The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Alright, time to give a bit of life on this thread...just a little. :crazy:

H.O.T.D would've be perfect without those over encumbered ecchi! :grumpy:
Despite that, i'll just throw away couples of photos:



I don't always post male characters cosplay but when I do, I give the best.
Well hopefully. Despite these picture may be a trap cosplayer but they potray it well.



aaaanddd lastly, Lightning by kisakiurumi

You guys should stop posting pictures and watch episode 21 of Psycho Pass.

Goodness me was there a good deal of stuff to take in.

First off, shoutouts to Yayoi getting more lines.

Second, Makishima getting to work!

Third, Masaoka would've prevented the dynamite from being thrown had he done one of the two:
-wrap his left leg around his arm preventing him from throwing it.
-turn Makishima's body over so that his arm wouldn't be able to lob it towards Ginoza.
^ Sorry, no can do...PIC DUMP!!! :P

~For Your Eyes~









+Cosplay Mode+


=Meme Factor=



-Todays AEAD-







BTW -> Fruits Basket is fun to watch! :3
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If anyone is curious as to the result of the death Bandai and the Anime legends, you just have to search Anime Legends on Amazon:

Escaflowne - $89
Wolf's Rain - $70
Witch Hunter Robin - $102
.hack//SIGN - $115
Cowboy Bebop Remix - $125
S-Cry-ed - $200

Most Anime Legends are $60-$70 excluding Agent Aika, but that doesn't really count as it's a short series.

So, yeah, if you wanted one of these'll have to shell out a lot more money. And soon, all the series will be super expensive as they become rarer.
-> I'm thinking if I'm going to buy the complete series of Chobits manga for USD$ tempting thou...and it will be my 1st CLAMP manga collection. :dopey:

-> Oh well...still watching Fruits Basket, I like it very much! Its so light-hearted series, makes me relax! :)

~For Your Eyes~


Does this mean I can get $100 for my Witch Hunter Robin set?

EDIT: What the heck happened to my avatar?
What the heck happened to my avatar?

ForzaPlanet happened. You should bring back an Asuka avatar. 👍

Psycho-Pass 21:
Them feels.

Question about the Sibyl System:
I asked this before on ARM, but I think I might have phrased it wrong.

The Sibyl System is made of the brains of those whom it can't judge correctly. This kinda reminds me of the problem of "infinite regress", e.g. "if a god created the universe, who created that god?", as there would have needed to be a first brain when the system was first implemented. At the moment, the best explanation I have for that was that the brains of random psychopaths were collected, forming the original Sibyl System.
Does this mean I can get $100 for my Witch Hunter Robin set?

EDIT: What the heck happened to my avatar?

Probably only if it's an Anime Legends set. You could always try. But, in a few years there won't be any in stock at Amazon and other places and those Anime Legends sets will be very pricey. Or, you could wait until the companies that produced the series like Production IG and Bones, to go Funimation's route and just re-release everything via Blu-ray/DVD combos.

Album cover of EGOIST's newest single: All Alone with You, performed by Chelly. The track debuted as the second ending theme of Psycho-Pass.

What came out even more recently is its second opening theme: Out of Control by Nothing's Carve in Stone.

Speaking of awesome songs, I recently took a stab at Nodame Cantabile's OP/ED themes and found these are particularly nice to listen to.

‎Anime Update -> Just finished Fruits Basket (フルーツバスケット) anime, it was a very good series! It had the right blend of light-heartedness on a series. It was very refreshing on my end!


EDIT -> Oh, I forgot....

+Cosplay Mode+


~For Your Eyes~


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The anime ends so stupid. Read the manga. The Anime doesn't even have an ending. IT just finishes halfway through the story.
Hey guys, just saying a quick hello since I'll try to post here a bit from now on. Thanks for the "invite", Wilso. :lol:

Haven't really been watching anime very long at all, but just recently, started to have a stronger desire to watch more. I'm currently about halfway through Psycho-Pass, JoJo's and the first season of Chihayafuru. I also started a couple of other shows but I've kinda let them go until I've finished those three.

Don't read many manga at all to be honest.
Dat Yoko!

Welcome, eNJS! We have a premo membership that you have to pay in order to post. We accept cookies and pictures of cosplayers.
I'm currently about halfway through Psycho-Pass, JoJo's and the first season of Chihayafuru. I also started a couple of other shows but I've kinda let them go until I've finished those three.


Welcome, eNJS! We have a premo membership that you have to pay in order to post.

We've got 99 Premium members and you ain't one of 'em.

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