The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I'm not sure how I feel about Code Geass getting a third season. It's one of my favorite anime ever and I'd love to see more of it but S2 concluded it in such a great way that anything beyond that would seem unnecessary.

The sword that stabbed Lelouch went straight through his body coming out of the other end, then he was shown completely dead moments later. I don't see how he could come back from that when other characters died in much easier ways. I'll reserve judgement until I actually see

lol why'd the thread die when I posted this? Is my opinion off-putting or something?
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^ Strop trolling! Onegai.

I'm not sure how I feel about Code Geass getting a third season. It's one of my favorite anime ever and I'd love to see more of it but S2 concluded it in such a great way that anything beyond that would seem unnecessary.


if we're going off the basis that one dude at the end of the episode riding a wagon with his face concealed from his hat is actually Lelouch, then it would reasonable (at least to me) to interpret the one who was stabbed was a body double.

I mean, how else would you break it to the audience?
Yep, it gave me the feels.

What may give you more feels is if you watch Kimi no Na Wa.

In fact, all of you should watch Kimi no Na Wa. It is pretty good to say the least. It may confuse you at times, but that makes it all the more engaging. Na Wa I'm Sayin'?
I am at a loss for words

Other than the fact there was a huge missed opportunity.

Don't know what the missed opportunity was, but there's definitely plenty to work with with such a small video... Damm Nico Nico and her Wondermeme!

In anime movie news, a local TV channel here in Portugal did the unthinkable and played a Studio Ghibli movie. I wasn't able to watch the entire thing (I was away for a while and only arrived when the movie was closer to its end), but what I did watch of Only Yesterday certainly kept me interested in watching it until those credits hit. It was a mature movie, that much I could tell, and one with great usage of Italian music for some reason...
Finally decided to sit down and try Non Non Biyori, its pure gold. :D After finishing Kill la Kill (best thing ever also :drool: ) I wanted something non-actiony/feels-trippy, and this is just perfect. :lol:

I've watched that, and have the 1st vol of the eng translatnio, but god knows why the company went bankrupt, and now I have something unfinished.
Been watching a bit in the last couple of weeks.

Finished off Black Lagoon. Awesome show. Dub was really, really good - the attention to detail with difference in nationalities was a really nice touch.


Finished Kancolle last week. Not exactly a show that is a display of 'quality' as such but most of the characters were super cute. Battles were pretty cool to watch as well. Recommended as a brain turn off show. Surprising amount of attention to detail with each character's ship representation! Really need to play the game now...

Kaga best.


And finally, watched Your Name in cinemas - twice in fact. Surprisingly complex plot but a very enjoyable watch. Good film for non-anime friends. Highly recommended!