The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
What Roger sez is actually quite accurate, now that I think about it. You'll see. Still, it's a good show.

It was actually pretty good. The whole reason I watched it was for the scenes and the music. It didn't fail on that part. The art was gorgeous. There are artistic cues all over the place, and the story could have been told by them alone.

Actually, the whole series without any dialogue whatsoever would have still been great, if not better. It would have helped it to stand as an art piece mini-series rather than crushing down a story that would have worked better as something with 2 separate seasons. I feel like Season 1 should have been Sphinx vs. Shibazaki, and they should have left the Rising Peace Organization and foreign intervention for another season.

I also would have cut the bullied girl character completely. She did nothing whatsoever for the story, imo. She was just a crutch for the screenwriter. I can't even remember her name-- that's how insignificant her impact was.

The only thing is that the ending was a huge disappointment, plot-wise:

The fact that Shibazaki and the girl both survive is an enormous plot hole. If the President or SecDef order the sniper to eliminate the targets to protect national interests, why is it only Twelve that gets shot? We don't know whether Nine is also shot and killed or whether he dies from his condition, but American intel should have by that point known that Shibazaki and the girl were also privy to the sensitive details the sniper was ordered to eliminate. Either none of them should have survived, or there should have been a huge international incident that followed.

It would have been better if Shibazaki and Sphinx were all murdered. Then, the girl would have had a purpose as a character as being the one to carry on Sphinx's legacy. Shibazaki's investigation would have been finished and presented by the team that worked with him, and maybe the girl would go on to become a journalist and find herself in sharing her experience and carrying Nine's dying wish to remember the Athena children. Suddenly, an ostracized, lonely soul would have the whole country as an eager audience.

It also didn't make sense that Five let Twelve survive in the Ferris wheel. Nobody would have known about her not keeping her end of the deal. She had nothing to gain by letting them survive, and she was perfectly fine with killing them and hundreds of others in the airplane at Haneda. There was no development from ruthless to merciful. It seemed like just a crapshoot, and was another example of poor storytelling or "convenient" screenwriting.
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It was actually pretty good. The whole reason I watched it was for the scenes and the music. It didn't fail on that part. The art was gorgeous. There are artistic cues all over the place, and the story could have been told by them alone.

Agreed. The show largely succeeds where it focuses on the action and the ambience, and fails where it tries to get us invested in the actual story. I'd definitely list it as an anime worth watching, but with a side note that I'm recommending it almost entirely for its visuals and music.
Since seems like this place is okay to put my stuff previously, I think I'd be safe to put the also recently popular new Pokemon, Litten.



Im not exactly into Pokemon but i do into Character Design.
Am I a Shinji-class brat for saying that I'll be disappointed if Shin Gojira doesn't have a new trailer for Eva 3.0+1.0?
Am I a Shinji-class brat for saying that I'll be disappointed if Shin Gojira doesn't have a new trailer for Eva 3.0+1.0?

I think all Eva fans are hoping that Shin Gojira has a 3+1 trailer.

If they say otherwise, then they're Asuka-class tsunderes.

Never mind the fact it's Sakura and the fact most of you probably don't know her or care (even if you do). This entire thing looks like a trophy.

If that's not cool enough for you (in which case you're really cool or an arrogant son of a duck), here's some WIPs by Good Smile:


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Never mind the fact it's Sakura and the fact most of you probably don't know her or care (even if you do). This entire thing looks like a trophy.

I'm hurt good sir. I do know of her and I do care. It might as well be a trophy considering it's very beautiful.

If that's not cool enough for you (in which case you're really cool or an arrogant son of a duck)

That explains why I quack often. Or attempting to fly south. *quack*
I'm hurt good sir. I do know of her and I do care.

You shouldn't be. You're a rare breed, meaning you're very special. Quack. Be proud of yourself.

Anyway, I completed Tokyo Magnitude 8.0. I guess I'll do 7/10 for it.

