The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
I can't comment. Although I'm sure it's possible. Not every Gundam is a walking super robot. :P
Only if it was in the Dummy Plug mode :lol: But All Gundams have to do is fly up into the air and EVAs instantly lose. Plus Gundams have Lightsabers!

anyway, look at what I learned about PVC figures:

Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC)
PVC is one of the most common plastics used in the world. It’s quite similar to rubber and the toughness/malleability of PVC is dependant on the plastisers added. More plastisers = more softness, since they straighten out neatly the long macromolecular polymer chains into neat rows. Some figure collectors complain of an oily film after a while and I would think this is due to the plasticisers migrating to the surface of the plastic. Small plasticiser molecules are pretty mobile and after a period of time, they accumulate on the surface to produce a oily crud.

This is also why PVC tends to get a bit crappy and brittle after a long time. Oh yeah these plasticisers are quite toxic too. And if you have a fire at home, dump your figurines at them to extinguish it, since the chlorine produced retards the flame. Btw, some plasticisers are thought to reduce the quality of MAN SPERM.

A very large percentage of the figures sold are made of PVC. From gashapon, trading figures to 1/6s, these are mainly PVCs. Cheap material cost, easy of moulding, ductility (it won’t break much, just bend) are the reasons why it is used.

Never leave them in the sun. Ultraviolet rays produce free radicals on PVC, chlorine free radicals, that combine to form chlorine gas and the material is decomposed. The sun also heats them up and PVC distorts at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. Being a thermoplastic, you can actually heat it up and bend it, then cool for it to maintain that shape.

PVC, due to the addition of chlorine atoms which have a pretty high molecular mass compared to C and H, is heavy for a plastic.

I have 10 years old PVC figure and it still like new. No cracking or discolorized.

Here is the simple list of how to taken care of your PVC figure:

1) Keep it on cool temperature. (Hot temperature will cause your pvc to produced oil and it will easily crack in the future). Why it will produced oil? What is that? Read above!!.

2) DONT EVER PUT YOUR PVC DIRECTLY TO SUNLIGHT. Dont put them near strong light that produced heat wave, e.g halogen lamp and filament bulb.

3) Once every few months, put your figure inside freezer for about 20 minutes (Not too long).

4) If by any chance your figure starting to produced oil (Because of heat), put your figure to freezer for 30 minutes to 45 minutes.

5) Use blower to clean your figure. Personally, I use hair drier to blow all the dust (!!!!! REMEMBER TO SET THE HAIR DRIER TO BLOW COOL AIR, NOT THE HOT AIR). If you rich, use dust remover that used to clean up computer part or other electronic stuff.

6) Do not clean your figure with chemical liquid. No warm water as well. If possible avoid water; only use small amount water to clean very dirty part of your figure.

7) If you have a hard time to remove the figure from the stand (most of them are made of plastic), do not use force. Just put the figure inside the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes. It is because plastic will shrink and expand more then PVC, coldcast, etc..

8) If you have more then 1 figure stand close to each other, please make sure dont let them to touch each other. After long time, it will leave a mark ont he other figure.

9) (THIS IS NOT TOO IMPORTANT. IT ONLY HAPPEN WHEN THE FIGURE USED CHEAP PAINT. Famous brand such as Max Factory, kaiyodo, alter, good smil company, etc.. will used good paint) Try to put a plastic to every joint that removeable to avoid direct contact that will leave a mark after a long time. Do you know the reason, why manufacture always put a plastic bettwen the joint that removeable when you bought a new figure? It is because when they touch each other, after long time, it will leave a paint mark.

10) This is for PVC figure Only.
AVOID puting heavy object e.g. weapon, items, etc.. on your figure hands. It is because PVC will bend over time.

That would mean they would always stay in the basement unless it's winter for me. :indiff:

Would be nice to get some actual numbers, so if I ver do get these things, I can leave it on that glass top sitting in the living room that's 2 ft. away from me... Definitely make a nice display.

Therefore, Donate money to AOS-! :D:tup:
I can't comment. Although I'm sure it's possible. Not every Gundam is a walking super robot. :P

Lame broken hotlinking :grumpy: will fix asap Fixed!

Also, evas aren't even mechs.

They're perfect beings with armor that keeps them restricted
Gundams can go into space yes but as stated EVAs

are actual beings bound by their armor.

Plus EVAs use their AT Fields to great effect.

Nice post AOS- but I think everyone knows to not put plastic in direct sunlight. I've never heard of that oil issue and I haven't seen it on any of my figures but it's good info 👍. I can say now they are a good investment. Helps against fires lol. That's why I have figures. To keep my house safe!

Also for every dollar sent to AOS- for his fund he said he would send 50 cents to Sephy. Help him out guys!
I need to research what an AT Field is so I can offer a decent counter-argument. Also, and I just wanna put this out there, not every Gundam has armor capable of withstanding the space environment. Or, for that matter, some are only space bound (as in, they're incapable of re-entry without additional armor or a re-entry device).

We are a bunch of nerds, you know that?
:lol: nothing wrong with being a nerd.

Also, using EVA story:

Humans are also EVA's as we have our own AT Field. Weak, but it's there since with it, we gain individuality, but when lost, we revert back to a primordial soup
So, I'm about to start Fourth Stage. This means I'll be left waiting for Fifth Stage until c.2014.

