So, everybody just die." This wish seems to manifest itself into reality, as Adam/Lilith proceeds to create an Anti A.T. Field which spreads across the globe, reverting all Lilith-based lifeforms into LCL. The liberated souls of humanity are gathered by Lilith and funneled into the Black Moon (her "Egg"). When this process is completed, Instrumentality begins.

This is clearly not what Gendo had intended, but the Seele council seemed fairly content with the outcome (even if it had not happened quite as they had planned). However, Shinji Ikari ultimately rejects Instrumentality, and the Black Moon is destroyed, dissipating the souls back across the Earth and into the oceans. Lilith's body falls apart and descends to Earth, and she apparently dies.

All disembodied individuals are left with the option of recreating their bodies and returning to a life in the physical world, regardless of the pain it would inevitably entail. Shinji, and later Asuka, return to the vicinity of Hakone, but the fate of everyone else is left open.
( Probably asked before but too lazy to search) What is considered as a "anime " style type of drawing to you?

For me, there's something "simple" about anime design; I think of it no less than cartoons, to be honest. Of course, the design process can get complex depending on whoever is doing it so there's still an artistic component in there. But I feel much of the style is pronounced at the face & clothing. Makes you wonder why people prefer drawing anime than drawing cartoons these days.
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( Probably asked before but too lazy to search) What is considered as a "anime " style type of drawing to you?

Do you mean to say "manga"? Because anime is just motion picture of manga-styled illustrations.


For me, there's something "simple" about anime design; I think of it no less than cartoons, to be honest. Of course, the design process can get complex depending on whoever is doing it so there's still an artistic component in there. But I feel much of the style is pronounced at the face & clothing. Makes you wonder why people prefer drawing anime than drawing cartoons these days.

^ I can answer that. Because you can get away with not needing to be able to render form like you do in a life drawing. Nose and mouths are the biggie. Nobody IRL has a triangular point for a nose with no nostrils nor do they have a single dash as a mouth with no lip texturing. The eliminated need to draw those in make it an easy route for beginner artists. The more fan art you expose yourself to, the more apparent this becomes.

Eyes are heavily stylized and heavily supported because they are undeniably alluring in one way or another (that may have been a bit biased). People love the way eyes are drawn. They're sharp and colourful. As for what defines manga-styled eyes? When it's heavily stylized and flat-appearing; where there is little to no indication of form of the eyeball or the eye socket through smooth shading and gradation. But then what differs manga eyes from eyes from other cartoons? Manga eyes usually sport a thick upper eyelash that ends in a very sharp point at either side, and the creation of the iris and pupil usually follow a certain recipe most other cartoons don't.

Clothing is tricky "manga-style" or not, but it seems that the "manga-style" is more easily understood that people would continue to apply this rather than other styles. I almost feel like there are "stencils" to drawing fabric folds. Some people use it right, some people don't, and it's those people that show they don't fully understand form to make folds that look feasible in a given pose. I'm sure you've seen pants drawn with a ridiculous amount of folds and creases when the figure is standing straight. As for distinguishing it, I'm not sure as my growing rant is clouding my perception at the moment.

The TV series, IIRC as it's been years since I've last seen it, left nothing resolved about SEELE, Third Impact, and the Human Instrumentality Project. The TV ending was a massive troll after a huge build up.

And the orange stuff is LCL and it's
the blood of Lilith

It's been a while
It's not that people didn't choose to come back to life, Shinji didn't want anyone else other than Asuka. He was in control and he rejected the Instrumentality. In the end he created a world that he wanted.

There's always been a debate over what the fate of humanity will be after EoE. Some insist that Shinji and Asuka are the only two remaining, sort of like "Adam and Eve", as Shinji was left to decide the fate of humanity - therefore, he brought back Asuka.

The other hypothesis is that people will come back if they want to come back. Having suffered at the hands (or rather, mind-rape rays) of the 15th Angel, the idea of being one big hive-mind with c.3 billion others would have horrified Asuka, and an eternity of that would seem like hell to her. Therefore, she chose to return.
Do you mean to say "manga"? Because anime is just motion picture of manga-styled illustrations.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that term. Thought anime was strange to use to refer to the drawing style.

I agree with you there, as you expanded the context of "simple" in my post.

Yep, I was going to say the eyes rather than the face as a whole, but not every design focus at the eyes. Manga eyes definitely do allure many people to try to draw manga themselves. I know a couple of my classmates who try to practice manga and always seem to begin with the eyes.

I always felt the same way too, that clothes has a sort of "stencil" to it. Fabric is really the toughest to get the hang of, but at the same time just as appealing - or a little less - as the eyes. Fashion on a character could actually tell if the artist(s) is/are as professional as they are, actually. Plus, it can infer many things about the character's background.

There's also the hair which could be a nice factor, but I feel it's negligible.
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Do you mean to say "manga"? Because anime is just motion picture of manga-styled illustrations.

^ I can answer that. Because you can get away with not needing to be able to render form like you do in a life drawing. Nose and mouths are the biggie. Nobody IRL has a triangular point for a nose with no nostrils nor do they have a single dash as a mouth with no lip texturing. The eliminated need to draw those in make it an easy route for beginner artists. The more fan art you expose yourself to, the more apparent this becomes.

Eyes are heavily stylized and heavily supported because they are undeniably alluring in one way or another (that may have been a bit biased). People love the way eyes are drawn. They're sharp and colourful. As for what defines manga-styled eyes? When it's heavily stylized and flat-appearing; where there is little to no indication of form of the eyeball or the eye socket through smooth shading and gradation. But then what differs manga eyes from eyes from other cartoons? Manga eyes usually sport a thick upper eyelash that ends in a very sharp point at either side, and the creation of the iris and pupil usually follow a certain recipe most other cartoons don't.

Clothing is tricky "manga-style" or not, but it seems that the "manga-style" is more easily understood that people would continue to apply this rather than other styles. I almost feel like there are "stencils" to drawing fabric folds. Some people use it right, some people don't, and it's those people that show they don't fully understand form to make folds that look feasible in a given pose. I'm sure you've seen pants drawn with a ridiculous amount of folds and creases when the figure is standing straight. As for distinguishing it, I'm not sure as my growing rant is clouding my perception at the moment.

To be politically correct, you are right, though I always get" you draw like those anime's right?"
Yep. The way people use the word "anime" is like how people use "kleenex" to refer to tissue or "google it" to refer to "search it".