The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Hey guess what.... I'm actually looking for store to buy merchandise, local AND online.....

Now having said that I still don't plan to buy anything just yet....

However, you guys know of any stores you would recommend? Trusted sites? Quality services? Low prices even?

I can say don't order anything from

I have the best luck using stores on eBay that have great reputation. I buy most of my figures at cons though because I like to look at them in person before buying them. Just to be able to go to the huge Dealers Room is about 30% of the entire reason I go to cons. If it's certain companies though like Alter then I feel comfortable just looking at a picture and buying it. Mind you I first look at several reviews and HUGE LYK XBOX resolution pictures. But eBay is usually where I end up for my online figure buying needs. If you would like to know of some reputable shops on eBay I can look through my history and let you know :)

EDIT: Unrelated (sorta). When I went to Disney World a few weeks ago the Japanese "country" at Epcot had a lot of Gundam figures. It was awesome.
The only problem with Hobby Search is that they're always sold out of everything.
If you would like to know of some reputable shops on eBay I can look through my history and let you know :)

And..... AOS would like to know now!

Seems a lot of reviews have nothing bad to say about the BRS figures... boy do I have great taste :sly:
Yeah I think it looks lame, it's like the "basic" gundam; it's got nothing. All the other gundams got something special or unique.
It was the first one! :lol:

..As far as the anime is concerned, that is.

Also there's the G-Fighter if you wish to count that as it's "something special".
And..... AOS would like to know now!

Seems a lot of reviews have nothing bad to say about the BRS figures... boy do I have great taste :sly:

My most trusted store on there doesn't have much in the way of BRS. The user is animeking_inc and I will never second guess any purchase from his store. He does happen to have one Good Smile BRS figure:

I did some digging around for others and found a few places I would buy from:

And because I want you to get this:

And if you feel like it there's an Asuka figure I've wanted for a while if you feel like getting it for me:

But for real I can look around some more if you'd like. I have never had a problem with items or sellers on eBay. Also remember the ones you're looking at may be expensive but they are very good quality and they are 1/8 scale and standing up. They're fairly big. And don't worry about Miku being in the description for a couple of those. They do that to get more hits when people search for stuff.

EDIT: Oh yes OADA:

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-> I kinda feel bad that I'm not watching any series as of the moment.

-> Because I'm in a pursuit of getting this...


stock photo real life, before my birthday... :(

My new Avatar -> Even I've been watching Gundams for the past 18 years, but after playing Battle Master/Assult, I just have a strong facination to the MRX-009/010/012 Psyco Gundam series:





Nice choice on vehicle. I know a couple of people who have had those. Are you going to track it?
-> ...
Nice choice on vehicle. I know a couple of people who have had those. Are you going to track it?
^ Mostly no, I'll treat it as a true DD. And will try to keep it clean 'n stock. But if something breaks I'll do as a "don't replace...upgrade" thing. ;)

-> I hope I could get one before my 30th birthday as my self-present. :dopey:

If only the Mk. III were real.

That thing has a mean ass uppercut. :odd:
^ I just love its epic beam saber from Battle Assult! :sly:
-> ...

^ Mostly no, I'll treat it as a true DD. And will try to keep it clean 'n stock. But if something breaks I'll do as a "don't replace...upgrade" thing. ;)

-> I hope I could get one before my 30th birthday as my self-present. :dopey:

Gotcha! I hope you're able to get one and enjoy it!
Anyone watched Excel Saga?

Excel is retarded, if you haven't, please do. You'll laugh yourself to death and possibly a yellow spot wherever it is you're sitting. :lol:
I have not watched Excel Saga, but it's on my list of things to watch. It looked absolutely hilarious. :)
It's a great show! It has a plot but it doesn't really start until the last few episodes lol. It's all extremely funny though.

All hail Ilpalazzo!
Once you start watching, do NOT attempt to understand's impossible. Even more impossible than trying to keep up with her insanely fast talking.

She's obsessed with Ilpalazzo and is really out of her damn mind. :lol:
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Man this place is dead today.

Also for those who are going to watch Excel Saga; beware the last episode. You have been warned. If I'm not mistaken it was even banned from Japanese TV.
Also for those who are going to watch Excel Saga; beware the last episode. You have been warned. If I'm not mistaken it was even banned from Japanese TV.

I read about it on Wikipedia. I'm looking forward to it. :lol:
Walter you would love it.

Also I've seen it several times subbed and dubbed and while I think this show is better subbed they are both very very very good. I think it was the dubbed version where the voice actress had to be replaced half way through the show because she lost her voice because of the character lol.
My most trusted store on there doesn't have much in the way of BRS. The user is animeking_inc and I will never second guess any purchase from his store. He does happen to have one Good Smile BRS figure:

*bunch of links*

But for real I can look around some more if you'd like. I have never had a problem with items or sellers on eBay. Also remember the ones you're looking at may be expensive but they are very good quality and they are 1/8 scale and standing up. They're fairly big. And don't worry about Miku being in the description for a couple of those. They do that to get more hits when people search for stuff.

Thanks for the links, I think I may have found a perfect shop. It's based in Toronto, and they hold stuff directly shipped from Good Smile. This means if I ever buy anything not only do I not have to pay a large shipping fee and wait forever, I don't have to deal with Customs!

Good Smile is fantastic, in particular with the BRS franchise :sly:

Bro, I can totally buy you that Asuka if you buy me something.

WAIT! SOMEONE SAID BATTLE ASSAULT?! :eek: I loved and hated that game so much! :lol:

Gundam, Gundam, Robotech, NGE, Gundam, Gurren Lagann, Voltron, Gun Sword, Patlabor, Gundam, Macross, Big O, NGE.

Now discuss. :P

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