The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
@C-ZETA I think the one of the main reasons to discontinue M's is that the voice actresses themselves are getting kinda old to be idols (especially school idols). They want to advance their solo careers and get on with having a normal life again. Idols in Japan aren't allowed to have public relationships, something that has been career ending for others in the past. Plus, their contract was up.

Aqours' voice actresses all seem to be in the 22-23 year old range, and are actually pretty decent in their own right IMO. Even Mari's goofy normal voice is decent when singing.

I welcome our new idol overlords. Try giving episode 2 a chance.
Tuddle-puddle-poo-kun always calling me out on this. :lol:

I could write you another excuse once again, but it is school work and video games that have my attention most of all these days. I'll be trying to divide up my time each day to progress through assignments, and possibly time to draw again. I do have a lot of blank paper going unused and I hate wasting good material.

Good sketch dude. You're getting better with the hands. Urayamashi!


Only like 1 or 2 people are watching Berserk?
My bro's watching Berserk, does that count?

Tomorrow I'll watch Akira, which I hope doesn't 'mess me up' to censor a better term.

After that whole fiasco, I'll watch Love Live finally to clense myself.

Tried getting my bro to watch Madoka, he complained that it's too cutesy and doesn't like CGI artstyle stuff yet he's only seen 1 episode and look who's watching Berserk....
My bro's watching Berserk, does that count?

Tomorrow I'll watch Akira, which I hope doesn't 'mess me up' to censor a better term.

After that whole fiasco, I'll watch Love Live finally to clense myself.

Tried getting my bro to watch Madoka, he complained that it's too cutesy and doesn't like CGI artstyle stuff yet he's only seen 1 episode and look who's watching Berserk....

You should have him watch the '97 Berserk anime instead.
My bro's watching Berserk, does that count?

Tomorrow I'll watch Akira, which I hope doesn't 'mess me up' to censor a better term.

After that whole fiasco, I'll watch Love Live finally to clense myself.

Tried getting my bro to watch Madoka, he complained that it's too cutesy and doesn't like CGI artstyle stuff yet he's only seen 1 episode and look who's watching Berserk....

First of all, CGI artstyle? Wha...? It's utilizing digital animation so it could technically be considered "CGI", but it's 2D CGI... and when people throw around the term CGI, they almost exclusively mean 3D. It's like how a Mac is technically a personal computer, but when people say PC they almost certainly mean one running Windows (or maybe Linux).

As far as Akira goes, it's awesomely incomprehensible. FWIW, the movie leaves out A LOT of stuff from the manga. But whatever edge the manga might have from comprehensiblity, it loses in monotonousnessity.

My legs and feet are garbageeeee!

Love Live's Nozomi doing Muay Thai

Call it random, but my original thought was "Fighting Chef".


Tomorrow Edit:

It's so much fun getting hyped for the next episode of Food Wars. Loving how they almost abolished all unnecessary fanservice.
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Has anyone seen "Zankyou no Terror" or Terror in Resonance? I'm halfway through the series and it seems pretty interesting. I will always watch something directed by Shinchiro Watanabe.

The main character, Nine, reminds me so much of @Azuremen. It's hysterical.
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I went to rewatch the Chimera Ant Arc from Hunter x Hunter since it is my favourite Arc.

However the 2nd time around, I noticed a lot of things that makes the Arc look really bad despite its fantastic moments.

  • WAY TOO MUCH NARRATION, stop talking and lets see some action and drama
  • It was basically a filler arc. I know it was in the Manga but it absolutely had nothing to do with the overall plot of any of the 4 characters, I completely forgot that the reason why Gon started this quest was to find his Dad or that Killua wanted to know what to do or anything about Leorio and Kurapika because there was 0 mention of it.
  • Gons transformation is the most hideous transformation I've seen in an anime protagonist
  • Gon became a whinny bratty kid during the Palace Invasion part of the story, I understand that he is upset over the death of a character you barely ever saw (which makes it worse), but the way he treated everyone (even Killua) made me want to punch him in the face.
  • This was the point where Nen made no sense. Knuckle is apparently a Conjurer yet he has the personality of an Enhancer. The Chimera Ants and Netero's Nen were made out of thin our that they had to give us Exposition dumps from the Narrator so we can understand where it came from and the rule of Conjurers not being able to make items outside of human capacity is 🤬 on with the conjuring seen in this Arc from Kite and Knuckle
  • Gon, Killua, Netero, Biscuit and Killua's grandad (and some unimportant characters from the first arc that die) are the only characters from previous arcs in this arc, they did explain in the next arc why Hisoka wasn't there but what about the others, this is a world crisis. There was also a mini segment involving the Phantom Troupe but that was mainly just to introduce to latest member (a.k.a more filler)
I still like this Arc for various reasons that I liked it before However it is probably no longer my favourite

