The General Anime Thread...

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So I started playing Grisaia no Meikyuu. No spoilers please.

When you first begin the VN, it doesn't jump straight into an intro like Kajitsu. Instead, you simply pick an arc and I'm guessing you play that to the very end of the that storyline. So you're basically picking up from what I would assume is the good end to each character in Kajitsu. There was also the option to go the sister, the boss, the master, and lastly some "GRAND ROUTE" I didn't pay much attention to.

I decided I would just go in the same order of characters as I did in Kajitsu by going Makina.... only to have realized about 3 minutes into the dialogue I had accidentally clicked Michiru! But heck, based on the few hours I've been grinding through this misery, I'm glad I didn't save her for last because this girl has gone to greater lengths of dumbness than I recall in Kajitsu. Then again, I think Yuuji is even dumber for putting up with it.

Meikyuu was my favourite of the show adaptations (though that's like having a disease preference). It has a nice story, though as always, badly represented in the adaptation.
Found a cool bosozoku/delinquent manga called Bakuon Rettou. Story is kinda slow for the most part, but it shows the development of the main character from a impressionable young kid into a pompadoured motorcycle rider that only thinks for himself. Every so often In had to stop reading in order to search for some 80's Japanese pop culture reference, which helped explain the timeframe. The artwork for the cars and bikes is awesome.




Maybe I should go down the CLAMP path soon. Though around the time Sakura and Angelic Layer came out...the Anime Genre has changed. The harems started to come out then..

You actually might enjoy the post-Sakura Clamp stuff. The pre-Sakura days were more serious.
Been along bit since i was last here, been having computer issues that im still to lazy to work on.
this years been odd one thus far as for the past 5 6 months ive been very disinterested in watching anime for some reason, only watching maybe 1-3 episodes a week.
Been trying to get up to date on some of the crap this season and with stuff past and was still having trouble keeping my interest when i thought id give Gundam Unicorn 0096 a try thinking it was some new spin off that would flop, but to my surprise i got hooked on it! I think in part because it was i direct continuation on the original Gundam story line and even employing a sort of old school character design which overall has been quite refreshing and has rekindled my interest in Mecha, Iron blooded orphans is on my list but even being a Gundam fan im guessing it may not be anywhere as enjoyable as 0096 has been thus far.
after nearly struggling through kono suba hearing all commotion RE:0 was causing i started that up Saturday and im already caught up, so i was hooked pretty quick more than 0096 has which is great since its been more than half a year since any 1 show has caused me to marathon it.
No doubt i think its been more than a year since i really connected and genuinely felt hyped about a show as much as ive been so far wit RE:0 not since the 3rd Madoka movie maybe.
the endings of eps 14 and 15 where wow especially 15 wow wtf i thought i was watching a Quentin Tarantino film.
I could go on but its late so ;)
Slumps happen, at least in my experience. Sometimes all you need is a bit of a break, and then you realise how much you've missed it.
Its strange though having to actually force myself to watch anything especially expensive having a subscription to crunchyroll and funimation and not using them much.
Been addicted to youtube instead.
Id spend hours a day watching let's players and whatever else.
Yep, been finding myself addicted to Youtube lately as well.

I just found The Bible Reloaded and The Quran Reloaded YT channels, so yeah... I've got plenty to keep myself entertained for quite some time. I did just burn through a rewatch of Major season 1 though. Will probably fire up S2 sometime in the near-ish future, simply because it's something I don't have to give my undivided attention to while doing some good ol' JRPG grinding.
Love Live Sunshine. While it still continues to be similar to its predecessor, it's fun. Onara Gouru is weird too.

Re:Zero, ReLife and 91 Days are on the cards for once they're finished.
Its strange though having to actually force myself to watch anything especially expensive having a subscription to crunchyroll and funimation and not using them much.
Been addicted to youtube instead.
Id spend hours a day watching let's players and whatever else.
I am doing the same aside from my studies. I have the new gundam on the side and 91 days. I picked up psycho pass (both seasons) under 20 at google play.

Tried going for a tighter pose this time. I definitely took much longer than i wanted to with this one and there are plenty of issues with it too.

Also that Bakuon Rettou art just makes this straight up embarrassing to post lol

after nearly struggling through kono suba hearing all commotion RE:0 was causing i started that up Saturday and im already caught up, so i was hooked pretty quick more than 0096 has which is great since its been more than half a year since any 1 show has caused me to marathon it.
No doubt i think its been more than a year since i really connected and genuinely felt hyped about a show as much as ive been so far wit RE:0 not since the 3rd Madoka movie maybe.
the endings of eps 14 and 15 where wow especially 15 wow wtf i thought i was watching a Quentin Tarantino film.
I could go on but its late so ;)

just spent an entire day and binged re:zero so I can confirm, this is easily worming its way into one of my favorites.
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Tried going for a tighter pose this time. I definitely took much longer than i wanted to with this one and there are plenty of issues with it too.

Also that Bakuon Rettou art just makes this straight up embarrassing to post lol

just spent an entire day and binged re:zero so I can confirm, this is easily worming its way into one of my favorites.

It's my second favorite anime of all-time, so far.

Also, they're rebooting patlabor? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
It would be wrong to "Like" this post. I'm partly sad to hear about Maeda's condition, though I think it's a bit insensitive to call it an ironic twist of fate. Maeda either had this condition develop a long time ago, or he chose not to take care of himself until the condition worsened.

No, insensitive would be making a joke about how the person whose heart he receives (assuming he does receive one) will somehow not die until sometime after Maeda...

Ahem, anyway... you're correct that it's entirely probable that he's known of his condition for some time now. It may have even inspired that particular plot point in Angel Beats. Still, sad to hear.
Started watching Samurai Flamenco.

First episode left me thinking "IDK...", but episodes 2-4 were fairly good.
Yep, same here...

*Spends 7 hours watching a video of anime recommendations instead of anime*
Finished the Yumiko Arc. Meh stuff. [/very opinionated]

When I compare the hardships and problems that each heroine started out with and how they end up after Kajitsu, I'm expecting to see some further advancements in the "After" arcs in Meikyuu.

Michiru goes from being afraid of death to obsessing over playing out dates to the book every single day. In Meikyuu, she improves a little from her quirky weird habits, but for the most part barely changes. She's still a nuisance of a girlfriend. The "other" girl makes a better GF.

Yumiko goes from detaching herself of interaction to letting herself go a bit OTT with her feelings. Yumiko finally realizes how valuable her friends are to her, but she's still clamming up at embarrassments with anger. Strangely however, this doesn't follow after Yumiko's good ending in Kajitsu. They're still in the dating phase, whereas Kajitsu ends with the two living happily with a newborn.

Makina goes from feeling unloved to working in the same company as Yuuji. She THEN goes on to get certified to be working in the same line of work, but she is allowed to work in Japan. This is good development. I feel there was something worth taking from it in the end. The character continues to grow.

Sachi goes from being afraid of failing and disappointing her parents to holding her head up high and still being extreme with choices. While Sachi doesn't exaggerate any extreme measures, she no longer takes everything literally nor self-loathes. She becomes much more mature as seen prior to their wedding. From depression to happy couple, this is a HUGE growth in character development as compared to everyone else.

Going to run through Amane's route now. I'm hoping hers will deliver too, though it so far doesn't seem to continue directly after Kajitsu's epilogue.