It's the one about Santa becoming a Gundam pilotWhat is December Sky? I only bought a gouf over the weekend...
I dig those bakemono stickies. @Sly Guy You got them localy or online
What is December Sky? I only bought a gouf over the weekend...
I swear to god if all these LL Sunshine posts force me into watching any more of it I will cry.
To be honest I've spoiled myself on bits of the story because I've browsed the characters on TVTropes and just undone/highlighted the spoilers there. Also I've seen clips of it from time to time on 30 secs of Love Live's Twitter.
1. I find it ironic how Aquors are genuinely awful at doing what they're trying to do in-universe.
2. I really don't like how up-front the one bit of yuri I saw was. I mean, before this it was never just flat out said that there was any actual love going on, even if it was hinted at plenty. But that meant you could be flexible with ships and stuff, which I mostly was and which everyone in the Love Live fandom still is, to impossibly stupid points.
I don't really want to hate the characters, and to be honest I probably don't. But the problem Aquors have is the same I was banging on about before Sunshine even started. If they formed the first Love Live, they'd probably be perfectly alright. But they're trying to be exactly the same as what mu's were and, crucially, they aren't mu's. So they just seem like nine girls doing funny things and occasionally singing songs. mu's were just a little bit more than that. So even now, when I look at them both, they all have much more charm than anyone from Aquors does.
Also while I never take much offence to fanservice I think that, for something like Love Live, they've gone too far with it with Aquors. Although I definitely don't mind girls like Hanamaru and You being STACKED, I just think they're going the wrong way with it sometimes.
Well I was gonna write more summing up just what I think is wrong with Sunshine but I just had to leave the house and instead of editing it I'll just say it here instead.
I think they've changed the wrong stuff and kept the wrong stuff the same as well. I still think that it should have been something other than another nine girls. Certainly not more, nine is already as far as you can reasonably go I think. But any less would have been an interesting spin which would have made it all a lot fresher. However, it should also still have been a lot more like Love Live at heart. And any mentions of mu's should have been limited to one-sentence, one-time references. I would rather they'd have been the first of their own group, not blatantly trying to be the second mu's.
And that's why I'm not interested in Aquors. It's why I'll never have any proper emotion towards them. Not even the sort I reserve for Honoka.
...I suppose not viewing my Tumblr dashboard in forever has helped as well. That's drowned in Sunshine. (But if I start doing stuff there again...) (Also boorus tag them separately to mu's)
You see, I'm actually preferential to having characters to like and dislike, which is what happened with mu's. I really do not like Honoka, and I also don't like Kotori as a result, but I still have a grudging respect for Honoka, she's not completely awful and she still gave the anime its best moment. And as for the characters I like, I adore them. Maki, Umi, Hanayo and Nozomi are all brilliant in their own way. Maki in particular is unbelievably attractive, and Umi is not far behind. As for Eli, she's shaken me up so much I'm even started to get attracted to more blondes in real life. My heart still skips a beat at the sight of her beauty. It's no coincidence the phone I'm writing this on has a case with Eli on it.
But with Aquors, I just don't find myself liking any of them. Chika is a better person than Honoka, but while Chika does have a lot of silly flaws she just doesn't have the magic of Honoka. Likewise You is superb compared to her equivalent, Kotori, perhaps my favourite from Aquors if I had to pick. But even she just doesn't feel special.
I'm only going off limited experience with all the characters but I can tell the rest have flaws that ultimately just make them pretty bad. I could detail each individual one but I don't have the time right now. I'll save them for later or somewhere else. I'd point to what I said about the first episode but my views have changed since then. Not much, mind.
Personally I've never held much respect for the opinion that every character in anything could be perfect. I hear it a lot from Touhou fans but I am not one of those. There are a select few characters from it I dislike, but they are more than made up for by the brilliance of the many characters I do like. Love Live has that going for it. Two bad characters do not ruin the effect of the other magnificent seven. But Aquors doesn't have anywhere near enough good to fight off their several little bits of bad. Because of everything I've said just now.
But maybe you are right about the demographic bit, come to think of it. Boys who love (anime) girls in one hemisphere. Lesbians in the other. That's the Love Live fandom, if you're generalising it.
From what I can see Hanamaru is a mix of Maki and Hanayo. Mostly I only think her and Kayo-chin are similar because of their bodies if I'm honest, although I mostly think Maki is similar because they are both the most popular. But then I recall that Maru was perceived to be pretty at first sight with Chika so that's probably got something to do with it too.
Riko is more unique, since mu's never had a properly shy girl. I'm just going by equivalents in terms of age, so maybe Umi for her?
Now you see, Mari is just awful. Her ripping off a trait as big as the one she nicked from Nozomi just reeks of a lack of imagination. Casually tossing in two nationalities with her, like the one Eli had, is also pretty bad.
And then Dia is blatantly the same as Eli at the start and Kanan has more than a feeling of Nozomi about her. The third years are just plain bad.
Dangan Ronpa
Is it just me or is the right eye kinda weirdly placed?
It is due to mechanical reasons: massive anime eyes (follows the original art style)