The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
In the process of printing out replacement box art for my PS3 games, I couldn't find a full front-to-back scan of MLB 10: The Show. So I created this...


(It's Goro Shigeno from the amazing anime Major, in case you didn't already know that) :P
I am assuming the majority of you aren't going to watch this none the less enjoy it...

Watch atleast one and keep going as long as you can. They (the band) are of our people and have been for years (and by 'years' I mean longer than some of you have been alive).

Check it out, the mix of music and anime is obvious, the continuity of their videos is even better.

Btw, I suggest you turn it up. Nothing malicious. Just hear it all.

Bounce around and figure out your own space-a-delic anime soundtrack. You will probably enjoy.

This might even lead to a string of videos showing the order...

Hope I did that right, cause I'd love to see you all get the full experience. :sly:

Btw, it's awesome music.
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I am assuming the majority of you aren't going to watch this none the less enjoy it...

Watch atleast one and keep going as long as you can. They (the band) are of our people and have been for years (and by 'years' I mean longer than some of you have been alive).

Check it out, the mix of music and anime is obvious, the continuity of their videos is even better.

Btw, I suggest you turn it up. Nothing malicious. Just hear it all.

This is a cut from Daft Punk's full-length animated film, Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem. There's no dialogue, so it's pretty much a very long music video, but it's definitely worth the watch. You might have trouble finding the entire movie online because of copyright nazis, but here's a playlist of all the songs/scenes from the movie. Enjoy.
This is a cut from Daft Punk's full-length animated film, Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem. There's no dialogue, so it's pretty much a very long music video, but it's definitely worth the watch. You might have trouble finding the entire movie online because of copyright nazis, but here's a playlist of all the songs/scenes from the movie. Enjoy.

I'm guessing (by your post) that my links of "daft punk anime series (correct order)" didn't link right. All the same hopefully people pick up on your correction of my attempt. -__-

Or maybe you can try to link the whole thing? If you can you'd be greatly appreciated.

Edit 2: I looked back and saw my previous link saying "this might even lead to a string of videos" and know I didn't link everything right.

Thank god for people correcting me.

Might get it right this time...

(close, though I don't think I got it right for everyone... just trying to share) (lol I should stop trying)

Edit 3:
Btw @Dan Thanks for point that out, really appreciate the info. Would have never known if you hadn't been so kind as to tell me about it.
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Has anybody seen the dubs for Redline, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Paprika? I'm considering watching the Dubs rather and I wanna know if they're decent.
In the process of printing out replacement box art for my PS3 games, I couldn't find a full front-to-back scan of MLB 10: The Show. So I created this...


(It's Goro Shigeno from the amazing anime Major, in case you didn't already know that) :P
Now use Itsuki's AE85 in a replacement cover for a GT game. :P

EDIT: Actually, this would work too:
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Don't freak out guys, but...

I'm thinking about rewatching Steins;Gate.

Now the show has serious problems, but I thought of a brilliant way of explaining away those problems. I just need to imagine Okabe as being a John Titor-esque hoaxer, and Steins;Gate is just an animated depiction of his bullsh-crap hoax story. There's a lot of flaws with it, but of course there is... it's a nonsensical untrue story of a raving lunatic.

Basically, unreliable narrator cranked to 11. Anti-reliable narrator.
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Imagine if a show actually looked that good in motion. :drool:

As for whether Re:Zero's worth watching...

Has anybody seen the dubs for Redline, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Paprika? I'm considering watching the Dubs rather and I wanna know if they're decent.

I've seen TGWLTT dubbed, it's perfectly fine.

I've only watched the other two subbed though.
Finished Meikyuu's Grand Route.

The ending was so abrupt so my surprise. Heck, even all the characters actually all went "ehhhhhhhhh?!"

Time to waste time by watching the anime.

You will understand the best girl/waifu that is Rem.

Based on the sheer differemce in fanart available compared to the other cast, I'm lead to already believe so!
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Any folk or bloke watching the Tv series Tales of Zestiria the X?

Only up to ep 5 for now, but I think it's good enough to see to the end of it.

Arriving just over 24 hours after Eat Like Akagi Day.

(yes 26 Nov is a Saturday this year and is two days after Thanksgiving, not one; but keep in mind the magic of time zones)
Just completed two movies:

Data A Live
Kyoukai no Kanata Mirai-Hen

Both of them were pretty weak. Date A Live rehashes its formula bringing nothing conceptually new to the table. Kyoukai no Kanata goes into the events after the TV series, but the antagonist did not seem properly fleshed out.

Anyone watch the KnK movie? If so, what are your thoughts on Hiroku and Izumi?