The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
EDJIT: What's this??? ^
Displayed Fear of being overruled by Knowledge?! Go, Terry! Accelerate your Data Intake and overthrow these guys!

Quiet you. Not many people I know IRL know as much about EVA as I do. I figure dice and walter probably do though. However I know where my limits are. Ask me a question about Gundam. Any question.

I can't answer it. :lol:

Terronium seems like he soaks up everything though. EVA takes more than one viewing to get everything. This was before wikis and online forums though.

5 episodes from the finish line.

Watching an episode of Squid Girl then hitting the hay... so much work and little time to watch shows.

Is that Squid Girl show any good? It looks funny but I'd rather hear from someone I trust.
Hm...I have a feeling I'm going to be watching this all night now.

This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. :D

Makes me wanna rewatch NGE. But I promised myself that I wouldn't rewatch Evangelion anymore until 3.0 comes out.
It's great. I love every bit of it, but I'm wondering why Rei is the way she is right now. And, I must have Misato.

@ Sephy: To be fair, you could ask me anything about SEED and I wouldn't even possess the least credible or intelligible response to give. Only thing I know is everything in SEED is an acronym, and I find that obnoxious and lame. Same way Andy finds the RX-78 to be lame. Not sure about obnoxious -- do you find it obnoxious?
It's great. I love every bit of it, but I'm wondering why Rei is the way she is right now. And, I must have Misato.

Ok, fine. We can both have Misato. At the same time. ;)

...My mind's really in the gutter today, isn't it?
This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. :D

Makes me wanna rewatch NGE. But I promised myself that I wouldn't rewatch Evangelion anymore until 3.0 comes out.

I sort of did the same until my friend was asking questions. She hasn't watched a whole lot of anime so I rewatched it to show it to her. She's a fan now.

I am bored/buzzed so I will be productive now. No more Asuka (though it pains me) until tomorrow's OADA but here:









Is that Squid Girl show any good? It looks funny but I'd rather hear from someone I trust.

You trust someone who has "bad taste" and "only likes shows with sappy romance" now? :lol:

Grain of Salt... take it while watching the show.. it IS a Slice of Life after all...I'm pretty meh about it.
I sort of did the same until my friend was asking questions. She hasn't watched a whole lot of anime so I rewatched it to show it to her. She's a fan now.

I am bored/buzzed so I will be productive now. No more Asuka (though it pains me) until tomorrow's OADA but here:


I think I love you. :drool:
It's great. I love every bit of it, but I'm wondering why Rei is the way she is right now. And, I must have Misato.

Actually now every time I rewatch the show I love making my own thoughts about what is going on inside Rei's head. She is another favorite character of mine and I can clarify more on that after you watch some more. Even though you will figure out a lot more of her eventually.

Ok, fine. We can both have Misato. At the same time. ;)

...My mind's really in the gutter today, isn't it?

Wrong thread, nay, wrong forum for this discussion :P
You trust someone who has "bad taste" and "only likes shows with sappy romance" now? :lol:

Grain of Salt... take it while watching the show.. it IS a Slice of Life after all...I'm pretty meh about it.

You know I'm only joking :P

Besides the summary made it look funny. Do you recommend it or not because that is what will make me add it to my list or not. Besides when did I say you had bad taste?

I think I love you. :drool:

I love you too bro <3

BTW those all count as Bonus pictures throughout the next week or so...

EDIT: Oh snap double post FTW!
A positron cannon? Seriously? :drool:

I'm in love now...


Discussion about something that wouldn't spoil a thing for me (that I know, you all be the judge of that considering you've seen the whole and know more than I do) they state it would take at least 180kW to penetrate the Angel's AT Field (the one that looks like a prism -- badass POS that thing is, let me tell you) and they have to discharge all of that energy from the entirety of Japan, now, as very lightly discussed before about whether or not a Gundam (a capable one no less) could penetrate said field I believe I do have the perfect answer to said problem - the VSBR. It has variable particle acceleration (either damage or penetration). I can't remember it's output rating so for that purpose it can be ignored. In which case I'd supplement it with the Ex-S' beam smartgun which, if I remember correctly, has a max output of 56MW.

Dude I dunno (no Gundam expert here). But that episode is one of my favorites and that angel is my favorite just because of the Rebuild movies. That segment in the first Rebuild movie is spectacular. BTW the name Operation Yashima was taken not too long ago in Japan as part of an effort for people to not use too much electricity after the tsunamis. Another thing that shows just how popular this show is over there for some reason.
Gurren Lagann destroys dimensions.

Technically no.

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann/ Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann destroys dimensions.

Gurren Lagann


Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann/


Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann


A positron cannon? Seriously? :drool:

I'm in love now...


Discussion about something that wouldn't spoil a thing for me (that I know, you all be the judge of that considering you've seen the whole and know more than I do) they state it would take at least 180kW to penetrate the Angel's AT Field (the one that looks like a prism -- badass POS that thing is, let me tell you) and they have to discharge all of that energy from the entirety of Japan, now, as very lightly discussed before about whether or not a Gundam (a capable one no less) could penetrate said field I believe I do have the perfect answer to said problem - the VSBR. It has variable particle acceleration (either damage or penetration). I can't remember it's output rating so for that purpose it can be ignored. In which case I'd supplement it with the Ex-S' beam smartgun which, if I remember correctly, has a max output of 56MW.


