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I just finished watching both seasons of Food Wars (Shokugeki No Soma).

Me after watching the first few episodes:

Me at first when the eating scenes occurred:

Me after watching the show during eating scenes:

Me when I realize that the 3DS game isn't Cooking Mama, but a so-called "visual novel":

Anyways, how do I like the show, and what is it about? It's about a high schooler who goes to a cooking school, blah blah blah, wants to get into the top after dad leaves him to cook around the world. It really is quite weird in a sexual way, but once I got used to it I found it really comedic. I actually really, really like this show for some reason, so I'll continue watching it. Would I recommend it to another person? If you can handle what amounts to almost creepy levels of eating-gasms (that's a thing now), I'd recommend it.
It's not even creepy. If there's food out there so good that my clothes explode, I'd sure as hell want some of that.
If there's food out there so good that my clothes explode, I'd sure as hell want some of that.

It's time to stop.

It's time to stop ok.

No more.

Ok but seriously, I forgot about Food Wars Season 2. I'll give it a gander when I have a chance.

For the moment though I'm not watching anything.

I've been debating on watching Hajime no Ippo or Fist of The North Star lately though.
Is everyone aware of Ryouka Narusawa out of Occultic;Nine?

Because I've been browsing the booru's today and I can't get away from her to save my life.


And I'm completely fine with that.
Funny, I had just watched the video earlier, thought it was old but I guess not. However it wasn't funny. Like damn. I love stories like that though. Abd good enough animation that I tuned out the music by accident.
Nothing more than a music video with neat visuals.

It's an animation that some nobody (in the animation industry) wanted to write and get exposure for. It's an animation that gets viewers exposed to Madeon's name.