The General Anime Thread...

  • Thread starter Kent
Wait, wait, wait...let me get this straight...considering that Forza 3 (:eek: OMG DK IS A TRAITOR TO GT!!!) says that a Silvia S15 Spec-R has c.180kW of power, all it takes is some weapon hooked up to an SR20DET to penetrate one of those fields?

Considering that's mechanical energy, no. :P

-> I've heard Thundercats anime is up on CN last night... ;)

And it was good too.
So I rewatched the first Episode of Steins;Gate and I caught several things
Suzu's time machine lands on the roof, and doesn't crash into the building. When Suzu get's out you see her give Okabe an X signal.

John Titor is known as far back as the year 2000 and has published books.

Kurisu approaches Okabe and wants to know what he was trying to tell her about 15 minutes ago.

While Okabe is talking to Mayuri, you hear a scream, and it sounds just like Okabe. Okabe follows the sound to find Kurisu dead.

Okabe leaves the building and texts Daru saying that Makise Kurisu has been stabbed, and he ends up sending a D-Mail. You see the Divergence Number drop from around 1.8 to .57.

This means that in that timeline, the D-Mail was somehow already working, and Okabe crossed the divergence line by sending that D-Mail.

And as for that scream and Kurisu approaching Okabe, isn't it possible that there might have been two Okabe's?
^So.... what... you gave us like a Summary of Episode 1.... :lol:

I still didn't quite get the part where Kirisu was asking what Okabe wanted to talk about earlier... Right now I think what we see in the very beginning of the show is a second world line where Okabe doesn't ask Kirisu a thing, but Kirisu's the one who sent a d-mail (probably without knowing). She doens't have the Reading Steiner, but after seeing what Feyris was capable of in the much much later episodes, I have a feeling anyone can recall anything from other world lines if that memory could be restored from someone who has it and passes it down.

Kagami >>> Asuka in the Tsundere department....

Also, my parents surprised me with a manga how-to draw book after work today...! Though I barely find it useful, it's very much appreciated.

Also, I realllly want that damn figure. Will anyone accept commissions?
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Personally, if the level of difficulty isn't huge it'll definitely not surpass $100. Mind you I'm not too good with colour... And what do you mean how large? It's going to be digital in the end...Were you expecting like 24x36 paintings :lol:
So I rewatched the first Episode of Steins;Gate and I caught several things
Suzu's time machine lands on the roof, and doesn't crash into the building. When Suzu get's out you see her give Okabe an X signal.

Kurisu approaches Okabe and wants to know what he was trying to tell her about 15 minutes ago.

  • was she really signaling Okabe, I'm still not sure on this.
  • This still confuses me, and probably everyone. I'm trying not to look into it all so much and just hope everything will get explained.(as I'm sure it will) :)
Don't troll me, man. I'm dead serious about this commission, doesn't even have to be anime/manga... You want me to draw a bird? I'll do it.
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Anything? :sly:

Like a picture of me, Terronium-12 and Misato engaged in inappropriate activities, for instance? :lol:
I'd have to charge a lot for that... not because it's you two, but it's because it's something I have to visualize on my own, thus level of difficulty is rather high.
^So.... what... you gave us like a Summary of Episode 1.... :lol:

I still didn't quite get the part where Kirisu was asking what Okabe wanted to talk about earlier... Right now I think what we see in the very beginning of the show is a second world line where Okabe doesn't ask Kirisu a thing, but Kirisu's the one who sent a d-mail (probably without knowing). She doens't have the Reading Steiner, but after seeing what Feyris was capable of in the much much later episodes, I have a feeling anyone can recall anything from other world lines if that memory could be restored from someone who has it and passes it down.

Well Okabe is working backwards, so that D-Mail he sent on accident could be something very important.

I'm sure that everything would get explained, but it's fun to speculate, really gets you thinking.

Of course I could just spoil everything and read the VN story, but I'm not that desperate to know what will happen.
I can't afford it until next payday, and for $250 it had better be good, but I'm very seriously considering it. :lol:

By the way, you wouldn't happen to have a deviantArt account, would you? If not, you should consider making one. :)

Are you expecting like a painting, cuz that's totally not going to turn out nice....

I can do a pencil/pen drawing pretty confidently though.
That's going to be tough.... so when you going to send a naked pic of yourself? I can't draw you if I don't know what you look like.
That's going to be tough.... so when you going to send a naked pic of yourself? I can't draw you if I don't know what you look like.

How are you gonna draw Terronium-12 then? I'm not entirely sure he's on board with this idea. :P

Surely you can just draw generic male bodies with our heads? 💡

This thread scares me now. :lol:

It's about damn time! :mischievous: