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  • Thread starter Kent
Finished rewatching season 4 of Major.

This is where the series starts to wane a bit. Shigeno leaving Japan to tackle the major league in America is an exciting idea for a story arc, but unfortunately it ends up falling a bit short. Still damn good, but it's constantly bouncing back and forth between characters in Japan and America which disrupts the pacing somewhat.

But to be fair, the slower and less-focused pace might actually be to the benefit of this season... this far into the show, they're clearly starting to run low on fresh ideas for the main plot around Shigeno, so why not take advantage of that and show viewers how everyone's stories are progressing?

Now I'm balls deep in season 5, and this one is a lot more focused and has a more interesting arc compared to S4, but maintains the slow pace of S4 in order to develop the romance subplot. Pretty good, am hype to rewatch more.
I took @SVX suggestion and watched Kill la Kill.

I immediately loved it after the first episode, the animation is outrageous (in a good way) which got me hooked, and I loved the characters and rivalry of the main character and what was thought to be main antagonist until the plot twist which was amazing and got me all completely shocked and wanted more...

...BUT after the plot twist the anime went downhill fast.

Long story short, I'm sick and tired of these "Human beings are soooooooooooooo special" anime, it annoys me more than the power of friendship. Sorry @SVX but I'll have to give this anime a 6/10
More in the lines of boring, I knew how the whole thing was going to go down after the plot twist since I watch Parasite, which is literally the same story but more serious.
Well the main point of watching KLK isn't really the story, which doesn't take itself seriously at all and neither should you (it's a story about clothes taking over the universe via panspermia, after all) . It's primarily about the characters, the style, the absurdity... all of which I'd argue stay quite on point to the very end.
I never said I took it seriously, I mean hello, how can take a story where the protagonists get naked seriously :lol:.

When I watch something though, I just want the overall plot to have something different, as I don't see the point of anything happening unless there is a plot behind it and I'm not saying make it serious, it can be the most silliest plot ever and it would be good enough (like the first half of the anime). My most minimum requirement is that the whole plot needs to have something I never seen before.

The anime would have been fine if it just kept its original plot before the plot twist, it had all the things that would make me enjoy it completely. A not so serious but still relatively new plot with over the top animation and characters.
My most minimum requirement is that the whole plot needs to have something I never seen before

Hate to break it to you, but that's a hilariously high "minimum" requirement. Nothing exists in a vacuum, there's no such thing as a wholly original plot. I like me some originality too, but unoriginality in and of itself isn't inherently a flaw, and there's nothing wrong with doing something that's already been done but doing it better or differently in some other aspect.

I mean... what happens if you enjoy something with a certain plot, then negatively judge another anime for having a similar plot despite it being from the same time period, if not earlier? That'd be like criticizing Pokemon because it's too similar to Yokai Watch.

And KLK is intentionally unoriginal in some ways. It pays homage to the previous works of the team behind it, and the works of their counterparts. Of course, it doesn't surprise me that's lost on you young whippersnappers. :lol:
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I do agree on that but when I meant new, I meant something I've never or at least hardly seen before. I know several of my favourite animes weren't the first to do anything (for example Hunter x Hunter = DBZ), but they were the first ones I watch that had them so they were able to engage me, where that is the problem if I watch any anime whose plots are almost identical to ones I already watch unless they do something to it that makes the plot formula refreshing (which I argue KLK doesn't). I won't be able to be engage if I know the complete formula of the plot, it ruins everything for me, like the characters, the action etc.

There's only a certain amount of Humanity is the best race ever plots that involve a new dominate species overtaking the population I can take.

I disagree on your analogy of Pokemon being similar to Yo-kai watch, granted not a fan Yo-kai myself (for other reasons) but outside the concept of collecting monsters, the plots are a lot different (with Pokemon all about the adventure, exploring the world with Yo-kai being more internal in its plot).

And KLK is intentionally unoriginal in some ways. It pays homage to the previous works of the team behind it, and the works of their counterparts

Any evidence to support that?

Possible spoilerinos for Gurren Lagann and Evangelion, maybe others.

Regarding the Pokemon/Yokai Watch analogy, I was mainly referring to the gameplay similarites. The point being that criticizing an older work for doing things similarly to a newer work is inherently flawed, at least as far as objective criticism goes.

If a Yokai Watch fan wants to say that they don't enjoy Pokemon because Yokai Watch has already fulfilled that role for them, then that's fine... but if they were to say that Pokemon is a bad game because of it, well that'd just be plain wrong.
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Regarding the Pokemon/Yokai Watch analogy, I was mainly referring to the gameplay similarites. The point being that criticizing an older work for doing things similarly to a newer work is inherently flawed, at least as far as objective criticism goes.

If a Yokai Watch fan wants to say that they don't enjoy Pokemon because Yokai Watch has already fulfilled that role for them, then that's fine... but if they were to say that Pokemon is a bad game because of it, well that'd just be plain wrong.
I never said that KLK was a bad anime though. I'm sure if I watched it before any other anime that fufilled the humanity is fantastic role for me, I would think it is amazing (especially since I still really love the first 20 episodes of the anime, I won't just hate the first 20 episodes just because the other 5 episodes ruined it for me).
Right. I was just explaining the principle of why that kind of criticism is flawed.

But again... The "humanity is fantastic" angle in KLK is very small, and is done in a tongue-in-cheek manner in a "humanity is fantastic because we're a bunch of loveable ****heads" kind of way. If you took it at face value (which I'm assuming you did since I doubt you've seen many shows that don't do anything other than play this kind of trope straight), you're doing it wrong.

@Lain basically summed up what I was going to say. I really enjoyed it because it was a breath of fresh air. Wild art, wild characters, wild pacing. It was really interesting to get into. I was initially skeptical as it held the moniker of "saving anime", but it definitely did not disappoint!
I took Kill La Kill's plot seriously, and I'm not even mad about it.

There would have been too little build up or reason to end it with Satsuki withholding information about her school's intruder, while continually allowing her to make repeated intrusions.

Satsuki may have had some idea to Ryuko's past, but it was also nice to see even she wasn't all-knowing in the grand scheme of things.
I'm not one to apportion blame, but that was entirely my phone's fault.

Yep, I thought so.

As I'm seeing a lovely discussion about Kill la Kill, I'll add that I haven't seen it (well, an entire episode anyway... -_-; ), but I do like what I see.

Hibike Euphonium 2 began. Nothing like a whopping 47 minutes of KyoAni eye candy, relaxing background music, and character drama to start things off.
Senpai will never notice.
KlK was pretty cool and entertaining. more for the art style and craziness. the plot idea once you knew that clothes will rule is kinda funny.
OST is a great point IMO.

I'm making the miss watch Gungrave once we finish watching her choice, Itazura no Kiss
ITs bein ok. A helpless girl loves a douchbaggy serious guy. bla bla yadda yadda
Yeah, the OST kicked ass.

Not quite Bebop or FLCL levels of perfection, though... for every track on the KLK OST that friggin' rules, there's one that kinda drools (or at the very least, doesn't work as standalone listening).
yeah, there's those that are kinda a sore listening when you're playing the whole album. but its pretty good overall.

Plus I love play Gt listening to Ping Pong circulate. that Weird catchy beat gets me alot.