Anyone have any other recommendations?

AT = Awesome Treflector. With it, Angels can't get shot.

Sephy stop leeching off me! :embarrassed:
So, I'm about to start Fourth Stage. This means I'll be left waiting for Fifth Stage until c.2014.

Anyone have any other recommendations?

Wangan Midnight and/or Capeta 👍


AT = Awesome Treflector. With it, Angels can't get shot.

Sephy stop leeching off me! :embarrassed:

AOS = Awesome Original Savior (of the anime thread). With you, I can keep going and never look back <3 👍

AT = Awesome Treflector. With it, Angels can't get shot.

Sephy stop leeching off me! :embarrassed:

I'm not leeching! It's just beneficial for both of us :)

Besides I'm broke right now and there's so many Asuka figures I still need :(
Alright so what I gather at the EvaWiki, an A.T. Field appears to be the equivalent to either the I-Field or GN-Field (both are basically the same exact thing, only difference is the particle matter) and both can be used defensively as well, and the only thing capable of penetrating either one (or all three in this case) is the equivalent weapon and/or device. With that, I'd think (I would have to watch Evangelion to be certain) that any mega particle beam/cannon, or hyper mega particle would eventually penetrate after a few shots.

However, I am fairly certain that an immensely concentrated attack would pierce right though (the Buster Sword for example), and in the event even that were untrue, stick the Turn A in the battle and have it go Moonlight Butterfly, end of that battle.

Everyone lives in the Stone Age.
Interesting. Hmmm can Gundams regenerate/fix body parts on the fly?

Unless we're discussing the ELS (Aliens from Awakening of the Trailblazer; which isn't even a Gundam), the Devil Gundam, the Turn A or Turn X -- no.

Setsuna sorta did..If i recall..

He teleported like a boss and that's all i care about.

You talking about the first time the 00-Raiser went Trans Am? That wasn't so much teleporting, it was more along the lines of spatial re-positioning. Kind of like what the F91 is capable of doing once it starts discharging heat, except the 00 does it by cloaking within tightly-knit GN particles.
EVAs are like "Organic Mechas", for a lack of a better term.... Gundams, are just straight up robots.... which are magically piloted with just 2 thruster levers... whereas EVA pilots get hurt if the EVA also gets hurt.
Yeah but technically EVAs don't need someone in them to be able to move. They can move by themselves or by using the Dummy Plug system. And you're not there yet but in EoE there is a Dummy Plug system (watch for the name on the side of the plug) that's pretty insane.

And I'm not necessarily saying an EVA would win against a Gundam (it would be an awesome fight though). I'm sure there are Gundams that would destroy an EVA just as there are Gundams an EVA would destroy. I just like this conversation a lot :)
EVAs are like "Organic Mechas", for a lack of a better term.... Gundams, are just straight up robots.... which are magically piloted with just 2 thruster levers... whereas EVA pilots get hurt if the EVA also gets hurt.

There are also foot pedals, telekinetic ingenuity (in the case you're a Newtype), biometrics, etc.

I have to stop talking. :lol:
I never see the pilots do any TK-related stuff.... How do you control each and every single limb in a gundam?!
I never see the pilots do any TK-related stuff.... How do you control each and every single limb in a gundam?!

You recall that UC video I posted a few pages back? Remember when the Unicorn went into NT-D -- how do you think Banagher was controlling it? All with his mind.

However, pure controls like that place such a strain on the pilot (Newtype or not, he's still a human after all) that it has to be limited, otherwise he'd either have mental instability (which has happened, look what happened to Scirocco in Zeta) or death.
There's a dude named Scirocco? That's awesome.

Mhm. An incredibly pompous SOB (for good reason, mind you) but was defeated in the end. Kamille also experienced mental instability, although to a far greater degree since Scirocco died and everything.

EDIT: Wait, I have that bass-ackwards. Scirocco just died, Kamille was the only one (to my recollection) that was mentally unstable by the end of Zeta.
Sorry, I've only watched a bit of Gundam Wing, all of Waltz and just about all of Seed... that's it. Any Unicorn or Pony talk is out of my ball park.
Sorry, I've only watched a bit of Gundam Wing, all of Waltz and just about all of Seed... that's it. Any Unicorn or Pony talk is out of my ball park.

You've seen SEED though, don't Coordinators control things with their minds? Better still, look at the ZERO System; same thing. Just a different utilization.
A Gundam geek asking someone who isn't?!

What is this?! :lol:

To answer your question, in case you didn't pick it up already, I have no clue. all I've seen and/or remembered is 2 throttle levers controlled by both hands, and a program browsing keyboard. I never see the feet move, and no other buttons are ever pressed, excluding IIRC an Emergency Eject Lever that sits between your feet.
Remember, I dropped SEED after the first or second episode. So you'd know far more about SEED (and I presume Detiny as well) than I ever would. :P

I'm still waiting for a Gundam that runs on manly spirit.

Does life force count? If so, already been done.

Also, there's the BD-1. Although that's a womanly spirit.
I heard somewhere that the GT-R R35's design was somewhat inspired by Gundam. Is that true?