The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I'm excited to see how the cast of Aqours grows over time as well considering they are pretty much all new comers. Right now their live performances are no where near as good as the adjacent CD track.
They're getting there. Their mini-live last night was not bad!

And since we were talking about Final Live...

Currently reading Yandere Kanojo. Art is meh, but the story is cute. It's about a yankee delinquent girl that falls for a plain, average guy. It's light hearted and they constantly break the 4th wall.
I leave for a month or less and all I see is Love Live posts.

In other news, the last Kizu came out yesterday.

Which beckons the question of I wonder when and how the Monogatari series will end.
I leave for a month or less and all I see is Love Live posts.

In other news, the last Kizu came out yesterday.

Which beckons the question of I wonder when and how the Monogatari series will end.
You should see the chat.
I'd see the chat if I knew where it was... Also, I still haven't had any time to watch all of Monogatari so far. Even though I love the damn thing so much.

That pic is... something. But seriously, out of all the anime we can talk about, Love Live is the one. I miss the days people would freak out over...

Her. I miss the days where @C-ZETA would post Touhou stuff. I miss the days where people would gush over how awesome Cowboy Bebop is. But all that ever is talked about is that show and the (very talented) performers. It's like everything else doesn't matter...

This post is NOT MEANT to be negative in any way. I applaud those girls for doing what they do, really. It shows that there is a lot of people who really love them internationally. But, I don't know. I never chime in to that because I've never watched the show or heard the music, and heaven forgive me, I'm just not into it that much. You guys can talk about it all day long, but I'll just watch my own stuff and keep my opinions to myself.

I'm sorry for all this, but I had to get it out. Consider it my one and only time to speak up, otherwise I'll continue to lurk.
Somehow I started Shimoneta. I now know what this "love nectar" term @dice1998 used to keep throwing around is all about. Guh!

I can see how the Anna fanbase developed the way it did.... and I'm not even done the show yet.

No worries dude. You're not alone. I haven't watched Love Live, but I did watch a few eps of Idolmaster. Either way, I didn't get into it.

But to get to the real point, people change/come and go. Those who expressed love and hate for Asuka don't hang out here anymore. Czeta's (probably) got other things he cares more about now than Touhou or anime. The usual folks here are currently in an idol phase.

You can miss it, but if people move on, we move on.

Well then, allow me to break the trend with my noob comments about shows that has likely already been watched by most, if not all of you.

Starting with Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi, otherwise known as Sunday Without God.

This show had such massive amounts of potential, so it's a shame that they chose to focus on far too many characters and story arcs, making it feel rushed and unsatisfying. The animation is good, yet not really my style. Ai, the main character, is quite adorable, although somewhat under utilized, as she doesn't really seem to be that important to the plot, or at least not in the way you'd expect. Character motivations in general seem really unfocused. The soundtrack is quite good, but also very overused, to the point where you'd literally hear the same 2-3 tracks in every single episode. Dee was introduced as such a cool character, but they completely waste her...

In the end, I wish this show had focused on just one coherent story arc. Instead we end up with four, neither of which are sufficiently explored, and the ending of the show is utter BS, with the 2-3 episodes before it purposely deceiving the viewer.

Next is Charlotte.

I watched this primarily because I love Angel Beats, and was hoping this would be equally good. Sadly, I was wrong. The show follows the same basic structure seen in Angel Beats, even down to having the 4th episode grounded in Baseball, but unlike Angel Beats, Charlotte struggles to deliver any real emotional context or situations. It doesn't truly develop any real plot until the last 4 episodes or so, and aside from Tomori, all the characters are absurdly one dimensional or simply behave out of character. The writing is often extremely bad, ranging from the laziest of exposition, to the type of dialogue where you yourself look at the screen thinking that no one talks like that.

On the plus side, the English voice acting was mostly ok, with Tomori sounding very close to her Japanese counterpart. The animation is superb, especially the opening. The music surprisingly fell flat for me, except the ending theme called Kimi no Moji, which I've absolutely fallen in love with. Beautiful, calming and happy track.

lastly, I am currently working my way through The Flower We Saw That Day.

Only seen six episodes so far, and damn this show is good. I've already teared up several times. Menma is extremely endearing, and it's impossible not to be sympathetic to her situation. The scenes where she cries while desperately trying to communicate with those who can't see or hear her, are absolutely heart breaking. Aside from Menma, Popo is probably my favorite, as he seems a very nice person. So far I am very impressed.
Somehow I started Shimoneta. I now know what this "love nectar" term @dice1998 used to keep throwing around is all about. Guh!

I can see how the Anna fanbase developed the way it did.... and I'm not even done the show yet.

Anna is a godsend. As is Ryougi Shiki. And Saber Lion. And Nero. And Medusa.
The usual folks here are currently in an idol phase.

Phase? Phase? Please.


lastly, I am currently working my way through The Flower We Saw That Day.

Only seen six episodes so far, and damn this show is good. I've already teared up several times. Menma is extremely endearing, and it's impossible not to be sympathetic to her situation. The scenes where she cries while desperately trying to communicate with those who can't see or hear her, are absolutely heart breaking. Aside from Menma, Popo is probably my favorite, as he seems a very nice person. So far I am very impressed.

This almost looks like a personality-rip of Kiznaiver.

Czeta's (probably) got other things he cares more about now than Touhou or anime. The usual folks here are currently in an idol phase.
Not as such. I still care about both very much but at the peak of my Touhou love I didn't have to worry about something like work. Although yes, I have got many other general interests otherwise.

In fact, Love Live was the first new thing I properly got into in 3 years. And it's not like it opened the floodgates, so to speak. It was the exception, not the rule. And that means it must be something truly special. Which it is.

I actually summed Love Live up for myself in one massive end-of-year Reddit comment. It was around this time last year I was looking at what it was all about, and it's been more glorious than I could have imagined.

And since it's been brought up, remind me to go and make an image post when I get back from work. C91 has just finished, after all...

Anyway, re Love Live v Idolmaster. I actually saw a comment brilliantly summing up the reason deep down why LL might be better. But it was on dA and I literally can't get on it with my phone. So remind me to link that as well.

What I will say though is that despite the innate rivalry the two have, I don't mind Idolmaster despite loving Love Live. Mostly I've seen bits of its anime and I think it's just a load of silly crap. Nothing wrong with it, though. And I actually quite like a few of its characters, mostly from Cinderella Girls.

But I'm fine with the LL-iM@S rivalry. It's not like Touhou v Kantai Collection where I actively and genuinely hate the one I don't like, as if it were Celtic v Rangers. (I blocked KC out of my life a long time ago, by the way.)
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