The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
But to get to the real point, people change/come and go. Those who expressed love and hate for Asuka don't hang out here anymore. Czeta's (probably) got other things he cares more about now than Touhou or anime. The usual folks here are currently in an idol phase.

You can miss it, but if people move on, we move on.
I'm still here, and I'm pretty much the only guy who posts on ARM these days. I just can't get a word in edgewise because of all the LL crap.

That, and the phone line in my house SNAPPED. I can barely stream YouTube in 240p on my mobile Internet where I live, so that threw me off the JoJo hype train. :(
We can post Panzers too.

I'm sure the pure fluff and sugar kbown as Yuri!!! On Ice has been mentioned, but I just want to slightly fangirl for a moment here. It's so freaking adorable, and the 2 main characters are like perfect for each other and they're such oblivious dorks and everyone around them is just begging them to get together and they're acting like a couple but there are only a few scenes where we actually see them be a couple and when is season 2 gonna be out because they need to get together and be a freaking adorable couple and ahhhhhh

remind me to go and make an image post when I get back from work.

I nearly forgot.


I actually saw a comment brilliantly summing up the reason deep down why LL might be better. But it was on dA and I literally can't get on it with my phone. So remind me to link that as well.

Here's that comment I was on about.

Ignoring the obvious hysteria, OP raises a fair point. You look at Idolmaster and you can see the otakuism everywhere. I mean, the character you see it all from is 'the producer'... That's an ominous position to be in. And actually, I took a look at the thing just recently on TV Tropes and saw the page image...


That picture is just begging to be...embraced.
Finished Anohana. Aside from being rather melodramatic at times at the end, it was an extremely satisfying and emotional series. Now I desperately want it on Blu-Ray, but it appears to be literally impossible to find anywhere, as they're no longer printing them (or so it seems), and all the sellers are out of stock. Even the DVD version is nowhere to be found. This is BS...

If anyone knows where to find a Blu-Ray, or even a DVD copy, encoded for Europe, with English subs and cover, then I'd be most grateful.

Edit: As if through divine intervention, suddenly got three copies back in stock. Ordered it instantly. Apparently miracles do happen.
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Panel 1

Speech bubble 1: I eat my hot dogs like I eat sushi rolls

Speech bubble 2: cough

Speech bubble 3: *grunt* -desu

Panel 2:


Panel 3:

Speech bubble 1: Can't bamboozle on Tuesdays... perhaps it might be wise not to drink red wine..

Speech bubble 2: I pooped on Thursday so I should be ready to handle that bucket seat.

You're welcome guys. This is what happens when we post things without subs or helpful translators.
Currently reading this:

Bought it almost a year ago, but now got interested again (after trying to fly a glider in MSFS X :D) and now progressing further. Shame that they cut all the ecchi content in Steam version. (BTW, it's on the sale now)

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