I'm unsure if Mirai's stubborn pessimism was meant to collide with Yuuki's naive optimism. I'm sure their contrasting traits were there by design, and that the earth-shaking catastrophe was there literally to shake the boat and force Mirai into uncomfortable situations. But I'm unsure if I have figured out what the author aimed for other than the idea that it takes a death of a loved one to open your eyes.

I want to believe there was more to it than that, but haven't got anything. If anyone has taken something else away and don't mind sharing, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
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Never mind the fact it's Sakura and the fact most of you probably don't know her or care (even if you do). This entire thing looks like a trophy.

Saw this and dude, amazing. Would never buy it because eh, Sakura, but as a figure it is absolutely exceptional.

Cano should be drooling and sensing that you posted CLAMP stuff.

Not a fan of Clamp at all. I'm just a Rayearth geek.
That is rong on so many revels.

1. Wow seriously
1 (Take 2). It looks kinda like a mushroom cloud
2. It looks kinda like a mushroom tip.

Wait... maybe this is some convoluted and passive aggressive way of saying Americans are dicks.
That is rong on so many revels.

1. Wow seriously
1 (Take 2). It looks kinda like a mushroom cloud
2. It looks kinda like a mushroom tip.

Wait... maybe this is some convoluted and passive aggressive way of saying Americans are dicks.

I won't comment on my first impression. ;)

Anyhow, some news on 3.0+1.0... kinda. At a press conference for Shin Gojira, Anno apologized for making us Eva fans wait. So a kind of "kept you waiting, huh?" moment, except we're still waiting.
Not a fan of Clamp at all. I'm just a Rayearth geek.


now for anime... well, amnga anyway. anyone here fan of CLAMP??? I am a huge fan of these four women's work, I love their mangas and their series. anyone here likes their work???? what do you like? what have you seen, or read??? lez pay homage to this incredible team.
:lol: <3, I thought you said something like that.... I feel like I am going to get backstabbed later on...or something bad.
Jon exposing his homies like it's no big deal. You guys better watch y


So I started playing Grisaia no Meikyuu. No spoilers please.

When you first begin the VN, it doesn't jump straight into an intro like Kajitsu. Instead, you simply pick an arc and I'm guessing you play that to the very end of the that storyline. So you're basically picking up from what I would assume is the good end to each character in Kajitsu. There was also the option to go the sister, the boss, the master, and lastly some "GRAND ROUTE" I didn't pay much attention to.

I decided I would just go in the same order of characters as I did in Kajitsu by going Makina.... only to have realized about 3 minutes into the dialogue I had accidentally clicked Michiru! But heck, based on the few hours I've been grinding through this misery, I'm glad I didn't save her for last because this girl has gone to greater lengths of dumbness than I recall in Kajitsu. Then again, I think Yuuji is even dumber for putting up with it.
True, I always thought you were THE CLAMP fan here.

My Clamp fanboyism came veary early in my otaku life, when I would watch anything, and I indeed watched what could arguably be called Clamp's greatest works: X, RG Veda and, of course, Rayearth which pushed me into all of it as you know. Later on the work of Clamp started getting softer around the edges: Sakura was cute but very dullat moments, and then came Angelic Layer and everything went to hell. I'm talking 12 years ago or so, if not more.
I've been recomended Lelouch several times but I've yet to watch it.
My Clamp fanboyism came veary early in my otaku life, when I would watch anything, and I indeed watched what could arguably be called Clamp's greatest works: X, RG Veda and, of course, Rayearth which pushed me into all of it as you know. Later on the work of Clamp started getting softer around the edges: Sakura was cute but very dullat moments, and then came Angelic Layer and everything went to hell. I'm talking 12 years ago or so, if not more.
I've been recomended Lelouch several times but I've yet to watch it.
Maybe I should go down the CLAMP path soon. Though around the time Sakura and Angelic Layer came out...the Anime Genre has changed. The harems started to come out then..