Not much of a Gundam fan, but I suspect most Gundam series take place a couple hundred years in the future. So lets just base my argument off that. It's understandable that a Gundam could take out an Angel since it's using technology from the future. But I don't think a Gundam could stand up against an Angel, unless it has a force-field similar to that of an A.T. field.

I'd like to know where all that power is coming from to generate 56MW of power.
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A positron cannon? Seriously? :drool:

I'm in love now...


Discussion about something that wouldn't spoil a thing for me (that I know, you all be the judge of that considering you've seen the whole and know more than I do) they state it would take at least 180kW to penetrate the Angel's AT Field (the one that looks like a prism -- badass POS that thing is, let me tell you) and they have to discharge all of that energy from the entirety of Japan, now, as very lightly discussed before about whether or not a Gundam (a capable one no less) could penetrate said field I believe I do have the perfect answer to said problem - the VSBR. It has variable particle acceleration (either damage or penetration). I can't remember it's output rating so for that purpose it can be ignored. In which case I'd supplement it with the Ex-S' beam smartgun which, if I remember correctly, has a max output of 56MW.


Lets see, it could with additional armament, however the weapon that shoots at Ramiel is an independent weapon from the Eva (see operation "Yashima" for further references), something that a Gundam could easily use, if said Gundam is feed with a independent energy system, which in Eva terms would mean an energy feed from an external source (other country?), that could make the gundam operate to fire such weapon.

Nevermind, the question that I planted spoils a pretty important bit.
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Not much of a Gundam fan, but I suspect most Gundam series take place a couple hundred years in the future. So lets just base my argument off that. It's understandable that a Gundam could take out an Angel since it's using technology from the future. But I don't think a Gundam could stand up against an Angel, unless it has a force-field similar to that of an A.T. field.

I don't know nearly enough about A.T. Fields yet so I feel like I'm making rash comparsions, so pardon that beforehand: everything I've seen so far A.T. Fields have similar characteristics and properties as I-Fields/GN Fields, Fin Funnel Barriers, and Mega Particle Deflectors, and Beam Shields - the absolute former (I-Field) can essentially dissipate beam weapon attacks on contact, however there's an extreme vulnerability at point blank range, and it useless against average projectile/physical weaponry. The FF Barrier protects against projectile/phyiscal and beam weaponry, even has the capacity to entrap enemies -- and considering funnels are telekinetically-controlled, you do the math there.

I've drifted...without going into each one individually (and to keep this short) the best option(s) are either the beam shield or GN-Field, more so GN-Field considering the properties GN particles are known for.

I'd like to know where all that power is coming from to generate 56MW of power.

Directly connected to the Ex-S' generator.

Lets see, it could with additional armament, however the weapon that shoots at Ramiel is an independent weapon from the Eva (see operation "Yashima" for further references), something that a Gundam could easily use, if said Gundam is feed with a independent energy system, which in Eva terms would mean an energy feed from an external source (other country?), that could make the gundam operate to fire such weapon.

Unnecessary. It could either be powered by the suits own generator, or in the case of any MS produced after U.C 0105, powered by the weapons own generator. If any notably powerful Gundam was to powered by an entire city or country the weapon output would break into the TW range and...that wouldn't be pretty at all.

I see your point though. But there's also the Gundam X and Double-X's satellite cannons. Which, are effin' destructible.
Lets see, it could with additional armament, however the weapon that shoots at Ramiel is an independent weapon from the Eva (see operation "Yashima" for further references), something that a Gundam could easily use, if said Gundam is feed with a independent energy system, which in Eva terms would mean an energy feed from an external source (other country?), that could make the gundam operate to fire such weapon.

Nevermind, the question that I planted spoils a pretty important bit.

Well he said it does have a weapon that uses 56MW meaning it's far better than the Positron rifle the EVAs use. However the Angel was stationary whereas the EVA would keep moving. It would be a huge challenge to hit the EVA but I suppose it could be done.

Hard to use separate timelines to justify an argument seeing as the hypothetical situation is simply who would win. It's why I said I'm sure there are Gundams who would destroy an EVA just as I'm sure an EVA would destroy specific Gundams.

But again either way I'd love to see the battle.

EDIT: In regards to Terronium's latest post an AT Field is very powerful. It isn't based on technology. Keep watching.
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There was a fanfiction that I can't seem to remember the name of that had a Shinji with balls.

"Jawohl! Mein Fuhrer!"

EDIT: Thousand Shinji.
I'm not sure what to think of Asuka right now, she seems whiny and bitchy almost all of the time, and then she's all "I know you tried to kiss me!....OMG! You actually tried to kiss me!?"
I'm not sure what to think of Asuka right now, she seems whiny and bitchy almost all of the time, and then she's all "I know you tried to kiss me!....OMG! You actually tried to kiss me!?"

You'll see why she is the way she is (even though it's never fully stated it does show it without a whole lot of explanation (though I guess it sort of does)). Also she's perfect. That's not stated in the show though that's just how I feel lol. :)
they state it would take at least 180kW to penetrate the Angel's AT Field

Wait, wait, wait...let me get this straight...considering that Forza 3 (:eek: OMG DK IS A TRAITOR TO GT!!!) says that a Silvia S15 Spec-R has c.180kW of power, all it takes is some weapon hooked up to an SR20DET to penetrate one of those fields?
Not related but I just got 24,000xp after a round of Black Ops. I don't even know why because all I was doing was running around with dual shotguns because I'm bored. :lol: