The General Anime Thread...

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More mashups I found mash up rather well:

Though this one is too easy, since Shiny Shiny already has a thumping beat.


Ajin figurine by good smile:


The details aren't bad!
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tfw you wake up after years in a coma after getting infected by an Angel and finding out Trump turned any land within 1000km of the Pacific into LCL dust after a ICBM-waving contest with the Chinese:
My brother got me the first volume of the JoJo manga for Christmas, just in time for me to begin the second arc of the anime. :lol:

But seriously, I love the manga so far. Everything is hyped to the nth degree and that's perfectly fine by me.
Funny how it was around this time last year you mentioned Final Live had been announced and accidentally kick-started my interest in Love Live. (The Blu-Ray will cost me the small price of £125 so I've got a little saving to do, me thinks.)

Anybody know any other anime-related things coming to an end soon? Need something to steal my entire 2017.


Kubo a cute
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Funny how it was around this time last year you mentioned Final Live had been announced and accidentally kick-started my interest in Love Live. (The Blu-Ray will cost me the small price of £125 so I've got a little saving to do, me thinks.)

Anybody know any other anime-related things coming to an end soon? Need something to steal my entire 2017.


Kubo a cute
Not usually a fan, but she looked really cute for that song. Mimorin is my favorite.

There's always the seiyuu's solo music to listen to. Aya Uchida's solo music is much better than her squeaky Kotori voice IMO.
Memeorin is really cool and has a sexy voice. But my favourite is Nanjolno. Partly because she's Eli but also because of what she does outside of Love Live.

Also anything is better than Kotori's voice.
I knew I probably wasn't going to spend my own money on this, so I asked for it for Christmas. The Final Live BlueRay set. All 6 disks of high pitched j-pop cute girl awesomeness.


Pai-chan (Maki) sweats a lot.

Some generous Santa you got, eh? Talk a long-lasting gift... How has it been, going through Mu's best (and smashing) hits? Minus the heavy sweating, sounds like a fun time...
Memeorin is really cool and has a sexy voice. But my favourite is Nanjolno. Partly because she's Eli but also because of what she does outside of Love Live.

Also anything is better than Kotori's voice.
I like the work shes done with fripSide of course. Need to listen to more of her solo work.

Some generous Santa you got, eh? Talk a long-lasting gift... How has it been, going through Mu's best (and smashing) hits? Minus the heavy sweating, sounds like a fun time...
Yes, I'm very appreciative. Got through disk 1 and 2 which is day one of the Final. Starting with the early songs and the best of the sub-units. Their uniforms for this show are really sparkly compared to their earlier ones. SHINY☆! Might start on disk 3 tonight which has some of their newer songs and super-hits like Snow Halation.

Overall the group's talent has grown a lot compared to watching early clips from the first live. Their dancing is more in sync and their voices have improved dramatically over the last six years, especially Kussun. If you listen to her solo Junai Lens on the First Live, her voice is shaky and you can tell she is nervous. During Final Live, her solos within Lily White are very clear with no sign of nervousness despite being in front of 55,000 people.

There are some songs I wish they would've played, like Storm in Lover or Garasu no Hanazono, but overall I'm very happy.

Also, it was Soramaru's (Nico) birthday on Sunday.
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Yes, I'm very appreciative. Got through disk 1 and 2 which is day one of the Final. Starting with the early songs and the best of the sub-units. Their uniforms for this show are really sparkly compared to their earlier ones. SHINY☆! Might start on disk 3 tonight which has some of their newer songs and super-hits like Snow Halation.

Well, that's one financial load off you, although now you're going to have a J-Pop (over)load in return... But something like that is bound to not bother you, really. :lol:

Also, one has to expect some bells and whistles in terms of production, it was the ultimate Mu's show after all. If it looked like any other concert from the group, it'd be disappointing for the fans, I suspect. It needs the flair... Also, disc 3 sounds like the best disc just by knowing Snow Halation is in there.

Overall the group's talent has grown a lot compared to watching early clips from the first live. Their dancing is more in sync and their voices have improved dramatically over the last six years, especially Kussun. If you listen to her solo Junai Lens on the First Live, her voice is shaky and you can tell she is nervous. During Final Live, her solos within Lily White are very clear with no sign of nervousness despite being in front of 15,000 people.

Such is the story of most idol groups, really. In Mu's you can the veterans not losing a step, and the newcomers like Kussun growing tenfold in terms of stage presence and consistency. You put the first and last shows from Mu's side-by-side, it's like seeing performances from two completely different groups. Barely any possible comparisons... It's insane how much the group changed, plain and simple.

Also, it was Soramaru's (Nico) birthday on Sunday.

Well someone will be happy with that date (cough @SVX cough cough cough). Fish & chips! :lol:

Also, I think I never mentioned this here, but there was this NHK radio show a few months ago where Soramaru was a part of, which greatly interested me. Although I have to admit she wasn't my main reason for said interest; that would be the presence of one of my favorite Japanese male actors, Ryutaro Okiayu of Toriko and Gundam Wing fame. But when I found out that Sora was also involved, it certainly helped me enjoy it more.
Basically, it was kind of a radio anime, with a short story about a prince who got kidnapped and had to be saved by a group of colorful warriors led by a girl called Crayon (that "colorful" part is literal in this case, haha). Only one episode was made so far, but it had a bit of everything, even two songs sung by the actors and actress who were a part of the whole thing. Meaning of course a Nico-powered song exists, which is always a plus.

Now there's a catch; if you want to listen to the episode, you'll have to search for it outside of NHK's webpage, because apparently they decided it was a good idea to take the audio segments page down but not the show's blog. The good news is that you can find one big video with all segments put together if you know where to look. But that was a dumb move on your part, NHK...
Jeez, Baitsa Dasuto December: Not even the celebs that are already at peace can escape.

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I'm excited to see how the cast of Aqours grows over time as well considering they are pretty much all new comers. Right now their live performances are no where near as good as the adjacent CD track.
Mimorin is probably my favourite too, although of late I've become more conscious of Kussun (Nozomi's actor).


Funny story about Nanjo is that I was aware of her previous to getting into Love Live thanks to her solo work in Grisaia. That said, fripSide is one of my all time favourite bands for sure.