  • All the Chimera Ants are interesting characters that develop from mindless selfish predators to people with emotions and character.
  • Meruem is an interesting character throughout and his relationship with Komugi is fantastic and I teared up when they died together in each others arms
  • The fights were pretty good when the Narrator didn't cut off for exposition
  • Killua has grown so much and while I didn't care for him before, I started liking his character now
  • Pitou was treated really strongly and as a threat well under way and while she didn't really develop compared to the other Ants seeing her in fear made me want to root for her instead of Gon
  • The constant Dogs that appear in front of Knuckle are so cute
  • Fantastic soundtrack used
  • You get to learn much more about the world which was pretty vague in previous Arcs
  • While Nen made no sense now, the abilities were rather cool (though Killua is now pretty much a Pikachu
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Has anyone seen "Zankyou no Terror" or Terror in Resonance? I'm halfway through the series and it seems pretty interesting. I will always watch something directed by Shinchiro Watanabe.

I think it ultimately tries too hard to show and not tell and wastes a lot of potential, but it looks pretty enough and sounds good enough that it's still a fun ride.
I'm back from my local anime con and already I'm suffering from withdrawal. It goes by so fast, I don't know how it does. I did get Evagelion 3.33 and Spice & Wolf.
Has anyone seen "Zankyou no Terror" or Terror in Resonance? I'm halfway through the series and it seems pretty interesting. I will always watch something directed by Shinchiro Watanabe.

The main character, Nine, reminds me so much of @Azuremen. It's hysterical.

I think it ultimately tries too hard to show and not tell and wastes a lot of potential, but it looks pretty enough and sounds good enough that it's still a fun ride.

What Roger sez is actually quite accurate, now that I think about it. You'll see. Still, it's a good show.
I think I shall finally be wrapping up Watamote tonight... just 3 episodes left.

Great show, but it's a bit of a bitter pill to swallow if you have any hikkikomori tendencies.
Finished up Girls und Panzer last night. It was a really fun show - the film was epic. It's obviously a show you would not put a lot of conceptual reasoning to, and ignoring this and just enjoying the intensity of the battles is really the best way to watch it. Watching the specials which go in-depth to the history of the tanks that are in the show is highly recommended as you end up understanding a lot of jokes that would normally go over your head.


Sunshine is enjoyable thus far, surpassing my expectations. Looking forward to more to see the show and it's voice actors branch off and evolve in due time.

Next up is Kill la Kill!
Me wonders if you had spotted @Loliblade ver2. Yeah, you probably don't know each others faces to answer that. Maybe if I pulled him in here.

You still remember that? You're right, I don't know who he looks like...

Finished up Girls und Panzer last night. It was a really fun show - the film was epic. It's obviously a show you would not put a lot of conceptual reasoning to, and ignoring this and just enjoying the intensity of the battles is really the best way to watch it. Watching the specials which go in-depth to the history of the tanks that are in the show is highly recommended as you end up understanding a lot of jokes that would normally go over your head.


Sunshine is enjoyable thus far, surpassing my expectations. Looking forward to more to see the show and it's voice actors branch off and evolve in due time.

Next up is Kill la Kill!

I almost got that show. Next year, maybe.
So in finishing Initial D I've noticed that I never saw police in the series :confused: :odd:
So now I'm starting Wangan Midnight I hope I see cops in this series:P
So in finishing Initial D I've noticed that I never saw police in the series :confused: :odd:
So now I'm starting Wangan Midnight I hope I see cops in this series:P
I'll save you the trouble of going through 10 hours of it, you won't see cops in Wangan Midnight either.
So in finishing Initial D I've noticed that I never saw police in the series :confused: :odd:
So now I'm starting Wangan Midnight I hope I see cops in this series:P

I'll save you the trouble of going through 10 hours of it, you won't see cops in Wangan Midnight either.

So apprantly it's ok to race at high speeds through a public expressway :lol::odd::lol:

It's anime, not Need For Speed. Besides, I'd rather not see the heroes in a jail cell every time they race. ;)