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12 episodes into Samurai Flamenco now.

I'm enjoying it quite a bit, though the gear change in episode 7 definitely throws you for a loop.

Update: Flamenco Period!!!

So yeah, I finished it. I'd say it's a high 7, maybe low 8. It's a zany fun ride that's all over the place and does it all pretty well.
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Finished Kill la Kill the other night. What a show - definitely took me by surprise.


Fitting all the same that one of the songs featured in the show shares a lot in common with a KISS song:

I'm still alive.

Been feeling the feels with Clannad After Story lately. Hasn't made me cry yet, or maybe I'm just extremely insensitive, I dunno.

I'll probably watch Claymore or Gurren Lagann next.
After Story's great... until it uses the last 3 episodes to retcon all the previous drama for the sake of a cheap and easy happy ending.

...I'd feel bad about spoiling that, but it's Clannad, and Clannad is the worst.

Haven't seen Claymore yet, but Gurren Lagann is awesome.
I started watching Persona 4 the Animation, after finishing the game recently. And for a game adaptation, it's pretty good. I don't like the pacing though. I think it's mostly because they're trying to adapt the calendar, which is an integral part of the game itself, but doesn't pass too well in anime form. In spite of that, I find it enjoyable to see it play out in an anime. However, I would still recommend someone new to play the game first.
Just a PSA for all of you...

Ghost In The Shell: First Assualt (video game, fps, free to play) is now available on Steam. I don't have any time in game yet, only ran the tutorial but I'll be giving it a try sometime in the next day or so. Will come back with screen captures and opinions if it's worth the time.

Good luck out there!
I just finished both seasons of Assassination Classroom (Ansatsu Kyou****su) and holy crap, the feels. I've never gotten as emotional over watching something as the second to last episode in the second season. I'm not going to spoil anything but if you plan on watching the entire thing through and happen to get attached to the story, be prepared for that episode.
Another PSA: Keeping your MAL updated keeps your waifus happy.

Anyway... Decided I need to clean up my stalled list, so I'll be focusing on finishing a number of shows that I sadly haven't yet finished... Space Dandy, Panty & Stocking, Wolf's Rain, Escalowne and Nadia among many others. Just put Demon King Daimao out of its misery, as well as Nisekoi season 1. I'd rate 4/10 and 7/10, respectively.

I've also started watching The Twelve Kingdoms... 11 episodes in and so far it's really good. Currently projected to be an 8/10... think it could possibly be 9/10 material, but I hear it doesn't exactly conclude on the strongest note.
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Get on the 🤬 Iron Throne, Shinji.

Or, if you prefer a bit of tsundere to spice it up, "You know nothing, Shinji Ikari."
I wasn't expecting the hakugei battle until a few episodes later so now I'm wondering where it'll leave off...

I really hope they put Rem in a coma so I can observe the animaymay community self-destruct :lol:
For those who watched Date A Live do you find that the OP theme's first 29 seconds gives you this impression of two forces are about to clash on a worldwide scale, only to be met with some weak vocals?

I found it underwhelming that the song goes for such a strong entrance and fills the rest with softness.
Time-lapse drawings of many artists.

While all of them are cool to a certain degree, that Inoue guy is an absolute master in his craft. I still can't believe it. Heck I'm looking up Vagabond right now.
Watched Redline and Dead Leaves.

Low 7/10 (borderline 6/10) and high 7/10, respectively.

Oh, and Nasu: A Migratory Bird With Suitcase... a light 8/10.
So Clannad as a whole.... I found it to be interesting, I wasn't very emotional when I watched it (Maybe I'm an insensitive chump but who knows....)


So the robot and the girl were essentially Ushio and Tomoya in a different dimension as Kotomi described however they were still wishes that haven't been granted yet. Hence why in the final episodes of After Story, the robot and Ushio disappear from that dimension and reappear in the dimension we were watching for a better ending. I am getting this right?

I see there's a movie also, is it worth watching?

Gurren Lagann is catching my eye now.
Just finished watching the first episode of Cyber City OEDO 808. My initial impressions: I LOVE IT! I learned of the show from the music video for NERO's "Innocence." Not sure how badly the music video spoils the rest of the story, but hopefully not much as I'm determined to complete series.

EDIT: I had no idea there were only three episodes. Whoops.
There were a few shows like that...its not like 3 minute shows x20 episodes..
There were a few shows like that...its not like 3 minute shows x20 episodes..

Yeah. I just wish there were more episodes! I really enjoyed the characters and want to know what happened later on. Did they complete their assignments and get freed, did they die, or manage to escape?