And now you never will because of that vulture Bernie.
I'm not sure how I feel about Code Geass getting a third season. It's one of my favorite anime ever and I'd love to see more of it but S2 concluded it in such a great way that anything beyond that would seem unnecessary.
Yep, it gave me the feels.
My brain stopped.I am at a loss for words
Other than the fact there was a huge missed opportunity.
Old...but gold.I am at a loss for words
Other than the fact there was a huge missed opportunity.
I am at a loss for words
Other than the fact there was a huge missed opportunity.
I am at a loss for words
Other than the fact there was a huge missed opportunity.
Finally decided to sit down and try Non Non Biyori, its pure gold.After finishing Kill la Kill (best thing ever also
) I wanted something non-actiony/feels-trippy, and this is just perfect.
I was somewhat disappointed to see that a Ferrari was used rather than one of Rosberg's cars.Don't know what the missed opportunity was
I was somewhat disappointed to see that a Ferrari was used rather than one of Rosberg's cars.